Mon. Feb.3, 1913
Pottered around office Walked into town rode home
Tuesday 4
Went to Dr Van Hoesen for treatment. Went to Dr. Schenkelberger for treatment.
Wednesday 5
Very busy day at the office Lunch with L. Carr at Hearth. Went with Miss Galvin to see Trojan Women at night at Little Theatre
Thurs. Feb. 6, 1913
Fine busy day at office. Got a lot done. Came home & took salty bath
Friday 7
Floyd Dell came in & we argued over review of E Robins book. "Life & L". meeting at 4. Dinner at Hearth with Carr & Henry. Got home at 7 & did chores.
Saturday 8
Worked in office. Went to Dr E. V. Hoesen for treatment. Went to grievance com of Stenographers at 166. W. Wash. Went to French Lesson at 5.30.
Sun. Feb. 9, 1913
Went to office at 12 to League meeting at 4 to Miss Henry for evening. Warm day
Monday 10
Busy day in office. Lunch alone at Hearth. Dinner with Editha, Lillian, Miss G & Boedeker in Dearborn & walked home
Tuesday 11
Luncheon at the Hearth with my sweet Ethel Mason. Filed, read proofs, pottered.
Wed. Feb. 12, 1913
Busy day odds & ends. Very cold. In evening Miss H. Miss G. & I went to Little Theatre on Mrs Dell's invitation. Saw "Creditors" & a sketch by Alice Brown
Thursday 13
Made up March dummy. Very busy day. A lot of us had Dinner in Dearborn Inn Walked home & went to bed exhausted. V. cold.
Friday 14
Went to Saul's at eight. Worked there till 5.15. Dinner in Dearborn Inn Walked home via laundress. Washed a few things & went to bed. Warm day
Sat. FEB. 15, 1913
Went to office at 12 worked till 5. Dinner at Parkway. Home & worked on revision of Net of C till 8.30.
[red line drawn down left hand side of entry for Feb. 15, across the page then down right hand side of entry for Feb 16 and across page again, with 'trs' [transpose] written in red]
Sunday 16
Wrote Australian letters till last moment. Went to French lesson at 5.30 dinner at a horrible place & came home
Monday 17
Got to office early & did a good day's work. At night went to see Nazimova at Blackstone in Bella Donna with Miss Galvin