(seq. 52)
[n.d.] Dearest Dr.
Thank you for a lovely evening and dinner. I would have written before but I was laid up with a thing like pneumonia and i didn't want to tell you until I was well again. I feel O.K. now and missing a few days fishing hurt more than the lung. You looked fine Dr and I hope it didn't tire you too much. Didn't Cynthia look beautiful? I didn't know she was so pretty. how do you like my pink doggie? Dr. O'Leary + Miss O'Keefe spoke so nice to me know no one would know they were not my friends. Well as long as you are my friend what do I care for any one else. Isn't Mrs. Thompson remarkable. I was happy to see her + Miss [Weinburg?] and all. Take is easy now please and stay away from Shephards Rock. Its to far. Love Mae
Rose DeLuxe 25G3103 7 CHILTON U.S.A.