Royal College of Physicians: A collection of medical receipts and prescriptions 17th century (MS502)



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Last edit over 2 years ago by christina.jameson
Untitled Page 17

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Minsichts Tincture of Tartar Take of the salt of Tartar well purged by frequent solution and coagulation as much as you please poure upon itt of the best spirit of wyne Alkoholisd to the height of 3 or 4 fingers put itt in digestion a few days stiringe itt often as ott ought to bee til itt be dyed a red colour but beware lest the spirit breake the glass afterward take away the dyed spirit by inclination and poure on new until itt will dye noe more, or all the tincture be extracted and last of all mix the dyed spirit of wyne clence itt and keep itt for use, It removes all obstructions and putrifications especi ally of the liver spleen and misentery beyond all other medicines or secrets in phisicke by penetratinge and strengtheninge the whole bodie A plaistor for the dropsie Take oyle of juniper beries, laurine each ℥i of the juce made thicke of Elder. of Garden Rue, of Dwarfe Elder, Pigeon Dunge, and goat dunge, steept in vinager, stone pitch each ℥ss camomill flowers, Red myrhe sandarich, mastich, olibann each ℥ij the roots of Garden Angelica Elecampane, Sweet pepperwort, cypress, [?edoary], each ℥i the whitest terpintine, as much as may bee suficient to bringe these into the consistance of a plastor,

Last edit about 2 years ago by Pamela Forde
Untitled Page 18

Untitled Page 18

Towards the conclution of the makinge of wch add of the Distild oyle of cummin and caraway seeds Each ℈i and forme itt accordnge to art into A plaister of wch Extend upon a peece of thin lether as much as will cover the belly, soe itt reach not to the liver or to the spleene, or Take the juices newly Exprest of wyld cucumber Dwarf Elder, and thother Elder, wormewood Rue Smalage wth the roots Each 4 spoonefulls the Juices of Scurvigrass, Germander bay leaves of each two spoonefulls, Goosegrease, capons grease Deare Suet, Each ℥ss boyle these into the consistancy of an oyntment adinge in the End the chymicall oyle of Juniper beries and of cumin seeds Each ten drops and make an oyntment Take the roots of Enulacampane, Gallengall Each ℥ij the Leaves of crisped minte, mountaine. Calamint, Each halfe a handfull anniseeds, cinamon Each ℥ij nutmeg ℥i these beinge cut and grosely brused, put them into a thin bag into a well glassed Earthen pott and poure upon them 3 pints of white wine, Lett these infuse 12 hours, of wch att diner and super, drink a draught putinge into Each draught tenn drops of the sweet spirit of salt,

Last edit about 2 years ago by Pamela Forde
Untitled Page 19

Untitled Page 19

A Drinke for the dropsie by Dr: Bursas: Directions Take Shauvings of Guajacum ℥iij Sarsaparila ℥ij Sassaphras, China, Each ℥j Lignum Heph: reticum yellow Sanders, Coriander seeds Each ℥ls poure upon these foure quarts of Springe watter warme, Lett these infuse in A glasd Earthen pott, close shut, A whole night in the morninge, Boyle itt away to the halfe on gentl Embers, towards the End, poure in A quart of whitewine, twentie Rayson of the Sunn Cinamon and Liquorice Each ℥ls then take itt of the fire, Lett itt yeat stand close coverd, when itt is could, draw itt of by inclination and run this through an Hipocritas bagg wch bothe use and reserve for use, Aperatius pills for the dropsie per Dr: Burlase Take Troch de Absinth j. de Rhabarb: de Eupatovi ana' ℈i Sal: Tartar i gr: vi: Sal: absinth i gr, iij croci: gr ij: venite torpintine a suficient quantity ad: Elix: propriatis drops x: oyle of mace distild i drop: f [massa] Dosi ℈ij mad into five pills

Last edit about 2 years ago by Pamela Forde
Untitled Page 20

Untitled Page 20

A clister for the dropsie by Dr. Burlase directions Take seeds of Annis, carrots, fenell, cumin. caraway Each ℥ij Juniper beries. ℥i camomill flowers broome flours, Each halfe A handfull, Raysons of the sunn ℥i bruse the seeds and beries, then boyle these in a quart of matter till halfe bee consumed then straine itt, and take halfe of that wherewth mix six spoonefull of boys urine, the Electuary of bayberies ℥i-ss venice terpintine ℈iiij disolved wth the yolke of an egg: oyle of Dill a spoonefull soe mixe these into a clister A Lixinium for the dropsie Take the ashes of butchers broome wormewood Male fearne, Ashbarke Roots of Ebubis each ℥ss Infuse these i2 hours in three pints of whitewyne then straine itt twice through an hipocratas bag: in wch infuse i2 hours more nutmeg grosely brused ℥iij Galengall ℥jss sassaphras Lignum Nephretitum each ℥ij poure of the cleere and reserve it for use take a draught in the mereinge and att 4 in the afternoones wth 8 drops of the sweet spirit of salt in each Draught,

Last edit about 2 years ago by Pamela Forde
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