Stearns, Samuel, 1747-1809. Medical notebook of Samuel Stearns, circa 1773. H MS b1.1, Countway Library of Medicine.

Notebook containing descriptions of various diseases and medical conditions and recommended treatments collected by New England physician Samuel Stearns (1747-1809) in circa 1773. There are entries in alphabetical order including instructions on preventing abortion (miscarriage), setting fractures, and for treating melancholy, taken sometimes from the published works of other physicians, such as Richard Brookes (1721-1763), whose prescription for cancer Stearns transcribed. The notebook is dated 1773 and may have been intended for publication as part of a medical dispensatory Stearns was attempting to compile, beginning in 1772. As part of his efforts, Stearns traveled to hear medical lectures in North America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and France. The volume bears the locations including London, England; Québec, Canada; and Pembroke, New Hampshire, on the title page and flyleaf.


(seq. 131)

(seq. 131)

Illiac Passon

This is a Pain in the Small Intestines which is apt to turn into an Inflamation, in which the Peristaltic Motion is inverted and their Contents and even the Excrements themselves is Voided by the Mouth in Vomiting. No thing will pass downwards not so much as a flatus. It is often attended with Fatal Symptoms. Cure Bleed immediately & Repeat it pro re nata. Then apply a Blister on the Part where the Pain is then give Extract. Cathart. with gr. j. Extract thebaic If there is an Inflamation give Sal. Nit. gr. viij. qm. Camph. [gr?] ss. Rad. Val. Sylv. s. j. Externally Rx Lard Porcup. oz. j. Camph. dr. j. m. pro liniment. if these fail then apply Argent. Vicrum. lb. j. may be swallowed once Dash Cold water on the feet then on the Legs then up to the Pubis, which will procure stool

Impetigo of the Greeks see Leprosy

Venery to Provoke Pulv. Cin. Rad. Angel. Zingib. Cantharides Carioph. Fl. Lavend. Sem. Fenic. Rad. Cont. Macis Rad. Serpt. Virg. Succ. kerm. Bals. peruv. Cardam. Minor. Cocinel Cort. Cit. Syr. Bals. C. some of these in Vin. Can. Pastinaca Hortensis

Outwardly Ung. Nervi. Ol. Macis Ol. Caryoph. Ol. Rodii Bals. peruv.

Incubus or Night Mare

Bleeding and purging are necessary Let the patient lie with his head Raised and eat Light Suppers If the ail is very troublesome Antiepileptics and Steel Medicines may be used

N. B. This Distemper is caused by undigested Humours stopping the Passage of the Animal Spirits, so that the Body cannot move

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 132)

(seq. 132)


An Imposthumation is a Swelling or gathering of Humours which are of a Corrupt Nature into any Part of the Body.

They are Cured by a proper Regimen by Supperatives or discutients by Emollients and Carnatives &c Vide other Inflamations and Tumours.

Inflamation & of ye Reins & Bladder

The Signs of this Disease are an acute burning, pressing Pain in the Region of the Pubis attended with a Fever and Continual Tenesmus and a perpetual Striving to Make Water. Cure Bleed in the Foot. & if the Pain is Violent Exhibit the following Rx. Calc. Antimo illote dr. ss. Croci. gr. v. Camph. gr ij. M. F. pulv. Statim. Sumend. Rx. Nit. s. j. Antim. Diaph. gr xv. Croci gr jv. Camph. gr iij. M. F. Pulv.

Externally Antispasmodics Ol. Amygd. d oz. iij. Sal. Ammoniae dr. j. Camph. s. j. M. F. Ung. add. Ung. de Alth. oz. j. Anoint the Region of the Pubis with this ung.

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 133)

(seq. 133)

Inflamation of the Brain Or Phrenzy

This if a Primary Disease is a true Inflamation of the Dura & Pia Mater; If Symptomatical, the Inflamatory Matter is translated into the Meninges of the Brain from some other Part Regim. Water Gruel acidulated. for Drink Aq. Hord. Small beer Decoct. Tamarind. Cure Bleed in the Juglar Frontal, & Vain of the foot. Apply Leeches to the Temples & Blisters as in Common Fevers. Nit. & Camph is the best internal Remidies Rx. Sal. Nit. gr. vj. to qm. Camph. gr. j.

& Stomach

Indications of Cure are 1st to open the Obstructions caused by the tenacious Juices impacted into ye incongrous Vessels and Restore the equable and Natural Progress of the Blood through the Substance of the Stomach These ends are Obtained by Diluents, Humectants, Demulcents, Antispasmodics and things that Restrain the Heat which thickens the fluids and Relax the Constricted Fibers Nit. Camph. &c are proper

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 134)

(seq. 134)


June 5th 1778 Then I Sam A Stearns was Innoculated with the Smallpox having taken it the Natural way the Day before as was supposed June 6 In the Morn. I took Gr jv. Tart. Emet & in ye Even. pl è Merc. chele Gr vj 7 I bleed my self & took Mered. gr. vj in the Even. 8 I took pl. Coch. No viij. in Mane & at Even Calom gr vj. 9 I took Calom D[itt] 10 D[itt]o 11 I took Rad. Jalap. & Cr. tart m. f. Cath in Mane 15 I went to the Hospital 26 I took pl. Coch. No. vj. 27 Then I came out of the Hospital This is Dr. Absalom Russels method of Innoculation

Joy its Effects

Ischury See Dysury

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
(seq. 135)

(seq. 135)


Externally Ung. Mercurial Sulphurus Picis Liniment. Mercuri. Empl. Epipastic. Rx Merc. Sublimat. Corros. dr. j. Alum dr. ij. Sal. Prunel oz. ss Aq. Calcis lb. ss. M.

Internally Flor. Sulphurus in Sacch. Spum.

Kings Evil

Aq. Marine Ethiop. Min. Merc. dulc. Sal. diuret. Vitrioled Tart. ethioptic Pills, Golden Sulph è Antimo. Medicinal Regulus of Antim Camph. Aq. Calc. Decoct of the Woods, burnt Sponge Pulv. Anti Strumas. Bals. Guaiacum Tar water Tar Pills. Or take every Night a Dose of the 2d Mercurial pills

Pulv Anti Struma Rx burnt Sponge s. j. Nit. Coralline Sacch. alb. aa X. grains pro dosi una. give such a dose twice in a Day in Vitrium iij è aq. casteis minor if ye Pat is emaciated mix the powder with some Milk.


When a Quinzey affects the internal Muscles of the Larynx and there is no outward redness about any Part of the Neck but a Burning Pain inwardly a Loss of Voice and great Difficulty of Breathing; it often kills in 24 hours this is called Kynanche See Quinzey & Angina

Kanker or Canker called Carcino

Rx. Divels bit Meadow plantain Gold thread Wood & Common Sorrel Coq. in aq. Font. q. s. Colat. dulcify cum Mellis

Cort. peruv. oz. j Coque in Aq. Font Till 1/2 is Consumed add Bol. Ammoniac dr. j. Sal prunel dr. ij. Allumen 15 vel 20 g Bottle it & Exhibit Thea Coch. pro dosib. Keep the Body open with Sene or some Cooling purge Empl. derain. cum Mercurio. apply Externally. & put some of it into the throat with a Feather. from [Wast?] Almanack for 1776

Last edit about 1 year ago by Ardilla
Displaying pages 131 - 135 of 171 in total