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For the Dropsie Take the Roots of ffennell the Roots of banewort ( or dwarfe Each a good handfull, the Roots of parslie halfe A handfull, wash them, and picke them well, and slice them into litle peeces, Put them into A new Earthen pott, with five quarts of the best ould claret, let itt boyle softly, untill the third part be consumed, and when itt is could, let the sick person drinke as much, and as often, of itt as they Please, and likewise att there meals, without drinkinge anie other liquor, for if this doe not recover, the sick person, they will not be cured, this Remedie will not hurt any body but hath the property, to strengthen the liver, the quantity of it made ʒ tymes over, will doe the cure, with gods helpe, if itt will doe itt att all. Takeinge itt as is allready mentioned, A Recipt for the dropsie Take of the ashes of Broome two spoonfull which put into halfe A pinte of wyne over night, which must steep till next morneinge , drinke itt, and if you can, take downe, the ashes alsoe, For the stoppinge, take Buckworths lozenges
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A Potion for: M: S: {Dr: Burlaces dire} {4} Tamarinds ℥ij Sena'- ℥i-ss Tartar of - - - Vitrol ℈ss Rhubarbe, ℈iiij Liquorice - ℥i seeds of Coriander & Sweet fennell seeds Each gr: vi oringe Pill: ℈i Manna' ℥iij Infuse these all= night in Cichorie watter, ℥v Straine itt in the morneinge & add Troch of vyolets ℥i-ss and soe give itt/ for Mrs Jones: by Dr; Fyfs directions {4} Dryed sage, m-iiij the barke of Guaicum Sassaphras, sarsaparilla and ℥ij Roots of white Bryony - ℥i-ss the Roots of smalage Elecampane Nechoacan: Anniseeds ana ℥i Rhubarbe, Gallangale, & Bayberries, ana ℥vi Mace ℥iij Cloves ℥i: 4 orenges, tunne these upp in 6 gallons of good beare for your con: stant drinke, and when itt begins to worke Add Juice of watercress: and Juce of Scurvie Grass: Either A gill: wch done lett all worke to due Refyninge, and then make itt your Constant drinke: Note when you would have itt to purge Add Sena'- ℥ij Jallop: ℥i: & Soe preceed as
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The best smoake for rhums to be taken in a pipe Take Lignum allowes storax Sassafras Barkes amber of each one dram cutt Bittany halfe an ounce Rosemary flowers or Rosemary it self a quarter of an ounce & as much Tobacco as rosemary mixt with it to be taken in a pipe when you are in bed or oftner if you please.