Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 41)

(seq. 41)

Buboes Pestilential

Apply a Pultice of Mallows and Hogs Lard. When they are Ripe open & Dress them with Ung. Basilic.

and Veneral

Exhibit Mercurial Cathartics and Rubb Mercurial Ointment upon the Place or part Affected Ung. Cerul. fort. is best rubb in dr. ij. or dr. iij. at a Time. Let the Cathartics be Continued for 40 Days together with the Frictions but If the Patient cannot bear much Purging Let him have a Truce for a Day or two N. B. When the common Method has failed and the Buboes will not give way to Mercurials it will be proper to use a Decoct. of Rad. Sarssap. and a Milk Diet i.e. Milk twice a Day and Fresh white Meats for Dinner with a good Quantity of Lettuce or some other cooling Some other Cooling Sallad. Externally apply. Ung. Sambuc. Ung. Lap. Cataminaris Called Turners Cerate If Milk does not agree with the Patient let him take Milk and Water

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 42)

(seq. 42)

Bulimas or canine Appetite

A Bulimus is attended with an insatiable and perpetual desire of eating and unless the Patient is Indulged he often falls into fainting Fitts Cure Oily & Fat things are proper Fat Meat, Pork, hot Bread and Butter. Milk & Lacticinia. Composition of Meal and Milk Rice, Millet, Barley, Buck Wheat, Beans, Pease, Lentils, Almonds Chocolate with Milk Sweetned with Sugar if these answer not Opiates are proper give dr. j. Theriaca in the Evening.

When Sharp humours are the cause give Absorbents with the former things If it proceeds from Acids Exhibit Ol. Tart. per deliquium Alkalies as the filings of [Steel?] is good taken in Large Doses is good Brandy drank drank in the Morning is usefull Smoking Tobacco is also good

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 43)

(seq. 43)

Breath Fetid

Rx. Musk ambergrise aa Gr vj. Grind them fine with a Little white Sugar candy and 10 Drops of Spt. Roses add Pulv. orris oz. jv. Starch zij. Sacch. alb. oz. jv. Gm. Trag. q. s. Ol. or Liq. Sassafras Santal Sem. Cardam. Caryoph. Semin Arich. [Styrae?] Benzoin Bals. peruv Civit musk &c

Bruises in General

Internally apply Sperm. Cit. Bals. Locatel. Balsamic Potion Balsamic Elect. Traumatic Bals. General Bals. Aq. Calcis Simp. and Comp. Cort. peruv. Decoct. Vulnerary Externally Foli Absinth. vulgar Hyperice Century and Flor. Cham. aa M. Bayberries oz. jv. Common Ashes lb. ss Boil in lb. jv. of Water to two add Spt. Vin. lb. ss Spts. Sal. Ammon. q. s. this is good to prevent Mortifications. Foment the parts with this Decoction. When Contusions are recent Bleed if the patient is plethoric.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 44)

(seq. 44)


To prevent the Blistering of a Burn wash with a Solution of Alum & aq. Font. Hold the part before the Fire Or apply raw Onions or Soap and Oil beat together When a Burn is Blistered it is not to be cut but treated with Emollients or Soap & Oil, or with Saturnine Ointment. When the Burn is so deep as to Cause a Gangerine it must be treated with Emollients and warm Cataplasms 'till the [?] is cast oft and then it must be cured as a wound When the part is Mortified nothing but amputation will succeed. General Baths Traumat. Bals. Camphorat. Ol. Camph. Spt. Vin. Ung. alb. Camph. Ung. alb. Ung. Emolliens Ung. Samb. Ung. Saturnine. Acetum. Spt. Vin. Rectified.

Ung. Album camphoratum Rx. Ol. Oliv. pt. j. Cerc alb. oz. jv. Sperm. Cit oz. iij. melt them over a gentle Fire & keep them Stirring till Cold add Camph dr. jss disolved in a few Drops of the Ol of Sweet almonds this is Dicutient and Anodyne

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 45)

(seq. 45)


This is a disposition of the Body which depraves the Nourishment thereof Throughout its whole habit. Cure First give Such things as will correct, incide, and resolve humours Such as Neutral Salts Sal polych. or Salt of many Virtues. Tarter. Vit. Sal Diuret. Soluable Tarter, Spt. Mindereus's Spt as also Fixed alkaline Salts then Medicines to Cleanse the Stomach and open Obstructions and Carry off Impurities as the Aromatic Pills, Aloetic Pills, deobstruent Pills, Chalybeated Electary Tinct of Fron. in Spt of Salt Steel or Wine, Aloet alkaline Wine, after this Use Stomachics to Strengthen the Stomach. If these fail Use Pyrmont. or Spaw Waters.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 41 - 45 of 171 in total