Queen's University Senate Minute Book (Volume 2) 1855-1877



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George Campbell, Niagara C.W. William R. Cluness, Williams C.W. H. W. Day, Kingston C.W. Charles F. Ferguson, KitleY C.W. Robert J. Foster, Kingston C.W. William Henderson, Williams C.W. Robert Lambert St. Catherines C.W. John H. Morden Kingston C.W. Caird R. McLean Kingston C.W. George S. Sparham Waterloo C.W.

Closed with prayer George Weir Secy—

Queen's College 8th September 1855 Which day the Senatus met on the call of the Principal and was duly constituted with prayer. Sederunt The Revd. John Cook D.D. Principal Professors Williamson, George, Lawson and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved.

It was agreed that in the absence of the Principal, the Secretary should be empowered to call meetings of the Senatus, that it should be his duty to do so at the request of any Professor, and that such meetings should appoint their own chairman to authenticate their proceedings.

Closed with prayer George Weir Secy—

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Queen's College 5th to 21st October 1855 The Professors met and in accordance with the minutes of previous meeting, Professor Weir moved, and Professor Mowat seconded the motion, that Dr. Williamson as the Professor of longest standing in connection with the University, be requested to take the chair, Which motion was unanimously agreed to. Whereupon Professor Williamson took the chair, and the meeting was duly constituted with prayer. Sederunt Dr. Williamson Chairman, Professors George, Mowat and Weir. The minutes of former meeting were read and approved.

Two letters from Fred. S. Haight were read and laid before the Senatus, stating that he had studied at a University in the United States and had there obtained the degree of B.A. and that he was anxious to obtain the same degree from Queen's College, and at the same time in the event of the Senatus agreeing to take him on trial, asking to be made acquainted with the subjects of examination for said degree as well as with the time when he should appear before them for said examination. The Senatus agreed to accede to his request, instructed the Secretary to furnish him with the subjects of Examination, and to inform him that he might come up for Examination at the close of the Session.

At Dr. Lawson's request it was agreed that the Natural History class should meet from 3 to 4 P.M. instead of from

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11 to 12 A.M. as previously. The following applicants for matriculation in the Junior Class as Intrants[sic], were examined on the subjects prescribed. Archibald Edward Malloch Alexander Neil McQuarrie Duncan Morrison George Hamilton Elias Mullan William Baldwin Thibodo George Milligan William Henry Sullivan John McMillan James Arthur Hope John Dickson Robertson. All of whom were found qualified with the exception of Elias Mullan, who was advised to attend the preparatory School for another year. Of the following applicants for matriculation in the Junior division of the Senior Class, viz: George Augustus McNutt William Lloyd Ferguson James Forsyth Ferguson James Dingwall James Smith John Mudie John Gordon Alexander Hunter John McIntyre John Ross Charles Innes Cameron John Sommerville Lochead John Goodwill Robert Vashon Rogers Alexander McDonald George Johnstone Caie

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Stephen Daniel Pope John Flanigan Thomas Francis Harkness James Muir William Cook William Darrach William Hamilton — All were found qualified except William Hamilton John Ross & John Goodwill. With respect to these the Senatus in accordance with their own previous act, resolved that the said Students should again enter the Junior Classes. William Darrach expressed his wish to enter the Junior Classes a second time, to which the Senatus agreed.

The following applicants for matriculation in the Senior division of the Senior Class were examined and found qualified viz: Andrew Thomas Drummond Alexander Campbell Alexander McBain George Macdonnell Edward George Malloch Thomas Hunter John McLaren John Barr Andrew Watson Horace Porter Yeomans Donald Ross.

On a joint view of the Examinations in the Mathematical and Classical departments in the different Classes the following order of merit was agreed upon.— Intrants 1 William B. Thibodo

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2 Alexander McQuarrie 3 John McMillan 4 [bracket]George Hamilton [bracket]equal James Hope [/bracket][/bracket] 5 Duncan Morrison   6 Archibald E. Malloch 2nd. Year's Students 1 Thomas F. Harkness 2 John McIntyre 3 John Gordon 4 Charles Cameron 5 James Dingwall 6 Robert V. Rogers 7 James F. Ferguson 8 Stephen D. Pope 9 Alexander Hunter 10 John Lochead 11 William B. Ferguson 12 George McNutt 13 George J. Caie 14 John Flanigan 15 John Ross 16 John Goodwill. 3rd. Year's Students 1. Donald Ross 2 Thomas Hart 3 John McLaren 4. Edward Malloch 5. Horace P. Yeomans 6. George Macdonnell 7. John Barr.—

The rules for the management of the Library were read & approved, ordered to be hung up therein, and strictly enforced. A letter from the Sub-Librarian Robert Campbell was read

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Displaying pages 31 - 35 of 473 in total