Sun. Jan. 19, 1913
Got up late & went to office. Wrote letter to Doubleday P. & Co. about story & dawdled over story. Dinner at Parkway tea Room. Talked to Marjorie Jones ere she & Editha went to Little Theatre.
Monday 20
Got to office early. Went to Saul's at 1. Back to office at 5 & took Mrs Lee & Virginia to dinner downstairs. Pottered a little came home & went to bed early.
Tuesday 21
Went to Saul's at 8 got back to office at 4. Mrs Wells policewoman came in. Miss H. & I had dinner at the Maynards, nieces & Mr Bridges there.
Wed. Jan. 22, 1913
Very busy day. Went to Post office. In evening Miss H. & I dined at Pischel's to meet Griffins. Warm & rained coming home.
Thursday 23
Dined with Miss Peck & Mrs P. & Miss H & Dr. De. B. at Field's & had lovely long talk. Walked home via laundress did odd jobs.
Friday 24
Got down to office late. Lunched with Mrs Mc Cormick. "L & L" meeting at 4. Dinner at Dearborn Inn. Walked home with Miss Phelps
Sat. Jan.25, 1913
In office all day. Lunch at Hearth & went for treatment from Dr. E. Van H. Went to see Agnes Nestor at Bush Temple at 4.45. Took French at 5.30. Had dinner on Chicago Ave. Went to bed & read. Editha came in at 11.
Sunday 26
Got up at 12 & had dinner at Parkway Tearoom. wrote a little during afternoon. Supper in Miss Phelps' room. Stayed there till 9.25. Warm day.
Monday 27
Went to Bank & to Dr E Van H for treatment. Depressed and tired
Tues. Jan.28, 1913
Mrs Morehous came I took her to lunch at Fields. She took Miss H & me to dinner at Natalby's & then came with me for the night. Minnie Blitch and Anna Honerlaw called
Wednesday 29
Took Mrs Morehous to Henrici's for breakfast & left her at Dr Schiff's. Went to office - pretty weak all day.
Thursday 30
Very exhausted so got to office late. Lillian Carr came. Read "Freewoman" in office till 8 & came home.
Fri. Jan.31, 1913
Got down early. Trotted around to bank and post office. Busy day getting off mail for Australian unions. Very cold.
Sat. Feb.1
Busy morning. In afternoon went to "Jongleur" & "Lover's Quarrel" double bill - Garden & Zeppelli with W.B.Lloyd. Thence to Bush Temple for French. Dinner at Parkway with Miss Garrett
Sunday 2
Got down to office at one worked till 5. Went out to Mullenbach's for supper with Miss Henry