Fri. Apr 4, 1913
Called on Lucy Maverick and Emily Edwards on the way to town. Showery day turned cold. Dinner at Hearth with Lilian walked home via the laundress. Began on Net of Cir. again.
Saturday 5
Lunch with Mary A. at Kohsaats. Dinner with teachers at Dearborn. French at 5 - 30 Lucy Maverick called at night.
Sunday 6 Went to Union Depot with Emily Edwards to see L. Maverick. Came to office & saw Miss H. back from St L. Dinner at Parkway. Worked all afternoon & then had lunch with E. P. at Parkway. Worked some more.
Mon. Apr. 7, 1913
Worked in office. Got very weak came home early & went to bed faint. Editha came up about eleven & I felt better. Wm B. Lloyd called in office. Went to G & K to get Suffrage circular printed
Tuesday 8 Got to office early. Wm B. L. took me to dinner at La Salle. Then we went to the Cohan Show & he brought me home in the automobile.
Wednesday 9
Wet day, got down early. Pottered & worked. Ernestine Evans came in to see Lilian Carr in evening. Got home before 8.
Thurs. Apr. 10, 1913
Worked in office all day. Lunch & Dinner at Hearth with Lilian. In evening, Miss G., Miss Henry & I went to see "Candida" at the "Fine Arts Theatre". Showery day
Friday 11
Ill & ghastly depressed. Potter - - ed in the office. Dinner at the Ontra with Agnes N. Lilian & Elizabeth Christman. Showery day.
Saturday 12
Very sick stayed in bed till 11. Went to office. French at 5.30 Back to town for dinner & then home & to bed. Editha came & talked to me.
Sun. Apr. 13, 1913
Got up at 11. Went to Lake Shore for cup of tea with O'Neil & Moran. League meeting in afternoon. Dinner at Lincoln P. Way. Worked.
Monday 14
Got to office early. Made up May dummy. Went to Dr Young at 4.00 & got the familiar old death sentence. Went to Mrs Robins for dinner. Didn't sleep - worried.
Tuesday 15
Terribly depressed & exhausted after Dr Young's verdict. Went to Saul Bros. Miss J. Miss H. & I went to see Loraine in Man & Superman at night. Didn't sleep much - too unhappy.
Wed. Apr. 16 1913
Went to Saul's at eight & got to office at ten. Met Mrs Dell in Crerar library. Early diner & came home exhausted.
Thursday 17
Went to lunch with Mrs Dell at Perfecto
Friday 18
Delegates party at City Club & went home with Mrs Robins. Very exhausted