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Queen's College 5th Nov. 1856 The Senatus met, & was duly constituted. Present Revd. Dr. George V.P, Dr. Williamson, & Professor Weir Revd. Professors Stewart & Yates
The annual election of a Governor of the Kingston General Hospital from the Medical Faculty was oppointed to be made by rotation, in the order in which the njames of the Professors Stand in the last announcement of the Medical Faculty, and Professor Stewart was accordingly chosen by the Senatus to be Governor for the ensuing year
Closed with prayer Jas Williamson Secy to the Senatus
Queen's College 10th Novr. 1856 The Senatus met & was duly constituted; Present Revd Professors George, Weir, & Williamson
The Vice Principal laid before the Senatus the application of Mr. Berthwick, late Headmaaster of the College School, to be received as a Student of Divinity during the present Sessions. After consideration, the matter was referred for advice, and decision to the General Meeting of the Board to be held on the 19th Inst.
Closed with Prayer Jas Williamson Secy to the Senatus
Queen's College 22nd Nov. 1856 The Senatus met & was constituted. Present Revd. Professors George, Weir & Williamson
The matter regarding Mr. Berthwick's application having been remitted by the Board to the Senatus, Mr. Berthwick was called in, and after communing with him on the subject of the
the Letter written by him, he admitted, that he had made some misstatements, but declared that they had not been made intentionally, ot from an malus animus. He farther declared, that whatever in it was incorrect in statement, or intemperate in expression he retracted, but now withdrew his application for admission to the Divinity Classes.
Closed with prayer. JasWilliamson Secy. to the Senatus
Queen's College 13th Decr. 1856 The Senatus met and was duly constituted. Present Revd Professors George, Weir, and Williamson.
Mr. Peter D. Muir having produced Certificates of attendance during five years at the University of Glasgow was examined in the usual subjects of Examination for the degree of B.A., and the Senatus being satisfied with his appearances agreed to confer on him the Degree of Bachelor of Arts.
The Senatus agreed, that the Christmas Recess be from Tuesday the 23d. to Monday the 5th. of January 1857.
The case of Mr. Berthwick was again brought before the Senatus, when Professor Weir in initio dissented from the proposal to consider and adjudicate thereon, whereupon the further consideration of the subject was dropt.
Closed with prayer Jas Williamson Secy to Senatus Pro tem.
Queen's College 4th March 1857 The Senatus met here this day on the Call of the Vice Principal Present Revd Professors George V.P., & Professors Weir and Williamson.
The Senatus, being earnestly desirous of promoting the welfare and reputation of the young men, in some measure, committed to their care, unaniomously resolved, that the Vice Principal be requested to impress strongly on the Students who are Boarders the duty of cultivating a courteous, and gentlemanly demeanour towards the families with whom they reside.
The Senatus resolved, that £10 be paid to W. B. Clarke, Student of Divinity as a Bursary for the present Session, should the state of the funds at the disposal of the Senatus permit
Closed with prayer Jas. Williamson Secy P.T.
Queen's College 11th April 1857 The Senatus met here this day on the call of the Vice Principal, & was constituted. Present Revd. Professor George V.P, Professors Weir, & Williamson.
The Senatus resolved, that the different Scholarships at their disposal, & already paid, be allotted as is stated in the Appendix under the head of the Bursary Expenditure for 1856—57.
It was fresolved, that the Examinations for degrees should this Session commence on Thursday the 23d. April, & be continued on Friday the 24th & Monday the 27th., each day from 10 AM to 1 P.M., & from 2 P.M. to 5 P.M., that the public Examination of the Classes should be on Tuesday the
the 28th. from 10 a.M. to ½p.2, the reading of Prize Essays on Wednesday the 29th. from 11 A.m to 2 P.M, and the Closing Address, the distribution of Prizes & conferring of degrees on Thursday the 30th., beginning at 11 A.M.
Closed with prayer JasWilliamson Secy Pro tem.
Queen's College 29th. April 1857 Which day the Senatus met and was duly constituted.
After consultation on the appearance both in the oral and written Examinations made by the applicants for degrees, and on a joint view of the whole, it was agreed that the following gentlemen be admitted to the following honors in arts viz Joseph Evans Kilby, to the degree of Master of Arts. John May Beckwith [bracket] John Machar Kingston with honors Donald B McLennan Glengarry [/bracket] John Martin Fraser London John Livingston Pieton Nova Scotia Alexander McLennan Glengarry Duncan McMillan London James Pennington Macpherson Kingston James Webster Guelph to the degree of Bachelor of Arts.
In the Faculty of Medicine James Maxwell Bell Nassagaweya Samuel S. Bowers Berlin
H.S. Chisholm Belleville Joseph Crawford Owen Sound Sylvanus Ivy Otterville Alexander R. Laidlaw Milton Michael Lawlor Milton Alexander R. McDonald Kingston Julien Perrault Belleville Oliver Thibodo Kingston to the degree of Doctor of Medicine.
Closed with prayer. George Weir Secy.—
Queen's College 12th January 1858 Which day the Professor of the Faculties of Theology and Arts met. The Secretary read and laid on the table certified Extracts from the Minutes of the Board of Trusteed of the University of Queen's College of the appointment of the Revd John B. Mowat as Professor and of the Revd John Cook D.D. as Principal of said University.
Whereupon the Revd. Dr. Cook as Principal constituted the meeting of Senatus with prayer. Sederunt. The Revd. John Cook D.D. Principal, the Revd. Professors George, Williamson, Mowat and Weir. The Minutes of former were read, and approved. There being no P{rincipal since the opening of Session 1857—58, till this date, there could in Consequence be no regular