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6/16/57 - C.T. file. Mae Clark?
Dearest Dr.
Looking forward to seeing you Mon June 17th. It will be fine meeting Eleanore Roosevelt and a great honor but truely to see you is more important to me. Love Mae
Rose DeLuxe 15G3119 7 CHILTON U.S.A.
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Friday June 21st [1957]
Dear {Doctor}. As always I loved your letter but I'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding about Ruth Mason. I received a letter from her asking me for an invitation to stay here from the 29th June to July 1st and I wish she had asked me before as I could have told her that my brother Ralph comes for the week of the 4th and I [dont?] have room for her and what she wants is a copy of my book so she can write it up for some J.V. something and I just couldn't let her do that {Doctor} so I wrote and told her so. Im sorry and I asked her to come later [on?] but not that week as we will eat
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sandwiches + beer on board and go out to some meals and she just wouldn't fit with that group. {Doctor} I would love to speand the 4th with you but you see my Bill has the day off and he enjoys himself more when I'm with him so I must stay home. Some day will you please invite me for 1 hour or 1/2 hr. with you? I don't think you should have much company and dear I would never intrude [on?] you. You looked wonderful to me + I hope you [wont?] do to much now to cause you to go back [wards?]. I understand Ruth is coming to youe home July 1st Well dear please take care of yourself as you are so very dear to so many and I would do any thing to see you back to work. All my love to you {Doctor}. Hope I'll see you some week day. As always Mae