(seq. 9)
[Apr 8, 1957]
75 Newhall St. Lynn, Mass.
Dear Dr.
I'll make this short but have to write it and stop worrying. I'm sure you have been told that I had some nembutal capsules and I can't ask for forgiveness but I do ask for a chance to tell you the truth. Eleanore Hale called there and Miss O Keefe came over and lied to her so I wonder how you heard it. I was put out in the snow storm and I begged Miss O Keefe to let me stay but Miss [Free?] whispered something I presume about Dr. O learys orders and Miss O Keefe just ran away and the taxi man took my grip. She told Eleanore that she tried to make me stay but Dr none of that is important to me now only that you dont hate me. I can't sleep thinking of it I wouldn't ask you to go to Dr O Leary for me as I guess you know I wouldn't. Dr Im afraid of [Irish?] and if he says two years Im afraid he would enforce it and I [?]. He knows I need surgery badly and Dr.
(seq. 10)
I cant help believing that this wouldn't happen if you were there. I picked up enought to see that your absense made a difference. Please Dr. I don't want to go in and all I want is your forgiveness I don't know what Dr O Leary would do if I had morphine but Im sure he would do it through some one else just as Miss O Keefe does. I like them both Dr and Im sure there is more to it than meets the eye. Was there ever a time that you were so ill people thought you wouldn't be back?
Dearest Dr. Im a weaking and I dreaded the sleeplessness but wouldn't bring in dope as I really wanted a cure. Please Dr. forgive me a little bit. All my love
As B.4 Mae