Notebook, 1789-1855





S. 29 Warmer & cloudy- Went Mottley's, appointed Ch. of School Trustees, Want B. S. Elec. Clecked [writing faded'

S. 30 Fair. Lifted a note yesterday for $8.56 1/2 & paid M. Ellis 50 cts - some rain - at home

M. 31 At school 12 o'clock having been some rain. M. De Grissom dislocated arm Last night a bountiful rain, accompanied wih thunder which is first of consequence since the month of March

1830. June first summer month, 6th of the year

T. 1 Cloudy - cleared afternoon - Met Tommy, went home, & to B. T. Mottley's

W. 2 Fair & pleasant, went via Romae to Mr Bondines, & there Slep. wt C. Organ

T. 3 Ut supra - Reed payment for tuition. N. B. B. $6.50 A. L. B. 3.50 - Ch. .31 1'2 amt 10.31

F. 4 Cloudy & warm, have been unwell wt dysentary 2 days past. Went home &c.

S. 5 Rain, went Lab. Displeased wt irregularities; dp Smith & Parkesdale $5.00. Suspend. 25 cts.

Last edit about 4 years ago by DrWatson


S. 6 Rain again. P. M. went wt wife via patris sua to Mrs Mobias, Redimus ut exiremus domo

M. 7 At school-day blustering & cool. Geo. Samford, ut aiunt, rapuit Lucy Lampoon alias Lapoon et abscond

T. 8 Quite cool & clear, wrote some to Com. S. Commissioners, read Greek &c. night E. H.

W. 9 Clear & cool, became cloudy - walked in evening much warmer home

Th. 10 Warm & windy, returned on foot to school, fatigued, went out early at E. H.

F. 11 Warm & calm. Reprove boys sharply - walk homeward. R. Organ on way. Met Tho. Meet-h.

S. 12 Ut supra wrought in gard. Sally McNeely. Shot at squirrels, left it at Lamkin's, weary

S. 13 do. do. sent tartar to lamkins sick. Polly's 3 young goslins dead, by rats we suppose

M. 14 do. Rode Coley, left her at Harris' went on to school - P. M. Thunder & some rain return to E. [H.]

T. 15 Warm & cloudy. Thunder & showers passing nothing new transpires, went to E. H.

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jannyp


W. 16 Morning foggy - clear, distant thunder, very warm, a good shower, went ho[me]

Th.17 Fair - returned by Pinch. & borrowed eye glasses, cutting wheat at home, read Zimmerman

F. 16 Fair, children cone to shelton's for plums, turned out as usual, went H [page torn]

S. 19 Went to Leb. heard some chat got news-paper bot. gingercake for John, early [page torn]

S. 20 Continued at home & read, lent Coley yesterday to Eastland, she is returned

M. 21 Air much cooler & became cloudy, returned as usual to school E. H.

T. 22 Cool & clear, read a letter yesterday from F.E. Harris, went home late

W.23 Continues cool & clear, getting in wheat, Coley-symtoms of distemper - went home

Th.24 Do. do. After school went to Mr John Owen's to mend shoes & returned to E. H.

F. 25 Some warmer but clear. Sent shoes by Mr to W. Owen's, who mended them. Went Home

S. 26 Warm - took 3 cwt. gr. - 1/hemp to Leb, sold to J. Johnson at 3.50 pr cwt amt 11.37 1/2 Saturday bot. of B. & Smith 2 yds. Domestic at 9cts pr. yd & 30 lbs. sug. & do. coffee $7.95

Last edit almost 4 years ago by englishmaj


S.27 At home pd Sat. & Mon. to Smith & B. $7.00

M.28 Some rain yester. & today. Went Leb. bot. bolt domest. amt 3.75 etalias 3.12 1/2 Tommy killed a squirrel today sowed some Buckwheat

T.29 Warm & cloudy distant thunder, at school as usual, went at nipht to E. Har[ris]

W.30 Cloudy & sultry - have been invited to the anniversary at Rome went home wt Wm J [torn] bountiful & apparently general rain, which was much needed

1830. July 2nd Summer month, & 7th of the year.

Th.1 Morning foggy, fog rose to clouds so rain finished school 12 o'clock home

F.2 Fair cutting oats, I counted Book. School committee met. B. T. M. E. Mc & self give land

S.3 Surveyed schoolhouse site went Home collected $19.75 cts. ate barbecue &c.

S.4 After rain yesterday, fair; continued at home read books &c.

M.5 Planted born hominy, & beans, some of which got ripe this season

Last edit almost 4 years ago by englishmaj


T. 6 Fair getting oats up, cleaned some wheat and put to sun for the mill cras

W. 7 Went to Tally's horse mill, boves nolentes, got horses. Mule ran away with plow.

Th. 8 Damp weather, getting in oats, went horse mill, Tally's read Berrian

F. 9 Went Leb. pd mine $l.98,and Wm Wilson's tax .50 cts $1.50 pd Newspaper $3.50. spate $150. pd Smith and 3.50 Barksdele $2.50 Suspenders 25 cts Ginger cake 1.98 6 1/4 cts. bridle $1.75 not pd 3.50 _______ 6.98 2.75 _______ $9.75

S. 10 Remained at home.

S 11 Went preaching Edwards' funeral by Walker and Maddox numerously attended

M. 12 Went by J. Swindells col. $3.00 dined E. H. saw him at/horse mill bot. pr shoes $1.00

T. 13 Dry weather for some time, brought B. from T.'s slept alone last night at home

W. 14 do. made two ax-kheds and went to Adam Troutts: smoke colts for distemper with tar

Th.15 Went to old Mr Leveats, heard Maddox and John Seay preach a funeral.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by deleted_228201_tuckerhughn
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