Alethia Decem. 22nd 1826.
Society met according to and some of the members excused with difficulty from paying fine on account of tardy attendance, & B Billings crossed for non-attendance. The 2 queries set for discussion to night affording considerable controversy; and when a discussion was called for the first was given in favor of the neg. by a single majr and the last by a majr of all but one or two, in favour of the neg. also. 2 queries were then adduced for the next nights discussion. Viz. 1st Is it or is it not right to have a penitentiary in the State of Ten. A.S. Harris & John Mallard opening debate. 2nd are or were Quadrupeds & feathered tribes of the creation indowed with rational faculties in any sense of the word. -- Scruggs & Pemberton O. Debates. The Society then adjnd until Jan./3rd/1827. 5 O'clock evening
W. Steele Pr. T. B. Secry.
Special call, to exhibit a statement of receipts and disbursements &c. and feel himself solicitous for the good accommodation of the Society at each Session by procuring wood, water, light &c., or whatever other facilities he may occasionly be directed to furnish after the funs [funds] of the Society may be deemed capable of renumerating actual expences --
Apl 6th. This Constitution shall be subject to revisal and amendment two thirds of the members acquiescing therein
There is a town in our bounds By fame exalted highly This village stands on Big spring land And is called Pinch um Slyly
2 An honest man, as in our land Has named the infant, dayly By inate love or knowledge fore And calls it Pinch'um Slyly
3 Some at this name wt. wrath exclaim, Roar like a twenty inch drum And rather would, if yet they could, Have it call'd Slyly Pinch'um
4 What they intend no odds for end Which foremost by an inch come Tis all the same Pinch is the game And rightly Slyly Pinch'um
5 'Tis pinch about both in and out Of town;- their fame runs highly, Who try to pinch & never flinch And always Pinch'um Slyly
6 One of low birth & nothing worth Came in there acting wily Feign'd to be sick, bought goods on tick And thus left pinch'um Slyly
7 On either side with arms stretch'd wide They stand prepar'd to clinch 'em And when they yoke to end the joke Both fall in Slyly pinch'um
10 Rules or Bye Laws For the internal regulation of Pihilalethian or Truth Loving Rule 1st Each Society member when addressing the chair shall do it standing and every motion or other address shall bee introduced with Mr. President
Rule 2&& Bo angry or sarcastic speeches nor any unfavorable personal allusions as to moral character shall be admitted in any debate before this Society, neither any extraneous remarks Rule 3^
Each member shell attend punctually at the time
and place according to adjournment Rule 4*b Stylet silence shall bee maintained during the Session of the society and no member shall presume to leave the house without leave of the President fit*
Rule 6*8
The debate Bhmll be introduced by two chief
speakers, one on each side of the question appointed by the iresident when the question is received & each speaker may have an assistant who shall be sentimentally on his side and v/hen a question does not involve a contrariety of opinion it shall be dropped & another Introduced which will and after the debate is thus opened it shall be free to any person disposed to take a part in it Rule 6-S Religious controversy shall not be admitted into the debates of this Society
11 Rule 7th No one shall speak more than twice to the same question without leave of the President nor shall any one speak longer time than half an hour
Rule 8th When any one is up speaklng in debate no other person shall pass between him and the President whom he is addressing
Rule 9th Any member transgressing any of these rules shall forfeit as two thirds of the members present may decide & shall be bound upon honour for such forfeit
Rule 10th Every member of this Society shall have a right to propose a query in writing at the present session for the adjudication of a committee appointed for that duty and shall feel himself bound in honor so to do, as contributing his share thereby of the happy results contemplated by this institution and speak at least once more or less on each subject under discussion
Rule 11th The committee appointed for adjudication consisting of three members shall receive the queries directed by Rule 10th and out of them select 2 for debate at next meeting the board will then decide as by the 1st Art of the constitution whether they will set both for discussion at next meeting or which [of] the two if one is thought sufficient
To spend a life devoi [d of strife] page torn My aim has always been; But solid joys from earthly toys Come "Few & far between"
A single man or Lady can Some casual pleasures glean The married too their joys renew But "few & far between." The poor or rich no matter which Have often troubles seen And times that be from trouble free Come few & far between To find a man that will & can Do right in all his mein Is a rare prize to modern eyes They're few & far between He that can stear his barge so clear Avoiding all that's mean Is scarcely one & some say none Or few & far between
Wednesday evening, the 17th of Dec. the Society met according to adjournment William Steele was called to the chair John P. Martin appointed Secretary Loyd Richardson Treasurer Thomas Breverd Sipson Organ and James C Bradshaw were appointed Committee for adjudication.
Query 1st Is it right to take the life of a fellow creature in any case or for any Crime This query was decided in the affirmative
Query first is it right that Constables [andJ Sherriffs be elected by the justices of the peace and not by the people This Query was decided in the negative
Query 2nd Is it Reasonable to believe in the existence of [sideways in right margin Priestly] Wizards and Witches or not This Query was decided in the negative Wednesday evening the 31st of December the Society met according to adjournment Halem Priestley being called to to the chair the proceedings of the last meeting were read