Leland Stanford Papers

Pages That Need Review

Mark Hopkins

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[preprinted] Office Central Pacific Railroad,

Corner Front and California Streets.

San Francisco, [/preprinted] Feb 5th 1867

Friend Mark

I rec'd a letter this morning from the Judge stating that he and Montague were intending to start [--fro--] for Benicia to determine what surveying is necessary to locate the most direct line to Goat Island. Now my idea is that we should at once extend our line to Goat Island and announce the fact, but it is useless to talk of a rout by the way of Benicia, First because the ground is already occupied, 2nd because to cross the Straits [insert] by bridge [/insert] is so costly as to render it substantially impracticable besides if the Straits were not crossed by a bridge a steamboat starting from here would reach Benicia as quick if not quicker that you could go by rail and two ferries. The Judge says Charly [sais?]

Last edit 8 months ago by MaryV
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[---got out so fast, [illegible] must be now--] it would seem that already our progress had reached a point at which it was equal [illegible] capacity to raise, but I have bought an engine and will have [insert] sent up [/insert] what is necessary to connect it with present boiler.

Yours truly

Leland Stanford

[bottom left margin] [second hand] From Leland Stanford April 1. 1867

bought engine to [drive?] drilling machine [/second hand] [third hand]

Letters from L. Stanford '67 - '68 - 69 '70 [/third hand] [/bottom left margin]

Last edit about 4 years ago by hesperus

John M. Schofield

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Gen. Scholfield

West Point- Oct. 8 1876 [Swift, West Pt., 1876-81]

Washington Jan 4 1889 [Ranbiking Gane 1888.]

(G 1831; d 1906)

Last edit almost 4 years ago by alexander.nguyen

Wesley C. Sawyer

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Sawyer's Practical German Grammar.

'' It will lead the students over the rough and stormy road of German grammar with comparative ease.''- New York School Journal.

" A very clear, compact and direct exposition of the etymology and syntax of the German language. It contains nothing but the essentials necessary to thorough knowledge of the language.''- The Interior.

''Prof. Sawyer has sought to simplify the first steps, throwing out the unnecessary details and concentrating the pupil's attention upon the normal forms without too much delay over variations and irregularities, so that a fair working knowledge of the language may be obtained in a single term of fourteen weeks. The work has been tested by practice, and the result is expressed in high commendations for its clear statement, compact arrangement and general efficiency.''- New York Home Journal.

"You have done well to make so much of the script, your rules for pronunciation appear to be eminently simply, clear, good, and likely to produce correct results. The method as to adjectives and verbs is calcu lated greatly to lessen the difficulties in those branches of the study, and I am much struck with the way in which you have condensed the whole grammar, yet at the same time have made it not less but more easy for the beginners to grast.'' - Geo. Lathrop, Concord, Mass.

''It supplies accurately a demand not heretofore adequately met my more pretentious text-books. The author introduces instructive matter not usually available in the early study of the German language, simplifies the ordinary difficult arrangement of the verbs, refers the declension of the adjectives to a single controlling principle, and reaches quickly the core of the study and without the burden of useless rules and wild deriva tions so often used to pad and fill. It will be found absolute economy of time and care to purchase the well-filled little volume.''- AppletonPost, Wis.

''Some of the most striking features of this new work may be seen in the very full and careful treatment of orthography, with original explanations and illustrations, the short course of actual translation and writing of German, the simplicity and perspicuity of the whole work. On eight pages of most beautiful print the whole declension and comparison of adjectives is taught, with exercises for practice. The brevity and simplicity with which the author treats the gender, number and declension of nouns is something almost marvelous, in view of what it is customary to find in German grammars for schools.;;- Practical Teacher, Chicago.

A SPECIMEN COPY for examination will be mailed post-paid to any teacher on receipt of 67 cents. SUPPLIES FOR FIRST INTRODUCTION, ordered direct from the publishers, will be sent, expressage prepaid, at 67 cents net per copy.

S. C. GRIGGS & CO., Publishers, Chicago.

Last edit about 4 years ago by Tati
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" A MARVEL of clear statement, compact and yet excellent arrangement of the Etymology and Syntax of the German language. It is all that can be desired. It is certainly worthy of universal adoption."- M.J. Griffin, Teacher of German, Syracuse High School, N.Y.

A Practical German Grammar. By Wesley C. Sawyer, PH.D Professor in the Wisconsin State Norman School, Oshkosh; Member of the American Philological Association, etc. 12mo, cloth, 177 pp. Retail price, $1.00

Published by S. C. Griggs & CO., Chicago.

'' It seems to me exceedingly well adapted to its purpose.''Wm. F. Warren, S. T. D., LL.D., President of Boston University.

''For a short course, it is much the best grammar that I am acquainted with.''- F. P. Jordan, Teacher of German, Battle Creek H. S.

''The plan of this grammar is happily conceived and success fully executed. I am particularly pleased with the order adopted in the work.''- R. H. Garnett, Prof. of German, Georgetown College, Ky.

"The simple directness and clearness of the work make me anxious to command the time to investigate it very fully. So far, I must confess to a very favorable estimate of it." - John S. Irwis, LL.D. Sup't of Public Schools, Fort Wayne, Ind.

''I have examined it with considerable care and like it very much, and had we not introduced another text-book one year since I should certainly have sent you an order for its introduction into our schools.'' - H. E. Robbins, Sup't of Schools, Lyons, Iowa.

''A very attractive little book. Your idea seems to me a good one, and it is certainly very happily expressed. The fonetic part, the pronunciation is especially clear and simple.''- F. A. March, LL.D. Prof. of English Language and Comparative Philology, Lafayette College, Penn.

''He has not only introduced many new features, which will at once commend themselves to practical teachers, but he has greatly con densed the grammars in common use, and relieved the student from burdening his memory with an unnecessary amount of grammatical lumber. We heartily commend it.''- Zion's Herald, Boston.


Last edit about 4 years ago by Tati
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be known in California, so I will send whatever can make up the defect, or work under a temporary appointment till I can become personally known.

Mr. Carter sent me some advance sheets of his history, but they never reached me, and I now learn by a recent letter from Prof. Thomas J. Sawyer of Tufts College, that our friends in and about Boston are organizing a Sawyer Family Hist. Asscn for the purpose of helping Mr. Carter out, by furnishing funds and having Thos. J. - edit the work of Mr Carter. If Thos. J. - is willing to give the time to thoroughly re-write when necessary, this may be our best means to duly recognize Mr. C's labor, and at the same time secure a worthy history. I fear Mr. C's faculties have failed beyond rendering much trustworthy service. It is important, however, to secure the stories of his information as far as it still remains in the [covered by tape]

Last edit almost 2 years ago by MaryV

Correspondence (outgoing)

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[notation: 191]

[preprinted] Southern Pacific Company. Office of the President.

[--San Francisco, Cal.][/preprinted] Clinton Ia April 29 [preprinted: 18]90.

Dear Gage,

I wish those letters from Mr. Huntington to you, in which he speaks very highly of me as a man about the time of my election, to be carefully preserved, - and as you may be asked to give them up, I suggest that you put them in an envelope endorsed "letters from C. P. H." - and hand them to Ariel Lathrop to be kept in his safe.

Your Very truly

Leland Stanford

S. T. Gage Esq. San Francisco.

Last edit almost 6 years ago by hesperus
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[modern? notation: 85-5]

[preprinted] United States Senate,

WASHINGTON, D. C., [/preprinted] May 25 [preprinted: , 189]0.

Robert Bonner Esq. New York.

My dear Sir,

I hear from Marvin that [S illegible] is doing well. He tells me however that he does not want to drive her for a record before the latter part of July.

I have written him to advise you of his program and act upon any suggestions you may offer as I want your approval of whatever program he may adopt. I have the

Last edit over 5 years ago by hesperus
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[notation] R. B.

2. [/notation]

[preprinted] United States Senate,

WASHINGTON, D. C., ________, 189 _. [/preprinted]

greatest hopes of the filly from her form, temper, breeding and performances. I have never seen her trot so fast but what it appeared as though it would be easy for her to trot faster. I have great faith that she will reward your confidence and vindicate my hopes regarding her.

I leave New York for Europe on the 28th inst:

With kind regards Yours Very truly

Leland Stanford

Last edit over 5 years ago by hesperus
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[notation] R. B.

2 [/notation]

[preprinted] United States Senate,

WASHINGTON, D. C., ................... , 1890.

on the cars. Marvin says that in none of her trials did she have everything entirely favorable and that there were times when he thought he could have driven her a quarter in 29 seconds, certainly in 29 1/2 seconds.

Yours Very truly

Leland Stanford

Last edit over 5 years ago by hesperus
Displaying pages 421 - 430 of 468 in total