Wellcome Collection: Bulkeley, Elizabeth (MS.169)


A boke of hearbes and receipts.

A boke of hearbes and receipts.


Needs Review


A restoratyve broth to bring them that are weake feeble to thir pfecte health agayne

Take iii qtes of Runnynge water iii quarters of an ounce of Chinor Roote thyn [sceyces] put into a pipkyn & cover it close set it on the fyre at night & see it boile before you leave it at viiit of the Clocke then let it stand all night till vii of the Clocke in the mornyng upon hote Enbrose then put into [it] a small [Chukyn] clove washed Scalded & washed the legge Cut of, half a handfull of resons of the son cleane washed & stoned xiii or xv damas prunes Borrage Buglasse Cuccorit [endis ] & violett leves of eche a small quantitie & one flake of mace boile all these together till they come to a pynt, strayne it through a Colender & put it up into a pot devyde the quantitie into iii ptes & drinke one draught in the mornynge at vii a Clocke another draughte at iii in the after noone So use it everie daye a fortnighte you must make it in a redynes that you do not want it in these howres during that fortnight

Last edit about 1 year ago by vant
Needs Review


A medicyne for the plague

To omytte the sudrie cawses of this dissease the cheif wherof [pceede?] from our owne corrwpte earth, use this for an approved Remedie, Take endive water a pynt quarte [?] water a pynt Frie beries half a handfull Brused, boile these together gentlie a [?] quarter of an howre & when you take it from the fyre dissolve therin as muche treakle as a nut & a litle suger also put therto iii sponfull of white wyne vineger as soone as the patient doth complayne & nature being yet stronge geve him fasting one good draught therof warme & let him keepe his bed & sweat [?] howres or lesse as the strength of the patient will bere. [?] his sweting geve him now & then [Ale?] clarifyed & into every draughte put ii or iii spoonfull of the said decoction when he Riseth give him some broth not made over stronge nether with muche spyce & be verie carefull to keepe him from the aire, this decoction thus used will either force out the [sore], or ellse if the patient sweat through he will cure him without any sore & if you fynd he be not gretlie eased within eighte howres after his sweatt in the next daie use the lyke order

The kynge medicyne for the plague

Take a handfull of sage [alias] red sage a handfull of virtue, a handfull of red [?]

Last edit about 1 year ago by vant
Needs Review


bramble leves & a handfull of [?] beer leves & stampe them altogether & strayne them in a faire lynen clothe with a quart of whyte wyne & a quantitie of vineger & a quantity of good whyte ginger myngle these togethr & drinke this medicyne a sponfull everie daie [?] daies together the first sponfull yt shalle safe 24 and after the ___ sponfull ye shalbe safe for the wholle yere by the grace of god, but if it fortune that one bee stricken with the plague before the have dronke this medicine, then take those aforesaid with a [?] spoonfull of betonny water & a spoonefull of scabious water & a quantity of fyne treacle & put them together and cawse them to drinke it & it will put out all the venom & if it [?] fortune that the bo[?] do appere take a handfull of red sage the leves of red bramble the leves of Elder & mustard seed & beat them altogether & make a plaster therof & laie it to the sore & it will drane out all the venome & the ptie shalbe whole by the helpe of god

Last edit about 1 year ago by vant
Needs Review


A Speciall meanes to [phve] health

Firste, faste & praie then take a quart of Repentannce of [reinyvie] & put in two handfulls of faith in the blood of Christe with asmuche hope & Charitie as you can get & put it into a vessell of a Clene Conscience then boile yit one the fyre of love so longe till you see by the eie of faith the blakesome of the love of the world [stricke] in your stomacke, then scome it of Clene wth the Spoone of faithfull prayers, when that us don, put in the powder of pacience & take the Clothe of Christe inocence & strayne all together in his Cup, then drinke it – burnyng hote next thy harte & cover thee warme wth as many Close of Amendment of lyfe as god shall strengthen thee to bere that then maiste sweate out all the poison of Covetousnes pryfe whordome adulterie & Surre Swering lyinge glottonie dronkenes wth suche lyke & when then feelest thy self altred from the forenamed vices take the powder of saiewell & put it upon thy tonge but drinke thwith as muche do well dayly then take the one of good worke & anoint therwith thyne dies, eares & hart that they may be redie & ni,ble to mynister unto the poore members of Christe, thwn that is don, then in gods name rise from syn willinglie take up Christe droppe bouldlie, stand to yit manfullie, bere it patientlie & rest thankfully & then shalt thou lyve everlastinglie & come to heaven safelie unto whiche place hasten no lord speedilie Amen.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Scarlett
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Last edit about 1 year ago by vant
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