1873 Copying Book: Superintendent's Letters, 2005.062.005

Letterpress Copying Book. Bound ledger of Superintendent's Correspondence, March 19, 1873 - January 17, 1874, pp. 2-466. Including correspondence of James W. Lovering.





J. T. Bradlee Esq. Prest

Dear Sir,

Enclosed please find a schedule of the cost of Printing Catalogues and Engraving maps of Cem. in 1867.

I have also learned the following facts in connecting with the matters in hand, from Mr. Meisel ^who appears to have sold out his business to H.W. Longfellow ^late 89 Franklin St Boston and to be now at work for him as an employee.

Our Stone is at City Hall, in care of the registrar

Probable cost of engraving a stone with

addition of Watriss Lot - $75.00
Printing (4¢ a copy)
625 copies 25.00
[total] $100.00
Last edit over 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner




Mr. Coolidge had a quantity of blank paper stored at the office.

It is difficult to estimate cost of revising the general map of the Cem. without a completed copy to compare and see what is to be done.

The above is from Mr Meisel:

The cost of constantly revising maps by hand for the use of all the Committees, offices, and principal employees of the Cemetery is very considerable.

I have often thought the amt. expended in clerk hire in this direction, would pay for correcting the stone.

Respectfully Yours C.W. Folsom Supt.

Per E.T.K.

Last edit about 2 years ago by Thom Burns



J.T. Bradlee Esq Pres't.

Dear Sir,

I wish to call to your notice, the piece of ground or "Park" so called situated between Central, Garden, Yew and Fountain Aves, on the left of the main Gate.

Last year a large quantity of manure was carted on to it, alas considerable loam, with a view to plowing in this spring,

The material is scattered over the ground in heaps, and I respectfully recommend that as soon as the weather is favorable. the heaps should be spread and the whole plowed over.

Yours Truly C.W. Folsom Supt.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Elizabeth Casner



A.W. Lamson Esq

Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter of , would say, that the enclosed information (separate sheet), which has been obtained from Mr. Safford, our Undertaker, is the best I know of or can obtain namely, that the name of the person intered in lot #588 Primrose Path is Mrs. Sarah D. Colburn, and that Hon. Jas. Cheever knows considerable about the circumstances of the [memorial?] of the lot

Respectfully Yours C.W. Folsom Supt

Per E.T.K.

Last edit over 2 years ago by gbenoit



Messrs P. O'Brien & Co


My attention has been called to the fact that the By-laws (page 28 Article XII) and uniform in their provisions which require that all persons who perform work for Proprietors shall hand a permit from each Proprietor who so employs him.

I think it is the wish of our Trustees that this privision shall be strictly carried out, and would notify you now that I think a permit will be required of you for each lot for which you may have an order for care or other work for this coming season.

Several of the large Stone - dealers have procured a general permit on giving the proper bonds; and it is possible that some such arrangement will be practicable in your case, accompanied with a return

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Thom Burns
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