Correspondence (incoming): begging letters, M



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unless some one would send us tickets & we would work until cost of them were replenished. As we are destitute, & exposed to the cold by not being warmly clad, I beseech you to rescue us, & I shall be at your command. Trusting to hear from you at an early date, I am,

Your obedient servant

Mrs. K. Morris

#179 Niagara



[?] Cal 6

Last edit over 2 years ago by MikeH
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Converse Ind


Mrs Stanford

Dear Madam

You will undoubtedly, be surprised at receiving a letter from a far away, Stranger and trust you will pardon me for intruding on a Stranger which is very humiliating to me I have been an invalid for nearly 20ty year not able to do scarcely any thing I am afflicted with a tumor heart and spinal trouble under some physician nearly all the while but my temporary relief I have a son age 17teen

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is preparing him self for a surgeon I find it very hard and straning [sic] in a young person to work their way through and study he will have five year hard work I mean study and I find his health will not stand so much hard work and study to know what I could do if I had the health there is plenty to do but my health wont admit it to work study I have to work just as I can and I have just come to the conclusion tho a stranger I am going to write and ask if you would be so kind as to aid me in educating my son I'll assure you will never regret it

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he is not inclined to no bad habits and I can assure you if you will aid him he will amply repay you for all you will do for him and more to he is that disposition we never forget favors and It would be highly appreciated by us and so very thankful you will please consider my letter and pardon me for such I have had a hard struggle but I trust and pray there will be sun shine some sweet day any referance [sic] you wish conserning [sic] us I will cheerfully give be only to glad

yours truly Mrs Nat Moore

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Victor Colo Dec 14th 1901

Mrs. Jane L. Stanford

I read this morning about the great work you have done for the people of California I do wish & hope to God you would do a little for a woman with a sick husband & six little children the oldest going on twelve & not one Dollar in the house But owes five or six hundred in town besides the same amount I have Borrowed from my people & I am ashamed to ask any more My husband would't [sic] live through this if he thought

Last edit over 2 years ago by MikeH
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