Royal College of Physicians: A collection of medical receipts and prescriptions 17th century (MS502)



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In case of any heatestrong heate or ffeaverish distemper, accompanid with a ticklinge Rheume or Cough, Give from tenn to twenty grains of the species called diamargar then frigidum, in the sirrupp of violetts. If ther bee much heate and inclination to Costiveneffe in the Sirrup of Poppies; If the Rheume prevaile; And with 20 grains of diascordium if there bee any stomacke qualmes, or want of sleepe: With Conf: if Rheumes at pleasure. Continue your Clysters about the middle of the afternoone if there bee Occasion./ An Electuary for a Catarrh Take Conserve of Red Roses, and Roots of Eringo Candied of either two ounces, Electuary of Sassafras six dragms, the species of diatrion Santalon a dragme and a halfe, shaveings of Ivory prepared a dragm Pearle prepared halfe a dragme. Confectio Alkermos half a dram with the Sirrupp of Clove Gilliflowers and Borrage of either halfe an ounce, make it upp into an Electuary; the dose is from one dragme to Two evory morneinge and night/. Take the species of diatrion Santalon a dragme and a halfe shaveings of Ivory, Pearle prepared, magisteriall of Corrall of each halfe a dragme, Cinamon, Mace, Species diarnadon Alatis of each a scruple, sassafras beaten to powder Twelve graines Sugar dissolved in Rosewater sixe ounces; soe make them upp accordinge to Art into Tabletts: To which you may adde if you please 4 or 5 dropps of the oyle of Aniseeds: Lett them weigh halfe a dragme a peice (or more) and give 2 or 3 every morneinge when you use not the Electuary / Note if costivenesse follow uppon either of these medicines, you may give for a day 2 or 3 the powder formerly prescribed to the wieght of 15 grams or more/.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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An Ointment for the Cough

Receipt. Rosemary beaten well and small which must boile in pure Capons grease, and when it is strained, to 3 ounces of this liquor adde one halfe spoonfull of Aquavita, and as much oile of Mace by expression as a Nutmegg, and mixe them well together, and anoynte the breast therewithall and afterwards apply a grey paper to the breast, first dipping ye. paper in the Ointment.

A Syrrupp for the Cough

Receipt. Black Cherry water Hyssope water and scabious water of each a quater of a Pinte, Boile in them 20 Raisons of the sunne stoned, one ounce of Liquorice and a little maidenhaire; and Coltsfoote as much as can bee taken upp betweene 2 fingers boile these till a third parte bee boild away, then straine this and adde theretoo one ounce of white sugar Candy powdred and one spoonfull of Treackle water; first steeping some safron in the Treackle water; till the water bee perfectly yellow soe straine it, and if it bee not pleasant adde theretoo more Sugar Candy, and take a spoonfull hereof when you Cough.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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For the Chin cough. Take of the Pills called Hiera cum Agaricu, or take the species of Hiera cum Agarico, and with the Sirrupp of Roses with Agrick make them into Pills, of whither of these you please take 24 graines and make them into 3 Pills, which give at night when they goe to bedde; In the morneinge early give them this Potion, and the same day lett them observe the ordinary rules of purgeinge Take Sena one dragm; Cream of Tartar, Carthamus and Ani= =seede of each halfe a dragm. Rhubarbe a scruple, Agarick xv grames; Cinamon xii grains, Ginger. Mace and Sassafras of each x graines; Prepare these and infuse them in 4 ounces of water, and two ounces of white wine; in the morneinge boile the whole gently to 3 or 4 ounces, Then straine forth the Ingredients, and to the decoction putt a litle Syrrup of Mints, or Marigolds, and 4 or 5 dropps of the oyle of Sulphur and soe lett them drink itt off at once. Note the Purge prescribed must bee repeated twice or thrice restinge a day or two betwixt every Purge. For a Cancer Vse either Ung: diapompholig: 4 ounces, with 2 of oyle of Roses and a scruple of Camphirr, or else prepare this followinge Take 2 ounces of Gum Tragant, and dissolve it in nightshade water, 4 yolks of new laide Eggs a dragme of Camphire and 2 ounce of Oyle of Roses, make these into an vnguent and Anointe the Cancer with it twice a day This Poultess if it can bee applyde is the best of the Three Take.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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Take Sage mullen and mallowes each 2 handfull hearbe Robert one handfull boyle these in mulsum (that is honyed water) to tenderness in the ende add 2 or 3 ounces of the oyle of Roses and barley meale soe much as will make a pultess, apply it warme twice a day./. For a Consumption or Astmatick Conserve of Roses ℥iii of Hippas ℥i flower of Brimstone and Benjammi each ℥ss with sirrupp of Popy make it to an Eleetuary Syrrupp of Snailes Syrrupp of the fire opening Roots and of Lemons each ℥ss. a graine of Saffron in powder Take often of this Electuary Antidotis Analeptica ℥i Conserve of Roses and hepps 10 ℥ with Sirrupp of Poppis make it upp oyle of Sweet Almonds, ℥i Sugar Candy in powder ℥iij A Syrrop for a Cough Take of colts foot 5 handfulls of black-maiden-harye 5 handfulls, harts-tongue 12 leaves, hysop one hand-full, Liquorish 3 ounces & a halfe, blew raisons 4 ounces, figs 5 ounces, fennell seed one ounce & a halfe, wash the hearbs & shred them, put them to boyle in 4 quarts of spring-water fill a third part be wasted, then strain it, put to it two pounds & a half of fine sugar, then put it on the fire & let it boyle o a thick syrrop This maiden-hair grows only upon the Rocks [...] wales & in france & in Gloustershire, but may be had at the drugsters. This syrrop cures shortness of breath, Physick & consumption

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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An Excellent Receipt against the Dropsie Jaundice Consumption or any other Weakness of the Stomach, Liver or Heart. Take a large peck of Snayles, wash them in a bowle of beer; then in an Iron dripping pan, & set them on a hot Charcole fire & keep them stirring up & down until they make no noise, then with a knife & a course cloth pick & Rub away all the green froth, and stamp them in a stone mortar shells & all. Take also a quart of Earth-worms, shill them & scoure them well with salt & water then wash them with beer, & stamp them by themselves, then take ye pot wch you will set your Limbeck & in the bottom lay 2 good handfullls of Angellico and then as much Cellendine, then as much Agrimony, then of bears foot & bitony’s of each one handfull, of Rue half a handful, then lay in a quart of Rosemary-flowers. And of Pipireg-bark & Red doct Roots pithed of each 2 handfulls, fenegreg & termerick of each one ounce, sa_ fron the weight of six pence, after all these are beaten to powder, Lay in the snailes & wormes, then the pot being set in the place, where you mean to distill it, poure in 3 gallons of strong-ale, very strong but not staile, so cover it up very close, Let it stand at least 24 hours, then strow in 6 ounces of harts-horn shaven, 3 ounces of cloves beaten, stirr not the pot, only press down the things with your hands, so set on ye Limbeck fast wth Rie-past, then make your fire & draw it gentely, recei_ ving it with quarts, keep it in part, but as you use them you may mixe the small with the strong, Take it fasting in the morning & in the afternoon

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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