Pages That Mention Collins
4 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct of 1881 the table of Collins, Claucy, Jennings, Keirnan, & McDonald; against laying the objections on the table Keezer. And now the Council proceed to the examination of said assessmeant poll, Whereupon said Catherine Merritt and George Merritt her husband, by their said attorney further object to any valuation being placed on their property as set forth in said assessment poll for the reasons as set forth in said written objections now on file, thereupon after due examination said objections are overruled upon the following vote, to wit: in favor of overruling said objections Collins, Clancy, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald against overruling the same side And now no further or other complaints being made and the Council finding the said assessment poll correct in every particular, It is therefore ordered that the Assessment poll under said Ordinance No. 241 as sectioned by Frank Seidel City Assessor and filed with the City Clerk on the 30th day of August 1881 be and the same hereby is approved. And now on this the 9th day of October 1881 at the hour of 1/2 o'clock PM in pursuance of the Notice published under Ordinance No. 243 the Council proceeds to hear all complaints against the assessment poll required by said Ordinance No. 243 and filed with the City Clerk on the 15th day of September 1881, Whereupon no complaints of any character being made and the Council find the said Assessment poll to be correct in every particular. It is therefore ordered that the said assessment poll as returned by Frank Seidel City Assessor and filed with the City Clerk on the 15th day of September 1881 be and the same hereby is approved. Ordered that the Clerk Surveyor and Street Committee be and they are hereby instructed to submit at next meeting the items of expense of constructing the sidewalk under Ordinance No 243 & that the City Atty. Submit the draft of an Ordinance levying the tax to pay for the same. Ordered that the Council stated now adjourned until Friday Attest E S Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor Acting Mator
6 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 14, 1881 for the opening of Canal Street be & the same is hereby laid on the table And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No 250 entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the printing and Job work of the City of Seattle" thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Collins, Clancy, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald; Against adoption none. And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance no 251 entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the levying and collecting of a special tax for the purpose of raising funds to pay for the construction of the sidewalk along the West Side of Eighth Street from the North side of Dearborn (otherwise Park) Street to the South side of Main Street together with all necessary and lawful charges and expenses incident thereto; thereupon after due. Consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Collins, Clancy, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald; against none Ordered that the Claims of Stetson & Post and Eureka Bakery be & they are hereby referred to the finance Committee Ordered that the Council Stand now adjourned until Friday evening October 21st 1881 Attest: E F Osborne Clerk Approved John Collins Acting Mayor
27 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Ordered that the Ordinance Committee be and they are hereby instructed to resubmit at next meeting an Ordinance to provide for the construction of a sidewalk in front of the property owned by Col. Squire in Belltown. Ordered that the County Treasurer be & he is hereby instructed to correct the double assessment existing upon the City tax roll against Mrs. Briscoe's name And now the Finance Committe make the report upon the petitions of C.R.Fosterand F.W. Westhoff and Frances McDaniels; thereupon it is ordered that the petitions of ]]C.R. Foster]] & F.W. Westhoff be rejected. And that a warrant be drawn in favor of said Frances McDaniels for Road Roll Tax remitted And now Geo Kinnear and WmR.Brawley present an ordinance to authorize them to construct and operate Street Railways; thereupon the same is referred to the Committee on Ordinance And now the Ordinance Committee submits Ordinance No 254 the same being "an Ordinance to provide for the Construc" tion of a sidewalk along the Northside of Main Street from the " East side of Seventh Street to the East side of the alley between " Fourth and Third street and from thence along the South side " of said Main Street to the alley between Second and Commer" cial Streets there connecting with a side walk recently constructed " by the proprietors of the Arlington Hotel": thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote: To wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald Against adoption none. And now the Street Committee make their report upon the petition of W.Burnett & others, thereupon it is ordered that the obstructions mentioned in said petition be removed that that the Dog Pound be sold to the highest bidder And now the Street Committe make their report upon the petition of Sarah J. Plummer & others; thereupon it is ordered That the Chief of Police be & he is hereby instructed to cause the removal of the nuisance complained of.
33 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE And now the Ordinance Commmittee submit Ordinance No 255 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to provide for the Construction of a side walk along the east side of Front (formerly Third) Street from the south side of Wall Street to the South side of Battery Street" Thereupon after due consideration said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to Wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald. Against adoption none And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No 256 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to repeal the Ordinance No 254" thereupon after due consideration said ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings Keenan, Keezer & McDonald. Against adoption none A Communication is secured & read from the Mayor upon the subject of China Wash Houses & their relations to fire: Thereupon said Commincation is referred to the Fire Committee And now the Council proceeds to elect a Policeman whose beat shall be the same as set forth in the petition of J M Kellock & Others hereto fore acted upon at this meeting; whereupon James Welsh receiving a majority of all the votes of said Council is duly declared elected as such Policeman for the term provided by law Ordered that the Council stand now adjourned until Friday evening February 10th 1882 Attest: E S Osborne Clerk Approved L P Smith Mayor
34 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE And now the Finance Com tee return the petition of C P Dose report favorably thereon. Where upon it is ordered taht a warrant be drawn in favor of said petitioner on the Road Fund on the sum of $4.00 for road poll tax remitted And now the Ordinance make their report upon the Ordinance granting the right to lay a street railway in our City to Geo. Kinnear & others recomment certain amendments to said ordinance It si therefore ordered that the said Ordinance be re-referred to said Com tee with instructions to conferwith the City Attorney and with said Geo Kinnear & others & to submit such and Ordinance as can be agreed upon between all of said parties And now the City Attorney submits Ordinance No254 the same being entitled "An Ordinance to Provide for the construction of a side walk along the North side of Main Street from the East side of Seventh Street to the East side of the alley between Fourth and Third Streets Thence Crossing said Main Street to the South side thereof and from thence along the said South side of said Main Street to the alley between Second and Commercial Streets there connecting with a side walk recently constructed by the proprietors of the Arlington Hotel thereupon after due examination & consideratioin said Ordinance is adopted upon the following vote to wit: In favor of adoption Clancy, Collins, Densmore, Jennings, Keenan, Keezer & McDonald Against adoption none And now it appearing to the Council that thereis a vacancy existing in the Office of City Sexton caused by the death of Thos S Russell the Council proceeds to fill such vacancy. Whereupon O C Shorey receiving the unanimous vote of the whole Council is duly declared elected to such office for the term provided by law Ordered that the Street Committee be & they are hereby insturcted to remove from time to time as they see fit all shade trees & other obstructions now existing & causing inconvenience to travel in teh streets. Ordered that Thos Clancy, Moses Keezer & M Dens