Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: C, 1947-1948, 1957. A-71, folder 287. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge,



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(seq. 46)

Dr. dear you will never know how happy your Easter card and note made me. I can't think of a worse fate than going thru life with out your love. Thank you dear my appitite came back as soon as I knew we were alright. I have a very beautiful tree across the st and am ashamed to say I dont know what it is. It had silvery branches and red foliage. We have two beautiful chestnut trees on this street also. The day I came home from Framingham in the late snow storm I looked out the window in the early morning and the red tree was bare but covered with ice diamonds and I wished you could see it. Now it has blossomed. You will recover completely very soon now dear. Im sure of it so be patient Love Mae

G.W. 25 X 626-6 MADE IN U.S.A.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by RobertSteere
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(seq. 47)

Monday A.M. [n.d.]

Hello Cynthia.

I am all rested now and just remembering you + Chuck + the kids so I want to try to tell you how grateful I am to you for having me there and how great it was to be with those boys + you. you know Cynthia I am really a person of habit both good + bad I stick with my habits. I syatyed abot three yrs ago taking an hours nap as soon as Bill left for work at 2 P.M. and now its such a habit with me that Im no good without it. Fri I had no nap and Saturday I was up earlier than usual but I was enjoying myself so I forgot to get tired until I got back from Rangers and I was really tired before I arrived in Lynn. Miss Gladding

Last edit almost 5 years ago by RobertSteere
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took me to the Bus and one was just leaving at 425 and I was in my house at 615. Good time but I taxied from the Sq. in Lynn and my old flat never looked so good. Dirty but good. Major Berry of the Sallies was at [Rangers?] and she and I have many mutual friends in N.Y. so I was glad to see her but dont know what has happened to her as she is crippled badly and can hardly walk. I couldn't see Norime so left the [ring?] + candy + cigarrettes with Dr to give her. I didn't mind for myself but I know she did. If you see her please tell her I am sorry. Your children are all beautiful and David has grown so I'd hardly know him. He seemed a little out of step or [did?] I imagine it. Maybe jealous of Stevie? Hope it wasn't Chuck's car that guy took out of the parking lot at the plant to stick up the Framingham bank. It would be awful if it was yours and

Last edit almost 5 years ago by RobertSteere
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some one got the number and the guy was Chucks size. He would be identified and many people love to identify the wrong one. Your Chuck is a real doll and made me feel not only that he knew me but liked me. Well dear this could go on + on but I'll be good + stop as I know your to busy to read much. I must see that [lawn?] when it comes up and also the house when its done so please ask me again. Lots of love to the boys + yourselves.


Please give Dr my love when you see her. I don't like to write her to often but Im always thinking of her and these few days that are left I'd spend near her if I could. Its a long trip from here so can't do it often

Love again Mae

Last edit almost 5 years ago by RobertSteere
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(seq. 50)

I'm Tickled Pink -

to hear -

Last edit almost 5 years ago by RobertSteere
Displaying pages 46 - 50 of 52 in total