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Ordinance 198




ed, or failing to complete the railway within the times herein before specified on the streets named as provided for in section seven, he or they shall forfeit all privileges granted on such particular streets, but none others.

SEC. 9. - Nothing in this Ordinance nor any privilege granted hereby, shall be construed to prevent the proper officers of the city from grading, paving, sewering, planking, macadamizing, improving, altering or repairing any of the streets over or upon which the privilege of constructing a railway is granted by this Ordinance, or upon which any railway may be constructed under its provisions, but all such shall be done so as to offer as little obstruction as possible to the passage of the cars, and the owner or owners of such railway shall have the privilege of raising or shifting the rails, so as to avoid as much as possible the liability to obstruction, during the progress of street repairing, improving or altering.

SEC. 10 - {As amended by Ordinance No. 213.} The owners of said railway shall pay annually to the City of Seattle as a license upon each car in use by them on said railways such sum not exceeding fifty dollars as shall be fixed by Ordinance of the Common Council. Provided however [italics], that said license shall not be collected by the city for the first two years and six months said road is operated. SEC. 11. - The City of Seattle shall have the right


by Ordinance of the Common Council, to regulate the rate of fare to be charged in any railway constructed under the provisions hereof: Provided [italics], that the rate to be charged shall not be reduced below six and onefourth cents per mile, or fractional part of a mile, within the five years next ensuing the completion of the railway on the first streets as named and provided for herein, nor shall it ever be reduced below five cents on any route beginning and ending on any one street, or fractional part thereof; and for the purposes hereof the railway on any street running parallel with Elliott's Bay shall be deemed one route from the northern boundary of the city to the southern boundary thereof; and in any street running at right angles to the Bay, the railway from Front Street to the eastern boundary of the city shall be termed one route.

SEC. 12. - There shall be no double track railway laid under this Ordinance upon any street that is less than eighty feet wide; and in operating such railways as shall be constructed under this Ordinance, no car shall be allowed at any time to stop or remain still upon any intersection of streets, and any violation of the provisions of this section shall subject the owner or owners of said railway to a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars for every offence upon conviction thereof before the Justice of the Peace for the city.

Last edit almost 5 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 15/83 on Health and Police From H Butler et al for lowering the sidewalk on James Street Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From Charles Coppin et al for the grading of and the constructioin of sidewalks on both sides of Columbia Street from 3rd to Broadway. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements. From John Leary et al for the grading of the alley in Block 7 of Boren's plat. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements From Jacob Fischel for reducing Peddlers license. Referred to the Committee on License & Revenue From L S Rowe et al remonstrating against the proposed constructionof a sidewalk on Battery Street. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street improvements. From Bailey Gatzert objecting to the removal of his fence on account of grading on 3rd Street. Referred to the Committee on Streets and Street Improvements Reports of Committees Received From Health and Police approving the report of the City Justice. Adopted From Health and Police on the subject of sewerage and submitting Estimates made by the surveyor showing the comparative cost of stone-ware and wood sewers & recommending the laying of stoneware sewer in Madison Street. Ordered that the Legislative and Judiciary Committee be and they are hereby instructed to submit an Ordinance providing for such stone-ware sewer in Madison Street from 5th to Elliott's Bay from Fire and Water approving Fire Wardens Report Adopted From Judiciary and Legislative approving City Attorney's report adopted From Committee on Gas Lights reporting against the Claim of James R Ludlow on a/c of Gas Tax. Adopted

Last edit over 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




445 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar. 12/84 Ordered that the Chief of Police be & is instructed to remove all obstructions foot of University Street. Ordered that 10 lots of land West of Water Street on Battery Street be stricken from the Battery Street Improvement Assessment Roll under Ordinance No. 441. Ordered that the rate of assessment in order to provide funds to pay for the Inprovements done on Battery Street under Ordinance No. 441 be & the same is hereby fixed at 88-1/10 mills on the Dollar. Ordered that the rate of assessment in order to provide funds to pay for the Improvements done on Jackson Street, 12th to Market, under Ordinance No. 442 be & the same is hereby fixed at $1.08-5/10 on the Dollar. Ordinances Rec'd An ordinance is submitted entitled "A special Ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills." Adopted upon the following vote, towit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Harris, Keenen, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against none. The Attorney submits an ordinance entitled "To amend Ordinance "No. 204 entitled 'An Ordinance in relation to Licenses,'" after due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote towit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Day, Harris,Keenen, McDonald, Northrup, Ranke, Rasin & Wusthoff. Against none. Ordered that the Committee on Public Buildings be & they are hereby instructed to select a suitable location for a Pest House. Ordered that the Resolution submitted for a Sewer from Catholic Church to Washington Street, thence to 4th Street & across Main to Elliott's Bay : be & is hereby referred to the Surveyor. Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned. Attest E. S. Osborne Clerk Approved H. G. Struve Mayor

Last edit over 3 years ago by s.fristrom




145 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Jan 25 1887 The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinance to construct a sidewalk on the west side of Front Street" which is passed by the following vote In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell & Reitze. Against none. The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinance vacating an alley or street in Block 16 of Burke's Addition to the City of Seattle" which is passed by the following vote In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell and Reitze. Against none. The City Attorney submits an Ordinance entitled "An ordinance to lay off and establish a public street along the shore and over land covered by waters of Elliott's Bay extending from the north boundary line of the City of Seattle to Columbia Street in said city to be known as and called Railroad Avenue" which after due consideration by the council is passed by the following vote In favor of the same J Furth, J M Frink, Joseph Green, T D Hinckley, R Russell and C F Reitze. Against none. The Clerk submits an Ordinance entitled "A special ordinance appropriating money to pay audited bills" which is passed by the following vote In favor of the same Furth, Frink, Green, Hinckley, Russell and Reitze. Against none. On motion of Councilman Furth ordered that Council adjourn until Thursday January 27th at 7 o'clock pm W H Shoudy, mayor Attest W R Forrest clerk

Last edit almost 4 years ago by StephanieJoWebb




358 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Dec 16 1887 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance providing for the grading of Bell Street from Front Street the West Street and building a sidewalk on the sougth side thereof." Ayes Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz Russell & Rietze 887 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance creating the office of Inspector of Street numbering and prescribing his powers and duties." Ayes Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz Russell & Rietze 885 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance creating the offices of Street commissioner and Sexton" Ayes Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz Russell & Rietze 889 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance creating the office of Harbor Master of the City of Seattle fixing his compensation and prescribing his powers and duties." Ayes Frink, Green, Lake, Moran, Niesz Russell & Rietze 890 An ordinance is submitted by the City Attorney entitled "An ordinance providing harbor rules and regulations for the harbor of the City of Seattle." Read and referred to Committee on Harbors and Wharves Also, "An ordinance to restrain and regulate the discharge of ballase and other meterials in the waters of Elliott's Bay within the limits of the City of Seattle." Read and referred to same committee. Also, "An ordinance regulating the landing of freight and property on wharves slips and inclines of the City of Seattle and fixing the rates of wharfage thereon." Read and referred to same committee.

Last edit over 3 years ago by StephanieJoWebb
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