English recipe book, 17th century and later MS 8575


Collection of medical and culinary recipes in several hands.

The recipes are written into a volume that was originally designed for recording classical exempla, epigrams, or extracts from Roman authors; a few entries have been made under such headings as 'Ars', 'Clementia', and 'Crudelitas'. However the volume was seemingly soon repurposed as a recipe compendium. The earliest and largest number of recipe entries are in a later 17th century hand that is also responsible for the index at the start of the volume; a few entries were made by later contributors, the latest apparently in the later 18th or even early 19th century (f. 41).

Various authorities for the recipes are cited. Among the the medical ones are 'Doctor Pridgeon' [? Francis Prigeon] (f. 10); 'Doctor Lower' [Richard Lower, 1631-1691] (ff. 11, 99); 'Dr Butler' (f. 23); 'Doctr Bucanon' (f. 30); 'Docr Smith of Portsmouth' (f. 31); 'Docter Pechey' [John Pechey, d.1718] (f. 33); 'Doctor Colebatch' (f. 40); 'Dct Hunt' (f. 41); 'Doctor Windebank' [John Windebanke MD, fl.1654-1680] (f. 47); 'Doctor Dover' [Thomas Dover, d.1742] (f. 49); 'Doct Nisbit' (f. 140); 'Doctor Speers' (f. 141); 'Doctr Ross' (f. 154); 'Doctr Rosewel' [? John Rosewell] (f. 155); 'Doctor Coladin' (f. 158); and 'Dr Ridgley' [?Thomas Ridgley, d. 1656] (f. 163). Lay authorities include the Countess of Arundel [Anne Howard, nee Dacre,countess of Arundel, 1557-1630] (f. 24); Sir William Temple [1628-1699] (f. 50); and 'Sir Edward Tencil' (f. 134). There are also extensive extracts from Gerard's Herbal (ff. 170-74). An 18th century contributor has inserted a copy of a verse aphorism that seems to have been something of a commonplace at the time: 'spare not, nor spend too much, be this thy care, spare but to spend, and only spend to spare, Who spends too much, may want and so complain, but he spends best, that leaves to spend again' (f. 22). Cf. MS.7849.

The language of the volume is English, with parts in Latin.

Collection of medical and culinary recipes in several hands.

The recipes are written into a volume that was originally designed for recording classical exempla, epigrams, or extracts from Roman authors; a few entries have been made under such headings as 'Ars', 'Clementia', and 'Crudelitas'. However the volume was seemingly soon repurposed as a recipe compendium. The earliest and largest number of recipe entries are in a later 17th century hand that is also responsible for the index at the start of the volume; a few entries were made by later contributors, the latest apparently in the later 18th or even early 19th century (f. 41).

Various authorities for the recipes are cited. Among the the medical ones are 'Doctor Pridgeon' [? Francis Prigeon] (f. 10); 'Doctor Lower' [Richard Lower, 1631-1691] (ff. 11, 99); 'Dr Butler' (f. 23); 'Doctr Bucanon' (f. 30); 'Docr Smith of Portsmouth' (f. 31); 'Docter Pechey' [John Pechey, d.1718] (f. 33); 'Doctor Colebatch' (f. 40); 'Dct Hunt' (f. 41); 'Doctor Windebank' [John Windebanke MD, fl.1654-1680] (f. 47); 'Doctor Dover' [Thomas Dover, d.1742] (f. 49); 'Doct Nisbit' (f. 140); 'Doctor Speers' (f. 141); 'Doctr Ross' (f. 154); 'Doctr Rosewel' [? John Rosewell] (f. 155); 'Doctor Coladin' (f. 158); and 'Dr Ridgley' [?Thomas Ridgley, d. 1656] (f. 163). Lay authorities include the Countess of Arundel [Anne Howard, nee Dacre,countess of Arundel, 1557-1630] (f. 24); Sir William Temple [1628-1699] (f. 50); and 'Sir Edward Tencil' (f. 134). There are also extensive extracts from Gerard's Herbal (ff. 170-74). An 18th century contributor has inserted a copy of a verse aphorism that seems to have been something of a commonplace at the time: 'spare not, nor spend too much, be this thy care, spare but to spend, and only spend to spare, Who spends too much, may want and so complain, but he spends best, that leaves to spend again' (f. 22). Cf. MS.7849.

The language of the volume is English, with parts in Latin.


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Acc. 1556 MS. 8575

Last edit 11 months ago by Nharris


Mr Richard Holland his book 1648

Last edit 9 months ago by formerfarmer
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Affabilitas Affabilitas
Aqua Marabilis 182 to make Spannish Biskits 170
an Ague drink 353 for an inward Bruise 333
for an Ague 377 for a sore Breast 334
for an Ague 431 for a Bruise 334
for an Ague ibid the Methridate Brandy 344
for an Ague 431 a water
for an Ague 431 to wash a Burn Burn 346
for an Ague 077 for one that is Broken 349
for an Ague [?] to stop bleiding at the nose 351
to stop the bleiding of any wound 352
to stop the bleiding of any wound 354
to stopthe bleiding of any wound ibid
for any bruise or inward bleiding in Cattel 355
Cesars Balsome 380
for a Bruise 392
for a sore Breast 394
for a sore Breast 396
to stay bleiding 430
an excelant Balsom 430
a Balsom 431
a raire Balsom ibid
for a sore Breast 406
for a weak Back 055
for a sore Brest 078
a black Salve 079
to Stew a Rump of Beefe 188
for a Burn 057
Shortness of Breath 053
a poltice for a Sore Breast 226
a cancor'd Breast 138
Shortness of Breath 090
a cancord Breast 142
Shortness of Breath 043
Last edit 3 months ago by Noumenon
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{18} Affectus Afflictio
to hash a calve head 172 for the Dropsy 350
to make oring cakes ibid a dyett Drink 364
for a convulsion 334 a defensive plaster 366
Docter Speeds for a safe Deleverance 076
a purging cordiall 356 a drying water for a sore 086
for convulsions 362 a restoring Drink 400
for convulsions ibid the bite of a mad Dog to cure 100
for convulsions 364 the mange in Dogs 049
for a consumption 368 Deceases in cattel 1502
for a consumption 377 the Bite of a mad Dog or
Cesars any pestilentill Desease 073
a drink for a Consumption 400
cuchanel water 412
Cowslip wine 196
for a cough 053
for the Coleol cholick 071
for a colde 078
for Convoltion fits 102
Cowslep wine 196
for any sweeling in cattel 252
for a cow that is weake with calving
or that cannot Clean 252
Cocolate Puffs 200 Corns to cure 069
for the Colick 055
for a Cough 122
for a Cough ibid
for a Cough 150
for a Consumption 206
an Excelant Cordiall 128
a good Cake 216
a Seed Cake 218
Srewsbry cakes 218
for a comption a cake 226
consumption 144
Agricultura Alacritas
the Etalion water 175 to make a fricasy of Mutton 173
for the Eies 334 to make French bread ibid
for the Eies or any sore ibid a couleing drink for
for the Eies 350 a Feaver 084
for the Eyes 351 a drink for a Feaver 412
for the Eyes ibid for the falling sickness 076
for the Eies 352 for a Feaver 084
for the Eies ibid for a Feaver 102
for the rueme in Eies 359 for all sorts of Fits 064
for the pearls or rueme in Eies ibid for Fits 162
for Sore Eies 378
for an impostum in the Eare 386
an oyntment for the Eyes 390
the Evill 403
the Evill 404
the Evill 410
to Peserve the Eyes 35
Elder wine 196
an Electuary for the stomack
& Shortness of breath 067
to make Elder Wine 106
to make Elder Wine 196
an Eie Salve 110
An Eye Water 132
An Eye Water 110
A Poltice for sore Eyes 132
The Elder Balsom 154
Last edit 3 months ago by Noumenon
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