Club Minutes: Mutual Improvement Association, 1928



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4] Martha Ramey - assured us that she was glad to be back in Sandy Spring - although Texas is very nice.

Helen Moore read of Mary of the Little Lamb fame - now 89 years old.

Mary Hutton read an amusing dialect story -

Elise Hutton - "And how are they all?" = one of the questions which must be asked in order to get along.

Hallie Lea - had no contribution but all agreed that it was a great pleasure to have her - one of our Honorary Members - present at the meeting

Helen Hallowell 's selections stressed the fact that there are no loafers in Christ's Kingdom - There are too many now, who shirk work - the

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worlds production per capita, being at its lowest.

She told of the "Stone Step" - 2009 F St. in Washington - a good place to stay over night.

Mariana Miller read of the meetings at Avalon - Ashland and Fair Hill in 1871

Florence Wetherald read excerpts from a will.

Mrs. Phil Robison- the thought that we get out of life just what we put into it.

Ethel Adams - nothing

Alice Tyson - an anecdote

Alice Farquar read an original paper on Art Galleries in Baltimore. (Would it not be advisable for other members to follow this good example by reading their own original papers?)

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Question - How can strawberries be preserved so they will remain whole? Many ways were given - the idea of letting the sun do most of the cooking seemed to prevail.

Amy Hutton surprised us by having no contribution - most unusual as her selections are always so good.

Mary Robison read Bruce Barton's "Picking On Each Other"

Mrs. Appleton - No

Estelle Moon - a poem with a good sentiment - "Let us speak well of our brother - or speak not of him at all.

Elizabeth Stabler read an article written by Henry Shoemaker about

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7} the destruction caused by the Mexican Bean Beetle.

Mary Nichols - No

Margaret Bancroft - gave an account of the Annual Meeting of the Social Service League held at the Manor Club - Amt $1100.00 was cleared from the Pageant Deborah Iddings Wilson wore a dress belonging to her Grandmother our Honorary Member Sophie Pierce - and probably worn at the first meeting of the Association in 1857 - An article on "Idealism" by Michael Pupin _

Rebecca Stabler - no

Julie Hallowell - related a little incident of a young man who neither drinks nor smokes because

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8} he just now got at it" -

8 Reports of Committees -

Education - Social Service - and Resolution Committee had no reports.

American Home - Helen Hallowell - asked that the members give some suggestions for the American Home exhibit at the Rockville Fair.

Legislation - Margaret Jones - brought the idea of the Convict Labor Bill to the attention of the members.

9 Unfinished Business - Membership in the State Federation was brought forward from the last meeting - Motion, made by Margaret Bancroft, seconded by Estelle T. Morris - That we retain our membership in the State Federation -

This motion was amended by

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