Charles E. H. Bates Family Correspondence, 1899-1930 - 6

This collection documents the experiences of a California family during the early 20th Century, including the First World War. There are 109 letters written by Charles E.H. Bates beginning in his childhood in Alameda, California, and ending in the late 1920s as he begins a career in medicine. Letters sent from California and France while Bates served with the American Expeditionary Forces date from January 1918 through May 1919. There is a larger collection of 784 letters to Bates from his family:  father, mother, and four brothers, as well as friends, including the woman who became his wife. Please note that historical materials in the Bates Collection may include viewpoints and values that are not consistent with the values of the California State Library or the State of California and may be considered offensive. Materials must be viewed in the context of the relevant time period but views are in no way endorsed by the State Library. The California State Library’s mission is to provide credible information services to all Californians and, as such, the content of historical materials should be transcribed as it appears in the original document.   




Wednesday Eve. [underlined]

My dear Edward –

Back from a eventful trip to France, and some reminiscing. (I don't believe there's such a word but you know what I mean.)

Anyway this afternoon I went with Mother to the Shakespeare Club; because, besides reading a new play of Shaw's – "Heartbreak – House" – showing conditions in Europe previous to and during the war, Mrs. van Brunt, Miss Dyer (guest) and Gladys Emmons

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gave short talks on their work in France.

Many came up to me afterwards to say they thot [thought] and hoped I was going to speak. Just as if!

Extemporaneous speaking – so to speak – before a lot of people isn't in my line. I marvelled [marveled] at Gladys rambling on the way she did "Yes", said she, "and you could have told them a lot more interesting things in the entertainment line than I." It was all most interesting and made you wish for the moment that

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you were back living it again. Such as you – know the feeling. Delicious. "Garbage", as you so characteristicly [characteristically]term it, was served so that Gladys and I just fell to and decided to eat dinner then and there. Now I have to make a sad admission (but truthful) concerning the cigarette holder which isn't French. I know you heard I brought some home but not too many and they all went to relatives and Gene Kim, and Russell. Incidentally why should I bring you anything from France – you didn't send me any perfume!! No – it came from the Palace when I was getting one for Montie who lost his charming one from the rue de Rivoli.

I know you don't smoke much and I don't wish to encourage it either. Montie went to the Mardi Gras last night. The costumes "or lack of such" [inserted] were described thus – "It was a terrible strain on the eyes all evening." I came in the other evening before dinner to hear Robe telling Montie about the box of candy. "Isn't the society losing out?" asks Montie.

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[top left corner:] 2).

"Oh no. She hasn't broken any of the rules yet. She can let him come around as much as he wants but when she gets excited like this (I had made mere remark) and if she's slipping – good night!" And now you think I am a Goodess! don't be too sure please.

The Yosemite trip has been called off because of the lack of snow. Much to my joy. This violinist I have [illegible] so anxious to hear returns for an extra concert Sunday and I'm going.

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Mother & I and we had an extra ticket for Roberta Howell but as yet I don't know if she's going. Now I'm due to go next door for a short visit.

The best ever Doris.

Last edit over 3 years ago by cgonzalez
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