Correspondence (incoming): begging letters, M



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St. Dunstan's College, Charlottetown, P.E. Island, ____ 190

And that God & his Holey Mother may bless & protect you & youres will ever be the prayer of him that now humbly asks your patronage.

If you deem me worthy of youre support & a reply I will [?] myself more fulley to you my patroness. I am youres very truely

Daniel A McIntyre

St Dunstants College Charlottetown PE. I.

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
Untitled Page 22

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Hammond 12/19 1901

Mrs Jane Sanford [sic]

San Francisco Cal.

Mrs Sanford

I am very hard pushed for money and would like very mutch [sic] to have you help me a little. I am a farmer I rent a farm this year the cinch bugs took very nearly all my crop and leaves me in debt If I could borow $200 from you I should pay you .06 int and pay you $100 one year from now and $100 two years from now. I am strictly Temperante do not use any kind of liquor or tobacco Can give good reffrence [sic] as to caracter [sic] and

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
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onesty [sic] I have been very sick had an offeration [sic] for appendicts [sic] but is all well now

Waiting reply I remain

Thos McLaughlin Jr

Hammond In -

Last edit over 4 years ago by MikeH
Untitled Page 24

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[Letterheaded paper]

Provincetown, Mass Sep 14 1901

Mrs Leland Sanford

San Francisco

Dear Madam


You have noticed the papers of Dec. 7th, the loss of the three-masted fishing schooner Cora S McKay, supposed to have foundered on the Grand Banks on Sept. 12th during the Galveston hurricane, with her crew of thirty who leave here fifteen widows and fifty-four orphans to mourn their sad loss, losing all the had to provide for them. All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged through the colums of the press, a copy of which will be mailed to each donor. He that gives to the poor, lends to the Lord.

Angus McKay

Committee on Contributions for the widows and fatherless of Sch. Cora S. McKay.

Last edit about 4 years ago by logiebear
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ANGUS McKAY, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry and Fancy Goods, Clothing, Cloaks, Capes, Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers of all kinds.

Provincetown, Mass. Feb. 14th 1901

Mrs. Leland Stanford San Francisco

Dear Madam:-

Inclosed please find a worthy appeal. Knowing of your Christlike charitable work May I not hope that you will respond. Few of those who gave Kidder Peabody Co Bankers Boston $100.- H.H. Rogers New York $250.- Thomas W Lawson Boston 760.- Widow's [?] Washington D.C. 1.00 and many others

Yours very truly Angus McKay

Last edit over 1 year ago by MikeH
Displaying pages 21 - 25 of 114 in total