Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 156)

(seq. 156)

Small Pox

Smelling Disordred

Marjoram, Pulegii. Anthos. Bals. Marjoram is good to Anoint the Nostrils. Vapours of Gm Animi Amber &c are good

Remedies against the Catarrh are proper.


Sneezing to Prevent

Lac. Vaccin Calid. should be often snuffed up the Nose till it Ceases

Sneezing to promote

Rx. Marjoram, Marum Syracum. Flor. Benzoin Ras. Lignum Aloes Lilly of the Valley Amber Grease m. f. pulvis or. Sal. Ammoneac Vol. cum Marjoram.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 157)

(seq. 157)



To allay Sal. Nit. Cinnab. Camph. Asa Fetid. Sagapenum Sem. Poppy Musk Castor


Sprains Empl. Commun. Roberans Oxycrocium Spt. Vin. Camph. Fomentation Aromat. From James's Dispensatory

Empl. Comm. Rx. Ol. Oliv. Cong. j. Lith[?] lb. v. Aq. Font. Pts ij. Boil and Stir 'till all is united

Empl. Roborans Rx. Emp. Com. lb. ij. qm Thus. lb. ss. Sang. Dracon oz. iij. Melt the Pl. then ad the other Ingrediants

Sprains of ye Stomach attended with Pains & Spitting of Blood may be helped with Rosin - dr. ss Zinzib. gr. xij. Pip. Nig. gr. vj. Sacch. oz. ss. m. Pro. Dos.

Stitch in the Side

Use the same Medicine as in Spasms.

Stone in ye Bladder

This may cause an Inflamation with its Symptoms as also Pressures, Attritions, Ulcers, purulent Urine Stranguries Obstructions of the Urethra, an inability to Discharge the Urine unless in a Supire Posture a hectic Fever. and a Consumption, sometimes the Stone gits into the Urethra and Plugs up the Passage Rx. Test. Ovar. calcinat. s. ij. take this three times in a Day in the following Rx. Sapon. Hispan. oz. ij. Dissolve this in aq. Font. lb. ij Colat. dulcify cum Mellis vel Sacch. spum albissima

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 158)

(seq. 158)

Stone Colic

In the Kidneys there is a deep pressing pain which seems to be fixed in the Loins. attended with Shiverings when the Stone passes downward through the Ureters 'tis attended with Vomiting & pains in the Belly.

Strabismus or Squinting

This is hard to cure the best way is for a Child to wear a Mask so that he can only see strate forward.



This is a Disease of the Eye called the Pin or Webb.

Give two or three Grains of Merc. dulc. with twice the Quantity of ppt. Oister shells Continue it for 30 Days

Surfits see Anorexia


To Check Sweating Elix. Vit. Spt. Vit. dulc. Cort. peruv. and its Various preperations to Promote all Sudorifics

Directions Never let a patient sweat if the Prime Vie be foul or the Body Costive Sudorifics are pernicious in Inflamatory Fevers and Acute Diseases Unless they are used with Moderation Sweating is good in Catarrhs, Rheumatisms, Colds, Coughs Tumours of the Glands &c & when cold liquors have been Drank See Teeth breeding oft.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 159)

(seq. 159)


This is a Quinzey seated in the Internal Muscles of the Pharynx See Angina.

Tasting impaired

The Causes of this are Various Cure If there is a bitter taste in the Mouth which denotes there is a plenty of Bile in the stomach Febrifuges, Emetics, Catharts Acids &c are proper. In a Nidorous Taste arising from Putrid Humours Use Citron Juice and other Acids with Evacuants A Salt Taste is cured with Water as aq. Min. & Calcis An acid Taste is cured by Absorbents, alcalious Salts, Medicinal Earths and Absorbents [Poroders?] If the Sense is Impaired Chew Rad. Rephan. & use the Nervine Medicines If ye Patient is old the Defect of Tasting is hard to Cure

Teeth Breeding of See Dentition

Sweating is proper when a person has [?] the Infection of a Disease and in Diseases of the Skin as Schieß, Herpes, leprosy Ven. Pustules & Ulcers in the Cold Scurvy, fixed Arthritis Hip. Gout & Palsy. also in Tertian und Quartan Agues.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 160)

(seq. 160)


This is a frequent Inclination to go to stool. Regim. Ought to be the same as in the Dysentery Rest ought to be indulged. The Cure is much the same as in the Dysentery Rx. Pulv. Sanct. Rhei aa s. j. Ol. Cinnam. gut. j. Cand. Lond. gr. ss Syr Violets q. s. f. bolus mane sumend & pro re nata Repe[tunel?] give the paragoric Draught at Night

Terror its Effects

Terror greatly Constringes the surface und Extreme Parts of the Body and drives the Blood to the Interior and noble Parts i. e. the precordia and the Head, whence proceed Griveous disorders especially the Genus Nervosum which it enervates and Renders Languid.


The General Symptoms are nearly the same with ye Opisthotonis Bleeding Blistering Mild Cathartics Diaphoretics Kermies Mineral Opiates Warm Baths &c are all good.


These are small spreading Erruptions with Red edges appearing on any part of the Body Washing in Soap Sudds and External Cold is often their Cause Rx. Sapo. venet oz. iiij pulv. amyg. d. tritic. aa oz. ij. Camph Ol. Tert. per deliq. oz. j. eff. limon. gut 20 m. For Tetters in the Face Use Cold Cream and take out the detergents out of the above Receipt Shaw. give things to defend the Stomach.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 156 - 160 of 171 in total