Correspondence (incoming): begging letters, M



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to my lot to equip myself to make the livlihood [sic] for myself and my aged Father who is the sweetest and best soul that ever lived. I have taken up stenography but needing funds to keep things running and pay for my course appeal to you for a loan of five hundred dollars which amount I will pay back when I begin to earn

Last edit 5 months ago by Hanna Han
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money. Papa knows I am writing to you. He says he met you once in Omaha and you were so sweet and unassuming he feels you, will take an interest in my case. Please help us in our trying ordeal and God will bless you a hundred fold in the world to come. I am studying at M.E. Nichols school of shorthand 303 Manhattan Bldg St Paul Minn Minn any communication addressed there will reached [sic] me. Thanking

Last edit 5 months ago by Hanna Han
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Pittsburg, Pa. 10/12. - 91-

Mrs. Jane L. Stanford

"Nob Hill"

San Francisco, Cal.

Esteemed Madame:

Kindly pardon if a stranger addresses a few lines to you.

Having read a great deal about your philanthropy and noble charities, I took the courage to send this letter to you this morning. Mothers love is prompting me to do so. - I have four dear children, 3 sons and one daughter, 15, 13, 10 and 9 yrs of age. 6 long years I have been separated from my dear ones, trying hard to support myself. Two weeks ago I asked to send me the two oldest one, and the joy of being again with their mother, can hardly be described. - But it is a hard struggle for honest existance.- [sic]

Being raised in Hamburg, Germany in

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an old aristocratic family, my father was the first luth. minister there for 21 yrs - there is a sore pride to let the world know, when we suffer. I have no influentually [sic] friends - with the loss of money, I lost friends! My fortune from home was spend [sic] here in America, to restore my husbands health. 10½ yrs I struggled - nursed an epileptic husband, until my means were exhausted - I had to leave Rev. Kline go to an institution, kept by the church, as he is incurable - and the worst of all - had to part, yes tear myself from my four dear children to make a living. Having never been thrown upon the world in such poverty - it was unspeakable hard.- I secured in Cleveland O, a position, worked for years in a Book Concern and have the best recommendations from there. Now my boys are with me - the oldest is trying to earn a little, the other little fellow is going to school.- I rent two rooms out and keep two for ourselves. I would dearly love to have a humble tidy little Grocery store, the two boys

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could help me daily and we could make a plain, good living and would be able to send for the dear two little ones, who's hearts are asking to be with their mother.

The moment the oldest boy parted from his little 10 yrs old brother, forgetting his own great pain, he cried out to him "Tell Mama not to worry about me!"-

Those words are constantly ringing in my ears - and these words are prompting me to day, esteemed Mrs. Stanford to ask humbly of you, if you would help me in getting a little place, where I will be able to care, love and have my four dear children around me. God will bless this noble deed and my thanks, & appreciation would be too great towards you to be expressed in words.

Understanding now my situation, you understand, if I kindly ask of you, to

Last edit over 2 years ago by MikeH
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