Wellcome Collection: Bulkeley, Elizabeth (MS.169)


A boke of hearbes and receipts.

A boke of hearbes and receipts.




The tempature and vertues of Buglasse

The roote dioscorides mixed with oyle, cureth greene wounds and addinge thereto a little barey meale, it his a remedy against St Anthonies fire It causeth sweate in agues as Plinie saith, if the juice be mixed with a little aquavite & the body rubbed therwith

The Phisitions of the later tymes use he leaves flowers & roots, in stead of borage, and putt them both in to all kinds of medicines indifferently, which are of force and vertue to drive away sorrowe & pensivenes of the minde and to comforte & strengthen the harte, the leaves of like operation with those of Borage, and are used as potthearbes for the purposes aforesaide, as well Buglasse as lange de beefe and also to keepe the belly soluble

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Last edit 6 months ago by cords1
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Last edit 10 months ago by HillaryNunn
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To make perfumes.

Take iii ounces & a halfe of Beniamine & lay it in rose water foure dayes, then beate it fine & take halfe a pound of damascke rose leaves the white beinge cut out Then beate them fine in a stone morter Then take Beniamine & put the Roses & beate them together untill it come to A paste Then take it out & mingle it with halfe a quarter of an ounce of Cenitt, & mould them in an ounce & a halfe of the best sugar finish sersed, then make them in litle cake & lay a rose leafe on both sides then laye them on a borde that hath noe stout to drie where noe Aire cometh & when you will use them take of the rose leaves.


Take Gallmigall, [losres] [quibiles] Ginger millilott Colliander mace nuttmegge of wich a dram : & of the joyce of Salardine halfe a pinte, And mingle all theese made in powder with the same joyce, & with a pinte of good aquavite & 3 pints of white wine, putt all theese to gether in a glasse Stillitory & lett it stand for all night & on the Morrowe still it with a verry softe fyer thatt, is to bee prosed a spoone full to bee drinke once a weeke in the summer & twyce in the winter

Last edit 6 months ago by cords1
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Last edit 10 months ago by HillaryNunn


The receipte to make rosasolis Take a pottell of Rosasolis otherwyse called roses of the sonne:

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Last edit 6 months ago by NancyS-Y
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