Council Proceedings: April 17, 1903





Fort Worth, Texas, 4/ 13 1903

Mr WGNewby City ----

Dear Sir.

I wish you would take look at the condition of street at crossing of Broadway & Lipscomb - The condition is awful something ought be done by city. I wrote Mr Powell note concerning it but without reply & I preusme without attention Yours Truly CE Harkrider

Last edit over 1 year ago by Koliver



Filed 4/ 17 1903 Jno T Mont City Secretary

Last edit almost 3 years ago by 29445


Fort Worth, Tex. Apr 11 1903

Hon W.M. Rea City Marshall, Sir. By direction of his honor the Mayor you are hereby instructed to summon the members of the city council to meet in special session on Tuesday evening at 8 oclock pm April 14th 1903, for the purpose of canvassing returns of election April 2nd 1903, and the erection of poles in the City of Fort Worth JnoTMontgomery City Secretary

E.C.Orrick City Atty WHWard BL Waggaman TF Murray Jno FLehane MM Lydon WGNewby JFH enderson FE Dycus out of city QT Moreland

Last edit over 1 year ago by Koliver


came to hand on the 11th day of April 1903 and executed on the 14th day of April 1903 By summary the following named alderman M.H. Ward, B.L. Waggoman, T.F. Murry, M.M. Lydon M.G. Newly, J.F. Henderson, & Q.T. Moreland E.C. Orrick City Atty. J.F. Lehane alderman of 4th ward and F.E.Dyers alderman 8th ward not fond They being out of the city WM Rea City Marshall

Filed 4/ 17 1903 Jno T Montgomery City Secretary

Last edit over 1 year ago by Koliver


Thos J Powell Mayor City of Fort Worth Mayors Office Fort Worth, Texas

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To the Hon City Council Gentlemen I herewith submit a list of the Standing committees for the ensuing year. 1 Ways & Means -- Ward - Lehain Dycus 2 Finance - Newby - Henderson - Moreland 3 Purchasin - Lehane - Ward Moreland 4 Streets & Alleys - Waggaman - Dycus - Ward 5 Water Works & El Light - Lehane - Ward - Murray 6 Pub Buildings - Waggaman - Lehane - Ward 7 Fire Murray - Ward - Lehane 8 Publ Grounds Lydon - Ward - Waggaman 9 Railway & Electrical - Henderson - Dycus - Lydon 10 Pub Schools - Moreland - Newby - Waggaman 11 Sewers - Henderson - Newby - Murray 12 Printing - Lydon - Moreland - Henderson 13 Hospital & Paupers - Dycus - Murray - Henderson 14 Judiciary - Dycus - Moreland - Lydon 15 Claims - Moreland - Lydon - Dycus 16 Police - Henderson - Waggaman - Lehane 17 Public Health - Murray - Henderson - Lydon

XXX Respy Submitted TJ Powell Mayor

Last edit over 1 year ago by Koliver
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