with the Querry's for the present discussion and the Roll called Thos Brevard and B. S. Mabry being absent, the Society then proceeded to business
Query 1st Which is most conducive to happiness a Publick or a private life. Mr. Richardson appointed chief speaker on the side of a prlvate life Mr Organ his opponent. This query was decided in favour of a publick life
Query 2nd Which is the most attracting Beauty or booty Mr Organ appointed chief speaker on the side of booty and John P. Martin his opponent This query was given favour of Beauty
1829 Wednesday evening the 7th of January the Society met according to adjournment Thomas Brevard being called to the chair the minutes of the last meeting were read and queries for present discussion the Bo[ard] being called. James C Bradshaw and Thoma[s] Travillian being absent the Society the [n] proceeded to business. Thos. Brevard Pres.
Query lst Affirm. A person can act without the consent of the will Neg. A Person cannot act without the consent of the will Mr Steele chief speaker on the affirmative Mr Organ on the Negative
Query 2nd Aff. convicts sentenced to imprisonment ought rather to be compelled by law under proper overseers to work on publick Roads Neg. Convicts sentenced to imprisonment ought not to be compelled by law under proper overseers to work on publick
Roads Mr Steele appointed Chief Speaker on the Aff. Mr Mabry on the Neg. Tho. Brevard Pres. John P. Martin Sec.
Wednesday evening 21st Janry, 1829, The Phi. Soc. met according to adjournment. After the usual prerequisites, and the name of William McSpedden added to the list of members. James C. Bradshaw & John P. Organ absent -- Pugh Martin being consentably, tho' otherwise unconstitutionly appointed Pres. as not being a memb[er] the soc. proceeded regurly to the discussion of the following Queries in rotation, as received from the former session: Viz. 1st Whether a person can or cannot act without the consent of the [torn] which after animated debate was decided in the neg. Majority 2nd Whether or not, convicts sentenced to imprisonment ought to be compelled by law to work on roads &c. under proper overseers. This Query was also decided by a major. in the neg. Two other queries were then received for the next meeting Viz. 1st Aff. Wealth is more desirable than popularity Benjn Mabry open debate Neg. Wealth is not more desirable than popularity. Loyd Richardson open debate neg. and 2nd Aff. The civilization of the different Indian tribes ought to be encouraged by the laws & people of the United States. John P. Martin open debate. Neg. The civilisation of the different Indian tribes ought not to be encouraged by the Laws & people of the U. S. Benjn Mabry open debate debate
On application Mr. J. P. Martin Secry. was permitted to leave his book in the hands of T. Brevard as deputy until the next meeting -- The society then adjnd until this night two weeks at this place early candle light.
John P Martin Sec. Pugh Martin Pres. Alethia School-house 21st Janry 1829
1830. Miscellaneous Journal, - By Thomas Brevard Janry 1 Had Tho. A. Osborn with me at home, a poor fragmt of better days
S. 2 Went J. Troutts, to store at a place call'd Pinch`mSlyly, - & home.
S. 3 To J. Weir's senr brought home in evening 2 Vols Nich. Encyclop[edia]
M. 4 Attend school, it rains - night at Eli Harris's - cold
T. 5 Cold & fair -- cloudy evening - night as above - He killed hog
W. 6 Rainy cool - A. Provine's son to be married not so cold, cloudy
Thu. 7 Fair until 2 O'clock, turning cooller - frosty night at Jno. Whit [page torn]
F. 8 By help of cool & frosty air, To save fresh pork the prospect's fair, home
S. 9 Paid Eli Harris for a letter wc. he took out of office for me $0.18 [page torn]
S. 10 Rained profusely last night, sold fodder & whiskey Mr Menton .50 cts
M. 11 Walked to school very cold frosty morning - night wt. Eli Harris - cold
T. 12 Sharp frost - getting hazy 12 O'clock read 1st No. 4th Vol. Stone's p [writing faded]
W. 13 Cloudy, air moderate continue usual business - read Homer, cloudy
Thu. 14 Some rain early - clears moderate - Go to Mr Miracle's, 'Vivunt natural
F. 15 Clear & frosty, early at school - Tommy comes for me, at home
S. 16 Go to Lebanon afternoon, bot 6 lb. nails from J. B. & Co. 2 oz. J. & B. Indigo
S. 17 Fair & clear grow cooler. Shot rabbit yesterday & pd Sam B. 62 cts
M. 18 Cold frosty morning, walk to school - lodge wt Parson Flowers
T. 19 Frosty morning after very cold night. Moderates at Eli Harris' and read new [page torn]
W. 20 Somewhat cloudy, become clear at 12 o'clock turning colder slightly
Th. 21 Clear & cold - becomes windy - still clear - via Hamilton's to Miracles
F. 22 Cloudy & windy. Pd Mrs Miracle 50 cts for 1 bush, dry fruit .50 cts
S. 23 Windy & clear work closely all day at home having got home last night
S. 24 Fair and more moderate - hear Rucks & Bowen - Mr. & Mrs Trout stay wt us night
M. 25 Fair but smoky, moderate wt some wind. Have walked to school, night at E. Harris
T. 26 Extremely cold & clear air, continues as usual. Night as usual at E. Harris
W. 27 Not so cold, heard thunder, so says others, some rain A. M. missed to Stone's, night at K. H.
Th. 28 Cloudy & more moderate - - Afternoon walk home, very cold in night
F. 29 Rode Bollivar back to school, very cold - got bush. dry fruit at home
S. 30 Went Lebanon bot. side upper leather $1.75 cts 1 lb. coperas 12 1/2 cts wt fruit $ [page torn]
S. 31 Moderate & cloudy, very cold yest, heard Hall preach in courthouse [page torn]