Wellcome Collection: Bulkeley, Elizabeth (MS.169)


A boke of hearbes and receipts.

A boke of hearbes and receipts.


Needs Review


A Receite howe to make Cosquillianes

Take haffe a pound of fine flower the yolks of foure eggs two ounces of tweete butter two ounces of suger make theese into a past wth halfe a pinte of milke and knead it verie well and that will serve for your outward paste.


And for you iner past take six ounces of almonds and blanch them and wash them verie cleane then put to them a quarter of a pound of sugar and heate them to geather till it is in a paste and if you see your paste oylie put a little rose water to it and it will take the oylines from it then put as much rosset into it as will make it red and the yolke of an egge and beate it together a quarter of an hower then roule out your white paste wch it your outward past and wrappe your red paste into it and soe make it into knots and bake them for your use

A receite howe to make almon cakes

Take a pound of almonds and blanch them and beate them very small well and small wth rose water then clarifie a pound of suger and boile it to a candie height and then put your pounde of suger and almondes to geather while your oven is aheatinge then sett your cakes upon papers and throwe a little suger uppon them and bake them then sett them into your oven againe and drie them and soe keepe them ffor your use.

Last edit about 1 year ago by vant
Needs Review


A receite howe to make white paste Royall

Take a pound of almondes and blanch them and beate them very small wth rose water then clarify a pound of suger and sett it to boyle and as it doth boile th take the white of an egge and beate in a pinte of faire water till the rise a ffroth upon the top of the water then when your sirruppe is at a candie height put your pound of almonds into it and stir your almondes and your suger well togeather and as you doe stir them put of the ffroth that is on the top of your water into it, and keepe it in stirringe till it looke very white then set it on the ffire againe and keepe it stirringe over the fire, till it doe come cleane from the bottom of your panne, then lay it upon papers like mackaroones, but lay them not soe thicke hige and when they be could, they wilbe more hard and more pleasinge both in tast and couler then any of the other breades whatsoever they be, and you must take heed that you bake it not in your oven in any case but use it when it is could.

A Receyte how to make fyne suger cakes

Take half a pound of fyne wheat flowre half a pound of suger, the yolkes of iii egges iii ounce of Sweet butter make these innto a paste wth a quarter of a pynt of Creame, then Rolle them out & cut them Round with a [?] Glase then take a litle Rose water, & [weet] them upon the top & scrape a litle suger upon them & set them upon papers & so bake them

Last edit about 1 year ago by vant
Needs Review


A Receit how to make Red paste Royall

Take a [lb?] of Almondes & blanche them & beat them them verie verie small wth Rose water then take a [lb?] of clarifyed suger & boile it to a Candie height, then put in your [lb?] of 2 lemones into it & an ounce of Synamon & half an ounce of ginger & as muche [roses?] as will colour it Red, then put it over the fyre agayne & keepe it stirringe till it come clene from the bottom of yor pan, then laie it upon papers lyke mackarones, but lay them not so highe bigge & when the are could keepe them for your use.

A Receite how to make Red [letter] in Synamon paste

Take half a [lb?] of fyne flower, half a [lb?] of suger the yolke of iiii egges two ounce of sweet butter two ounce of Synamon an ounce of ginger & put as muche [roses?] into it as will colour it Red make these intyo a paste with a quarter of A pynt of warme water then Rolle yor past out & make them in [letters] & [wyp] them with a paire of [?]ppers & so set them upon papers & bake them & keepe them for yor use. If you will not make them in letters you may prynt them in mouldes & bake it which you please

A Receipte how to make Suger [place]

Take a quarter of an ounce of Gumdragant & laie it in Steept in a quarter of a pynt of Rosen [?] for the space of 22iiiity howres then streyne yor Gum dragant throughe a cloth & beat it in a morter till it look verie whyte, then put a litle suger being fynly corsed into it & beat it together a litle

Last edit 12 months ago by vant
Needs Review


litle white, then put more Suger into it and beat it by degrees till it be somthing stif, then take it out of yor morter & worke more suger into it till it is stif & then you maie prynt it in yor moulde or use it other waise as you plese.

A Receipte how to make white muscardyne or Red

Take two graynes of [?] & beat them in a morter verie small then when you make your suger plate before it is stif put your [?] into it & beat it together, then when it is stif take it fourth of yor morter & worke it into a stif paste with more suger fynelie [seavsed], then take it & Rolle it out verie thin & cut it with a Rowell in the maner of [Loosinge] then lay them upon papers & set them to drye & so keepe them for yor use. If you will have yor muscardynes Red put a litle Roset into it & that will colour it Red, if you will have it yellow put a litle Sa= fron into Rose water to steepe & collour it with that.

A Receipte how to make a marche payne

Take a [lb?] of Almond blanche them & beat them verie small then put to them half a [lb?] of suger & beat them together & as you see your paste oylie in the betinge put a litle Rose water into it & beat it together & that will take the oilines from it & in an howres space you may beat yor past redie for to use either to make a marche payne or to do any thinge els with it whatesoever you please

Last edit about 1 year ago by vant


Another waie to make a marche payne

Take waferes & make a bottom to yor marche payne of the bignes you wiull have yor marche payne of, then rowle yor marche payne past upon yor [botto?] & cut it Rownd with a platter then rowle it out of that same paste that yor march paine is of & set an edge to yor march payne with yor fingers & make some fyne worke in it then take a litle rosewater & as muche suger into it being fynly searced as will make it somthing thicke then weet yor marchpayne within with the [suds?] rose water & suger & set it upon papers & bake it then [strike?] long synamon comfette mint & ____ muscardynes with some other conceipte & guild it & so shrowe s[?] small comfette in it and keepe it for your use.

A Receipte how to make a Noble ____

Take a small quantytie of Gumdragance & laie it in seepe in rose water till it is dissolved into Jellie then streyne it throughe a cloth & beat the white of an egge together with it till it looke verie white then as muche Suger fynelie serced into it and beat it together till it be something thik then take it fourth of yor morter & woske it into a thik paste then Rowle them out & make them in knotte & sett them uppon papers & bake them & so keepe them for yor use [UNFINISHED]

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Last edit 12 months ago by vant
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