Series 2 Jack McNaughton part 2





2/ societies. Why goodness gracious in one of the sporting editions of "The War Cry) (St. Marys Crier) I saw where Mrs. M. had actually been in far away London ostensibly on some convention or other, but if my think tank is working properly I think it was about the time the new fall styles were being shown. Then we have, or at least you have, what is called or rather miscalled prohibition and yet look what happened to Uncle Scott. You know Jessie such carrying on worry me more than the war, and the only reason I dont ask for a furlough or discharge is because I'm afraid I might get it and thus be out of a job. Seriously though I hope Uncle Scott is OK now. He will soon have to admit that his sixteenth birthday has passed at least four years ago and that if he don't rest it will soon be "Rest in peices".

Last edit over 2 years ago by LoriF


3 You tell that boy that the chief product of Germany is Heinies and that they grow on bushes Sure I rec'd some of those snapshots including one of my special friend the pig I might say I can sympathize with the pig in one way at least and that is what the post or fence is taken into confidence I hope this war bread is fattening because you know dignity should have a food foundation and then there is less chance of being kidnapped Don't you forget to send me some snaps so I can see what you look like You must have an easy time with all those pupils I suppose they fall all over themselves to hold teachers hand and coat it and ship a peice of chocolate over occassionally Well Jessie the army provide batmen (the Imperial Officers call them servants) so dont see

Last edit almost 2 years ago by hogan


4/ why S.S. # - shouldn't You didn't tell me how they are graded or how the result of their examinations Don't you think I'm interested in anything or anybody? Now the careless in giving your answer. The story about the teacher and double brain power is good too good to keep so passed it along Well Jessire things are going on in much the same way as heretofore. You probably know more than I as about events of the last few days as the most we hear are rumors and of course we hear more of them in five minutes than you as in five weeks When you read about the British or Allies giving ground always realize that the conquering or recapturing of ground will never win the war as long as the armies are practically untouched, and that if more Heinies can be accounted for by giving up ground

Last edit almost 2 years ago by hogan


5 it will be given up after Fritz pays in manpower for it. Casualties count, ground doesn't. The weather has been fairly good and have enjoyed a few games of baseball. Last night we played some old school games auch as ball in the hat, roll the bat, duck on the rock, and peelaway. I have seen quite a few of the old boys lately and of course many hours were spent in swapping gains some of which might or might not be camouflaged. The stove is in action, so every night manage to have something [unintelligible] before turning in as it seems to have a neutral effect on the ventilation. We ^also have a wood stove at least one which burns wood, lots of blankets and stoves, so it isn't such a bad old war after all. Oliver (Jack) is jade and as we sleep

Last edit almost 2 years ago by hogan


6/ together we are two warm babies. There are a few cinemas in this vicinity also some concert parties so the evenings are spent very pleasantly. This afternoon we saw "Charlie Chaplin's Elopement" and it sure was funny. She still turns the corners on one wheel. This one is old bus lane goes. A fellow was going to take advice of Dutch Cleanser until his pal told him it wasn't a drive but a [unintelligible] Hope you are well and getting along fine. Don't worry nor equivocate. Next time will be more prompt in answering + hope you won't think that the delay was caused by indifference. With love from Jack

Last edit almost 2 years ago by hogan
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