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keep my lines secret - if wanted I will gladly send you addresses or recommendations to inquire about the truth of these lines.-
May heaven bless you!
with sincerety [sic]
most respectfully,
Mrs. A. von Moraht-Kline
#3618 Fifth Ave
Pittsburg, Pa.
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June inst, if God see fit to Spair [sic] me, now dead [sic - dear] Madam my object is to sell the quilt to try to get back to Alabama to be near my Husband's grave so I can be burried by his side when the good Lord calls me, any thing you may offer me I will except [sic] it as I must try to do something to get mean [sic] to go on, hoping you will alway be blest, with this worlds goods not to know the hard side of this world as I have found it, hope you will answer soon. Your Humble Servant, Annie. E. Monfee.
306 W. Adams Ave N. L. Rock, Ark
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North Little Rock Ark
Dec 29th 1901
Mrs. Jane L. Stanford
San Francisco California
Dear Madam,
I know you are a noble genous [sic] woman and I have read of your noble gifts for the benefit of others. Mrs Stanford I am a old lady and in such a poor county, I have a Calico quilt that is nothing remarkable but I made when I was 100 years old without glasses never wore a pair in my life. I will be 102 on the 20 of
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Victor Colo. Jan 5th
Dear Lady Stanford
I wrote you a few lines about 3 o 4 wks ago asking to help me a little as I am in very poor circumstances at present But maybe I wont very long my husband is in bed sick for nearly two months & we have six little children I thought if I would write so you may be help us a little I know you would if you knew the truth of it But it is very hard for lady like you so believe a poor