Royal College of Physicians: A collection of medical receipts and prescriptions 17th century (MS502)



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Lenative Curens Take curens - ℥iiij wash them well, then plunpe them in suchorie watter, and white wyne force out the pulpe through a fine sive, and ad, to itt sena pounded ℥ls rhubarbe ʒij Epithimum coriander seed, sweet fennell seeds each ʒi ' ' cinnamon and sanders each - ℈i white sugercandy ℥ss mix these well and boyle itt upe gentely into the consistance of an electuary: dose is the quantity of A large walenut att a tyme ----------------------------------------------------- Doctor Butlers Receipt to cure a dropsie, Take sarsaparilla cut and brusd ℥iij pelipodie of the oak brused, Sena brused a litle each ℥iij Rhubarbe thin: sliced ℥ils Anniseeds and caraway seeds each ℥ls liquorice scraped and sliced ℥i mixe all these together for A gross powder then take scurvie grass leaves pickt [lb]jss watercresse brooke lyme, agrimenie, each ℥iij beate altoget: her into a greene sauce then mix them wth the gross powder, put altogether into a boalter bag and tun them upe in two gallons and A half of new beare let them worke together for the space of one day: As it works sp squeeze the juice out of the bag into the drinke 3 or 4 tyms lettinge the bag hange in the drink continualy this benige done and the beare 4 days ould, drinke 3 quarters of A pinte 2 hours before diner and super, put in A leaden weight or stone to make the bagg sinke

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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Take the clarifyed juices of Endive, succory, Borrage Bugless, fumitory, Hops. Each ℥ iiij Damaske Roses one pint, Ad to the clarifyed juses, Alloes Cicko: trine in powder, A pownd, Take Rhubarbe, ℥1 Agarick Trochyth ℥ll cinamon ℥ij Lett those bee grosly Poudered and steeped in whitewyne ℥vi infuse itt ^ all night in A warme place, couer itt close, in the Morneinge, Lett itt be strongely straned or pressed, Lett the Juices and Alloes be boyled to the consistance of A Syrupe, then Ad to itt the strained Liquor of the Rhubarbe and Agricke, then boyle all ouer A gentl fyre continually stiringe itt about, to the consis= tance of an Extract to bee made into Pills Let it bee closely couerd in a gulipot and kept in A dry place/:| Pils Angelica ________________________________ An ordinary Purge good in Agues Take sena ℥j salt of tarter ℥ss spiritt of Salt 5. or. 6. drops, infuse ^them for A night in six ounces of springe watter, in the morneinge strain itt and drinke itt for A gentle potion, ad to the Infusion A few sweet fennell seed brused, and to the draught A Spoonefull of Syrupe of Roses/ ________________________ Losenges for stopinge in the brest Take the purest Alecampane sliced thin [lb]i infuse itt in a quart of watter till itt begins to boyle, then

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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poure that watter of: and ad to the roots two quarts more, boyle that till it bee consumed, then; ad whitevyne vinager A quart, and boyle, till it bee almost consumed, then take the best Liquorice scraped and made into fyne powder ℥iiij white sugar candie, [lb]ss, Browne ℥iii Sugar Pepermids ℥iii [Lohoch] [Sanum ℥ii] disolve the sugar candis in mint watter one halfe, and Rosewatter the other halfe, large mace in powder ℥i safron in powder A peniworth, beat these altogether in a morter, to A conserve, you may take of itt when you please but Especialy morneinge and night To make those into Lozenges take sugar and make itt into a past, wth gum dragon ℥i desolved in mint or rose watter, mixe them altogether, and make itt into Lozenges, Directions for sore Eys by Dr: fyfe: Item pill: cochar: mastick: Rady ana' ℥i resina' jalap,: ℈i cum oleo cariophill: Q:S: fiat maja': Pill: dose is ℥i or: 50 gr: Every third morneinge att ye first wakeinge observeinge the rules of purheinge Item sena cremor: tartat i Rubarbe salis absinth i: sem: fericul i dulcis ana' ℥i Rad Enula'-℈ij Troch: de Agarua: sem: Ruta' sem: annisee ana' ℥ss flor: Euphrasia Salvia Botonica ana-℈i macis cariophilor, ana'-℈i. [sf]: pulvis Dose is ℥i: or ℥ss in a litle cleare poset drinke Every morneinge fastinge, except those days you take the purges Item canthared: prep: ℥i eyphorb i: gr: iiij cum [terebinthri] Q:s: fiat Enplastru:/ After you have taken the pills twice and the powder as above, Aply the plaster

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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To the nape of the neck spread upon soft lether the blister beinge opened keep itt runinge soe longe as you can wth A greene colwort leafe Aplyed morneing and eveninge, Take Aqua Rosarum - ℥iiij Troch: A lbi Rhasis cum opio ʒiss lapis calammaris - ℥i camhor, gr iij. ff. collivium shake up this bothe 3 tymes a day and drop. 6 or 7 drops into the eye as often Aply a defensative or restricative linament to the fore head and temple on the side afected lett itt be made of bole ceruse alow & Troch of camphor wth a ten grains of camphor bringe these into a bodie wth whits of Eggs and juice of houseleeke, take notice that opening a vaine may be nessesarie fisrt purge with a dose of your pills as heretofore then sweat soundly the morneinge after wth Aurum vita Bezoardicum minerall or this diaphoreticke powder Take Pulvoris diaphor: Rhodocanacis-℈i or for want of this Take Antimony Diaphoretici vite paryti pulveris Ex chelis cancror ana'-℈ss Thoriaca' Andromachi: ℥i ff: mixture for a dose, Take itt about five in the morneinge and drinke stronge and hote posset drinke once, and againe, after itt to cause you to sweat more freely after a weeks omission you may repeat this purge and sweat if you soe occation whilst those are in practicinge purg this dyet drinke Take celindine Ground jure botonie & Rosemary each 2 handfull sarssaparila Sena & sweet fennell seeds each ℥ij

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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Pollipody & Elacampane Either ℥i-ss Jalape Mechoacan turbith & Gallengall Each ℥i Ginger - ℥ss mace ℥iij Cloves ℥i with 2 faire orenges prepare the pprescribed Ingredients as for A Dyet Drinke & soe turne them up in 6. Gallons of well boyld Beare. or. Ale. when itt begins to worke put in of the juice of watecreses & sage, Either A full halfe pinte Lett all worke together unto One refineinge and then Drinke therof Constantly fasteinge & betwixt meals to the quantity of A quart or 3 pints Every Day, Aply to your temples with bolust patches this Playster Take mastiches-℥i Enplaste: ad Herniam ℥ss Laudani opiati gr: ij in:acety solutij miste ss: Emplastrum, Besides these take Every morneinge about Eight A Clock A mess of Broth or warme Posset Ale into wch dropp 40 dropps of the Spiritt of Salt of Rhodocanaces his Propation,

Take Roots of Jveos-℥i-ss Rubarbe ℥vi Jalape ℥iij Jun barke of Elder ℥ij Mechoacan ℥i-ss tops of firr and Tamariske Either A handfull scurviegrass 2 handfull watter cresses. Agrimonie, Champitios, Each A handfull .. Sweet fennel seeds barke of capers. Tameriske & Elder flouers Each ℥ij winter barke, Lignum. Hephriticum Each ℥i-ss sarsaphras ℥ij-ss, Juniper beries ℥ss mace ℥ss Prepare these and Infuse them in A quart of whitewyne for A day & A night in: B: N: then distill alltogether in A Glass. still after the usuall maner, and soe reserve itt for use,

Last edit over 1 year ago by Pamela Forde
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