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The People's Drug Store K. E. Hillestad, Proprieter Brush's Leading Drug Store [additional letterhead] Brush, Colorado, Nov. 22, 1915. Hon Gov. William Spry, State House, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Dear Sir,--I have seen by the papers that you have received a great many threatening letters with reference to the recent Hillstrom case of your state so here is one for you of the opposite nature. I am sending you herewith an editorial clipping from the Rocky Mountain News, Denver, which is considered the leading newspaper irregardless of politics in the Rocky Mountain region. This editorial expresses my sentiment as an American citizen and it is so good in my estimation that I could not refrain from expressing my feelings without sending it to you. You are certainly to be congratulated upon taking the view and stand you did in this recent matter and I surely admire your stand and courage of your conviction in the matter. Would that there were more governers of your courage in this country and less agitators like Hillstrom. Yours truly, K. E. Hillestad

Last edit over 1 year ago by fabuloki
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Dec. 20, 1915. Mr. K. E. Hillestad, The People's Drug Store, Brush, Colorado.

Dear Sir: I am in receipt of your communication of the 22nd instant, expressing your approval of my action in the Hillstrom case and enclosing editorial clipping from the Rocky Mountain News.

I beg to thank you most sincerely for your consideration in these particulars and wish to assure you that the officials of this state, who are charged with the duty of enforcing law, are grateful that there are men like yourself in the United States who are outspoken in support of their action.

With kind personal regards and best wishes, I am Very truly yours, Governor.

Last edit over 1 year ago by fabuloki
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Nampa, Idaho, Nov. 23rd. 1915. Hon. William Spry, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Governor:- Herein you will please find article clipped from the Nampa Leader Herald of this city, Edited by Mr. Ned Jenness.

Have every reason to believe and do believe in fact that your course will be commended by the people generally throughout the entire State of Idaho.

The party executed had a fair and impartial trial by a jury of his peers; was confronted by the witnesses against him; had compulsary process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; jury returned verdict of "guilty" and the accused was regularly and duly sentenced to pay the penalty of death for his crime. Why quibble over the matter?

You did your duty and your full duty in having the murderer executed.

Hope you will be eminently successful in having the thugs and criminals cleaned out of Utah so that it will be a fit abode for good respectable people to live in.

With every good wish, I am,

Yours very truly, (signed) James E Hart

Last edit over 1 year ago by fabuloki
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January 5, 1916. Mr. James E. Hart, Nampa, Idaho. Dear Mr. Hart:-

I am deeply grateful to you for your courtesy and thought in forwarding the article from the Nampa Leader Herald, and wish to express my thanks for your cordial expressions of approval of my action in the Hillstrom case. It is a source of great satisfaction to me to learn that the law-abiding citizens of the United States are behind us in our efforts to carry out the mandates of the court and that we have their approval in our endeavor to maintain, against threats and intimidations, the institutions of government. It is doubtful if in any case of some note in the history of America ever occasioned such a flood of threatening and intimidating communications as did the Hillstrom case. Upwards of twenty-five thousand such letters were received by me and after this bombardment of threats, it is doubly pleasing to hear from those in the various sections of the United States who are for law and order.

Again thanking you and with the compliments of the season, I am Cordially yours, Governor.

Last edit over 1 year ago by fabuloki
Displaying pages 51 - 54 of 54 in total