Wellcome Collection: Bulkeley, Elizabeth (MS.169)


A boke of hearbes and receipts.

A boke of hearbes and receipts.


Needs Review


[lesmelie] close coned till they be tender & that they looke verie pared, then set them to coole & so keepe them This is a verie perficte & good waye to keep your Quince in a sirop all the yeare.

A Receipte to make whyte marmalad of Quinces

Take your Quince & boile them verie tender in faire water then streyne them throughe a Syve then take a li & half of Quince & drye it verie well in a platter over a Chaffnigdishe of coles then clarifie a li of Siuger & boile it to a Candie height & put the Quince into it & set it well together then put it into boxes for the marmalad you must not boile your Quince & Suger together for that will tourne the colour of your marmalad & then it will not be whyte

A Receipte to make red marmalad of Quince

Take your Quince & pare them & set the moate from the Core, then Clarifie a li of Suger & put a li of Quince into it & let it boile close coned till it begin to be thicke then keepe it stirringe till it come clene from the bottome of your pan, then put it into boxes This is the best waye to make red marmalad of Quince for it will looke perfecte red & clene & be full of [kuoste]

A Receipte to make marmalad of Quince both Whyte & Red

Take & boile your Quince verie tender in faire water then streyne them through a syve, then take a li & half of Quince

Last edit 6 months ago by cords1


A receipe to make mearmalad of Quynce bo and R

Take your Quynce & boile them verie tender then pare them & streyne them throughe a Cyve, then Clarfye a li of suger & put a li & half of Quynce into hit & let it boile & Keepe it stirringe fuor burnynge to the bottom of ur pan & so let it boile thee it come clere from the bottom of ur pan, then put it in boyes,

A Receipie to make paste of Quince as they make it beyond sea,

Take your Quynce pare them & cut them in halfes & boile them verri tender then streyne them throughe a syve then take a small Quantie of peaches or mallago to nes & boile them verie tender in faire water take as you do your Quynce & streyne them throughe a syve then put so a li of your Quynce a quarter of a li of peche or malla, go to nes into it & let it boile keeping it stirringe till it come clene from the bottom of your pan then lane it vpon plates in branches & put it into a stond or an oben & put it & Keepe it for your vse, A Receipie to preserve damsone, Take a li of Suger clarrfye it & boile it to a manus Christie heighte then put a li of damsons into it & let them boile

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Last edit 6 months ago by Ars123
Needs Review


verie leasurerlie keeping them downe in the Sirrop with the backe of a Silver Spoone & as the Stonnes of the damsons doth rise upon the top of your Sirop take it as clene of from your Sirop as you can with your Spoone & let your damsons boile till they be verie tender, then set them to coole & the nexte day poure the Sirop from your damsons & boile it againe to a manus Christie height & then put it to your damsons againe & so keepe them for your use

A Receipte to make paste of Goosberies

Take a pynt of gooseberies & boile them in a uqte of faire water till they be tender then streyne the licour from them throughe a Cloth & streyne your Gooseberies throughe a syve then clarifie a li of Suger & boile it to a Casting heighte & put a li of goostberries into it & keepe it stirring over the fyre till it come clene from the bottome of your pan then laie it upon plates & dry it

A Receipte to make paste of pipins

Take your pipins & cut them in half & boile them verie tender then streyne the water from them throughe a Cloth then Clarifie a li of Suger & boile it to a Casting heighte & put your li of pipins into it & keepe it stirringe over the fyre

Last edit 7 months ago by NancyS-Y
Needs Review


till it come clene from the bottom of your pan then laie them upon plates & drye it & so keepe it for your use

Last edit 6 months ago by cords1
Needs Review


The tempature of St Johns woorte

St Johns woort as Gallne teacheth is hott & drie beinge of substance thinne

The vertues

St Johns woorte, with his flouers & seede boyled and trunken provoketh urine and is right good agaynst the stone in the bladder, and stoppeth the Laske The leaves stamped are good to be laide burninge, scaldinge and all wounde, and alsoe for rotten & filthie ulcers The leaves, flowers & seede stamped, and putt into a glasse with oyle olive, and sett in the hott sunne for certayne weeks together, and then strayned from those herbes and the like quantities of newe putt in and sunn in like manner doth make an oyle of the colloure of blood which is a moste preciouse remedy for deepe wounds, and those that are thorowe the bodie, for [sonones] that are pricked, or any wounde made with a venomd weapon,: I am accustomed to make a compounde oile hereof, the making of which yee shall receave at my hande, because I know in this worlde the is not a better, noe not naturall balme it selfe; for I dare undertake to cure any such wound as absolutely in each respecte, if not sooner and better as any man whatsoever shall or may with naturall balme Take white wine twoe pints, oyle olive foure pound, oyle of turpentine 2 pounds, the leaves, flowers &seed of St Johns woort, of each 2 greate handfulls gently brused, putt them all together into a greate dobble glass and sett it in the sunne eight or tenn dayes, then boyle them in the same glasse per Balneum Mariae, that is a kettle of water, with some strawe in the bottome, wherin the glasse muste stande to boyle, which done strayne the Liquor from the herbes, and doe as you did before puttinge in the Like quantities of herbes, flowers, & seed but not any more wine. & soe have you a greate secret for the purpouses aforesaide diostorides saith that the seed drinke for the space of 40 days together cureth Sciattica and all aches that happen in the hippes The same author sayth, that beinge drunke with wine it taketh away tertian & quartan agues

Last edit 6 months ago by cords1
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