City of Seattle Records

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Pages That Mention R H Thomson




529 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sept 5/84 James Campbell Street Labor No 600 $39.93 Paul Payer Street Labor 601 $19.12 Rob Rude Street Labor 602 $18. D N Essany Street Labor 603 $2.25 A Bellevue Street Labor 604 $2.25 M A Murphy Street Labor 605 $10.68 Frank LaBounty Street Labor 606 $16.87 Geo Vandike Street Labor 607 $38.81 Dennis Kearny Street Labor 608 $12.37 Wm Harkins Madison Street sewer 609 $693.84 R H Thomson Engineering Same 610 $693.84 Seattle Lumber & Comcial Co Lumber 611 $693.84 James Bogart Boarding Prisoners 612 $114.90 Moses Keezer Use of Jack screws 613 $4. J M Power Sharpening tools 614 $10.85 [J W Hunt]] Setting ties & Sharpen picks 615 $2.75 Ballard & Sox nails etc 616 $24.33 J W Hunt Repairs to Cart 617 $5.50 James Brennan Sharpening tools 618 $8.75 Chas McDonald Sharpening Tools & Repairs 619 $9. Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co gas No 86 $372.20 Seattle Gas Lt Co lamps 87 $35.35 Seattle Gas Lt Co Repairs No 88 $1.50 Fire Fund W A Perry Engine# 1 426 $75. P E Smith Engine# 2 427 $75. C H Crocker Engines to Fire 428 $10. Wm Bonson Hauling hook & Ladder truck 429 $10. Robt Russell Engines from fire 430 $2.50 T J Lewis Hauling hose 431 $.75 Chas McDonald Work on #2 432 $8.75 Young & McKeon Torches for #2 433 $5. John McCaulay & Co Labor on Engines 434 $14. E R Clark Coal & Hauling Engines 435 $14.75 Waddell & Miles Tin Pans 436 $25.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


530 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Sept 5/84 Gordon Hardware & Co Emery Cloth No 437 $1.00 B J Dougherty Coal 438 $6.90 Harrington & Smith Oil 439 $1.75 Schwabacher Bros & Co Oil etc 440 $7.95 Gordon Hardware & Co Sundries 441 $1.85 Sharpe Coffman & Co Fire Hydrants & Spanners 442 $757. James Street Grade #387 J M Snow Engineering 1131 $10.75 R H Thomson Engineering 1132 $90.40 Cummings & Strong Contract Work 1133 to 1135 $1559.30 Fifth Street Grade #573 J M Snow Engineering 1136 $32.10 R H Thomson Engineering 1137 $11.30 Wm Harkins Contract Work 1138 $698.51 Front Street Grade #395 Wm Harkins on Bondsman a/c Contract Work 1139 $1088. Front Temperance Streets Grade #565 J M Snow Engineering 1144 $52.65 R H Thomson Engineering 1145 $64.73 S G Simpson Contract Work 1146-1170 $3451.95 Bids And now the Council proceeds to open bids for the following purposes to wit: For elctric Fire Alarm Referred to Fire Comtee For lighting & attending gas lamps by E Manwaring, Chas Conden & James H May The Bid of James H May being the contract is awarded to him. For printing by Herald Publishing Co & Post Intelligencer Co. Referred to Councilman Northrup For sidewalk on Fron -Temperance Streets Ord # 581 by S G Simpson Wm F Preston, & E Champeaux & A H Shelton Bids referred to Street Comtee. For work on gas lamps etc by Seattle Gas Lt Co, Washington Iron Works, & J Schram & Co. Referred to Gas Comtee For supplies for Fire Dept by G Kellogg & Co Referred to Fire Comtee.

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




545 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 3/84 J H Woolery Job Work No 859 $7.50 J H Woolery Printing No 860 $30.60 Sunset Telephone Co Line rentals No 861 $6.65 J D Lowman Stationary No 862 $15.15 Ballard & Sox Wagon for St Dept No 863 $120. Thos Rock Horse for St Dept No 864 $70. Chas Von Dungen Tax certf redeemed No 865 $7.18 Chas Von Dungen Tax certf redeemed No 866 $3.45 Harrington & Smith Chain for prisoners No 867 $2.60 M J Calligan Coal No 868 $5.50 Young & McKeon Putting water into City Hall No 869 $11.65 J D McDermott Door City Jail No 870 $7. J H Woolery Costs in Dist Court No 871 $1.50 Road Fund G L Manning labor on streets 620 $94.50 C Carman labor on streets 621 $15. A P Huson labor on streets 622 $2.25 G L Huson labor on streets 623 $2.25 T Downing labor on streets 624 $4.50 T Lee labor on streets 625 $5.62 W Johnson labor on streets 626 $5.62 T Morse labor on streets 627 $6.76 J W Redding labor on streets 628 $6.75 Geo Huntley labor on streets 629 $6.75 Robt Reed labor on streets 630 $15. Frank LaBouty labor on streets 631 $40.50 James Campbell labor on streets 632 $60.75 Geo Vandike labor on streets 633 $60.75 Thos Rock labor on streets 634 $86.25 Wm M Jones labor on streets 635 $58.50 R H Thomson labor on streets 636 $42. Stetson & Post lumber 637 $270.85 Yesler Mill Co lumber 638 $14.27 R H Calligan hauling lumber 639 $6.50 Ballard & Sox hardware 640 $69. J F Warner & Co harness 641 $62.40

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb


546 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct3/84 James Bogart boarding prisoners 642 $34.80 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Lt Co gas 89 $341.31 J H May attend lights 90 $41.10 Fire Fund W A Perry Engineer #1 466 $75. P E Smith Engineer #2 467 $75. Geo W Louden Hauling Engine 468 $5. Clancy & Co Hauling Equipment etc 469 $25.83 Ed Herrick Hauling Equipment etc 470 $10. D McDaniel Hauling Equipment etc 471 $10. John McCauley & Co Brake on Truck etc 472 $18. Young & McKeon Repairs to Engine #2 473 $2.60 J F Warner & Co Hand holds etc for engine 474 $14.50 Alfred Snyder Oil & Matches 475 $3.50 Waddell & Miles hose 476 $8. Ballard & Sox rope 478 $3.40 Schwabacher Bros & Co Scotch Glass 479 $.50 Water Fund Spring Hill Water Co Water 1 $49.50 James Street Grade #387 R H Thomson Engineering 1182 $52.65 Cummings & Strong Contract Work 1183-1186 $1032.11 Fifth Street Grade #543 R H Thomson Engineering 1187 $8.95 Front Street Grade #565 R H Thomson Engineering 1188 $19.75 Front St Sidewalk Grade #581 R H Thomson Engineering 1189 $21.90 S G Simpson Contract Work 1190-1191 $338.60 Kentucky Street Grade #565 R H Thomson Engineering 1192 $7.25 Kentucky St Sidewalk Grade #581 R H Thomson Engineering 1193 $21.90 S G Simpson Contract Work 1194-1196 $407.82

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom


547 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Oct 3/84 Harrison Street Grade #525 R H Thomson Engineering 1197 $8.70 Harrison St Sidewalk #581 R H Thomson Engineering 1198 $7.30 S G Simpson Contract Work 1199-1200 $103.22 Temperance St Grade #565 R H Thomson Engineering 1201 $23. S G Simpson Contract Work 1202-1210 $1009.25 Temperance St sidewalk #581 R H Thomson Engineering 1211 $29.20 S G Simpson Contract Work 1212 $544. Ordinances The Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance to amend sections 1 and 3 and to repeal Section 8 of Ordinance No 204"; thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Northrup, Snyder, Sox, Yesler, Latimer & Rinehart. Against adoptioin none.The An Ordinance is submitted for an amendment to Seattle Street R R Cos franchise. Referred to Street comtee & attorney 6 Ordinances are submitted each being entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills"; after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Frye, Harrington, Northrup, Snyder, Sox, Yesler, Latimer & Rinehart. Against adoptioin none. Miscellaneous A deed is rec'd from D T Denny conveying to the City the property formerly known as "Seattle Cemetary". Accepted & Clerk instrtucted to have the same recorded. Ordered that Saml Kenny be & is hereby authorized to occupy 30 feet in Front & Columia Streets with brick & lumber fronting his property Bids for Jackson Street Grade Ordinance # 592 W F Dearborn Grading 28cents Box Drains $16.35 Sidewalk $11.25

Last edit about 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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