Sat. Apr. 19, 1913
Got to office at 9.30. Went home at 12.30. & went to French at 5.30. Dinner at Hearth & then went home to Mrs Robins
Sunday 20
At Mrs Robins. Did not go out of House. Read "Marriage is a Trade". Slept in after - - noon.
Monday 21
Got to office early & put in a good day's work. Lunch with Lillian Carr at Hearth Dinner with Miss Henry at Dearborn Inn.
Tues. Apr. 22, 1913
Magdalen Dalloz had dinner with me at Hearth & came home & took room at 200 Superior. Busy day. Warm. Miss H & I had photograph taken together
Wednesday 23
Very warm day. Went over to other office at noon. Lunch with Lillian at Hearth.
Thursday 24
Warm day. Lola & Wm B. Lloyd called for me & took me out to Winnetka for the night. We went down to see the eagle the Haags had caught.
Fri. Apr. 25, 1913
Wet day. Came in with Wm B. in his new car. Suffer-ing the same continuous hell of depression. Caught a cold wearing thin stockings.
Saturday 26
Walked to office. Worked scrappily. French at 5.30. Back & had dinner at Dearborn Inn with Miss Galvin & Miss H. Then came home.
Sunday 27
Cold day. Terrible nightmare about an operation & having to be handled. Editha & I had cup of tea at Lake Shore I had dinner at Lincoln Park Way. Saw Doris Mitchell there.
Mon. Apr. 28, 1913
Went to Dr E. Van Hoesen for throat. Dinner with M. Dalloz at Hearth. Life & L. meeting at 4. Very cold day. Went to Bank, Burke & Atwell Saw Guido M. or [on?] car.
Tuesday 29
Got to office at 9. Ran around on errands. Dinner with Magdalen & Lillian at Hearth. Bad cold.
Wednesday 30
Got to office at ten. Read "Way Stations" for review Bad cold, but able to fight off a little of the depression.
Thurs. May 1, 1913
Wrote review of "Way Stations" Went to Pub Library for a few minutes at noon Dinner at Hearth with Lillian & Miss H. Walked home with Magdalen. Worked late.
Friday 2 Pottered in office. Got nothing particular done.
Saturday 3 French at 5.30. Pottered in office. Got stuff ready for printer.