1871-1900 Yaquina Head Lighthouse Letter books

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1900 2nd asst quarters Vol. 1385



It is ?? suitable building can be ??? $4,500.00.

At New Dungeness Light-Station the dwelling is arranged for one family but as there are two keepers with families employed and a third keeper necessary, there is insufficient accommodation and a new dwelling is urgently needed. Recommendation has been made in last six annual reports that an appropriation be obtained. It is estimated that a suitable dwelling can be constructed for $4,500.00.

At Robinson Point Light-Station the dwelling is arranged for the accommodation of one family, but as there are two keepers employed the quarters are insufficient and a new dwelling is an urgent necessity. Recommendation has been made in last four annual reports that an appropriation be obtained. It is estimated that a suitable building can be constructed for $4,000.00.

I would respectfully request to be informed if these dwellings can be built out of any funds available, especially the one for Yaquina Head. If no funds are available then it is respectfully suggested that special effort be made to obtain these funds during the present session of Congress.

If the Board thought advisable it would seem that a joint resolution could be readily obtained transferring the amount needed for the erection of these dwellings from the balance in the Treasury to the credit of Grays Harbor Light-Station, Wash. This balance as shown by the records of this office is $17,978.81 ($18,704.42) and the amount needed for these dwellings can be easily spared from that appropriation as the station has been practically completed.

Respectfully yours, W. C. Laugfitt??? 164 Captain, Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., Engineer 13th Light-House District.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward

YH LH location and building Vol. 311



Office of the Light House Engineer Thirteenth District Portland, Oregon August 5, 1871???

Dear Admiral W.B. Shubick Chairman Light House Board, Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to inclose for approval - Duplicate Contracts - made for full and final completion of Light House at Yaquina Bay, Oregon.

Contracts dated June 9, 1871 - made with Ben Simpson - to furnish all labor and work, and transportation of Lens, Lantern, etc. from San Francisco to Yaquina Bay.

Contracts dated June 16, 1871, made with Joseph Bien - to fit together Lantern, Iron work, lens, etc. and deliver same to vessel bound for Yaquina Bay, Oregon, for the sum of $100 U.S. Gold Coin.

These contracts for Light House at Yaquina were made in duplicate - one copy given to


Last edit almost 6 years ago by dougreade

Royal Bensell letters 1877 Vol. 439



Office of Light-House Engineer,


Portland, Oregon, Nov.??? 30th, 1874.???

To the Chairman of the L. H. Board Washington D.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith a communication from R. A. Bensell, Custodian of Yaquina (discontinued) light station reporting the condition of the building and asking for repairs.

I endeavored to sell this station at auction about a year and a half since, but the highest bid was only six hundred dollars and as the Govt. paid $500.00 for the land and expended about $15000.00 on the buildings I withdrew it deeming the The price offered too little.

Last edit almost 8 years ago by yaquinalights


Office of Light-House Engineer, Thirteenth district, Portland, Oregon, ??? 187

A railroad is now in process of construction from Corvallis Oregon on the Willamette River to Yaquina bay and it is probable that a harbor light may be required at no??? distant day. If the board desires to keep up the buildings, extensive repairs will be needed, and the estimate of W. Bensell should be at least doubled, that is should be $300.00; the expense of getting lumber from San Francisco to the station will be large compared to other places.

I make no recommendation in this case, not knowing whether

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward


Office of Light-House Engineer, Thirteenth district, 297 Portland, Oregon, , 187 .

the Board desires to spend money upon a discontinued station, but if it is the wish of the Board that the buildings should be kept in repair then the work should be done at once.

I had a good deal of trouble to find anyone who would even live in the house without a salary, but finally W. Bensell, who is a member of the Oregon legislature agreed to do as I have furnished him occasionally a little Paint and window glass.

I am Sir??? very reply. ??? John M. Nilson ???

Last edit almost 8 years ago by Wjhoward
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