Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 11)

(seq. 11)


This is a Tumour between the Canthus of the Eye and hoot of the Nose when it breaks it is called Aegylops and if it lets the Tears run involuntarily it is termed Fistula Lachrymalis and is also called Anchylops A Cooling Slender Diet is best with gentle Exercise Cure, bleed, or Cup Apply leeches. Blisters or cut Issues give Linient Cathartics If the Lamine of the Nose is Carious Use Rad. Gentian Myrrh. euphorb. Camph. Spt Vin &c Rx. Liniment Arcei oz. ss precipit Rub s. j pulv. Myrrh Bals. peru aa dr. ss m.

Albugo or Spot in the Eye

Rad. Alth. oz. j. Fol. Malv. Euphrag. Chelidon Maj. an Mj. Sem. Lin. Fenugr aa oz. iij. Flor. Melilot. P. j. Coq. in aq. Fontan. q. s. ad lb. ii. Fumigate the Eye with a Vapour of this Decoct. and repeat it often also Foment the parts Rx Reduce equal Parts of Fine Sugar and common Glass to an exceeding Fine Powder and blow a little of it through a Quill every Day into the Eye.

Alopecia or Alopecy.

An Alopecy is a Disease called fox Evil or Scurf. When The Hair Falls off of ye Head by Roots Cure

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 12)

(seq. 12)

Amblyopia or Obscurity of Sight

It is helped By Glasses Cephalic und Strengthening Medicines By aquaos & Vinous Infusions and Comforting Eye Waters

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 13)

(seq. 13)

American Poison

Rx. Rad. Plantag. wild Horehound Fresh or Dried oz. iij. Aq. Font. Qts ij. Boil to 1 Qt. Colat. Let the pat. take 1/3 of this 3 Mornings going Fasting If this helps the patient let it be repeated The Patient must eat no Butter nor Oily Food and must live on a low Diet. Rx. Golden Rod M ij. horehound Sassafras aa q. s. Aq. Font. Qts. ij. Coq. to Qt j. Colat. add Spts Sacch. Spum. 1 Glass, dulcify cum Sacch. This is for Common Drink. Rx. Wood Ashes Pt j. aq. Font. Pt iij. Let these stand all Night then strain & give oz. 10 at a Time 6 Mornings going. This is to be given if ye patient has an Inward Fever.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 14)

(seq. 14)

Amaurosis, or Gutta Serena

This is an Abolition of the Sight when no fault appears in the Eyes Except in the Pupil which is Larger then Usual

The Indications of Cure are to discuss the Stagnating humours which Compress the Nerves & then to Strengthen the affected Parts keep the Body open with laxative pills Mixed with Calomel. Strong Glysters are of great Use. Rx. Cinnab. Nat. ppt. Occul. Canc. Succin. ppt. aa dr. ij. Sal. Vol. Succin. Sal. Volat. C. C. aa gr X. Divid. in xij. Partes quarum Singule gr iij. Sulph. Antim. ad di possunt. give one of these in the Evening. Rx. Balm, Fennel-Seed. Rad. Valer. pro Tea in Mane. If these fail Salivate or Use a Spoonfull of a Solution of Corros. Sublimat. in a Day which will answer as well as a Salivation Dissolve Gr. viij. in j. pt. of French Brandy & give as mentioned above. The Rad. Val. is a most powerfull Remidy.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 15)

(seq. 15)

Anchylosis or Stiff Joint

Cure Use Emollient & Resolving Fomentations, Ointments hot Fat of Animals often rubbed upon the joints are proper Warm Emollient Baths, or hot Bath Waters are proper also Gentle Exercise is good. Dr Brooks Rx. Fol. Absinth. Rute. Cham. Pulegii aa Pro fomentation This will prevent a gangarine. Dr. Dowing. Make a Mixture of Coal und Water or Use artificial Mudd for a Stiff Joint See Brooks Vol. ij. p. 208.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 11 - 15 of 171 in total