Volume 4: 1869-1871



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1869 October 11

Mon. 11th. / Wingfield / Bradsh - ) The morning is partially clear, calm & cold. I went to Town had some altercation with Wingfield Clerk and Master about H. Bradshaws debts he has noted the dog from first to last. I fear I won't be able to get that fund in time

Tu 12 / W B Wilson / H Bradshaw / W. J. Dale ) The morning is cloudy Wind South It has rained nearly all night not hard & looks like rain this morning turning quite cold Wind N. W. I maled a letter to W. B. Wilson ask-ing him to send to me from Nashville Joseph W. Allen, Trustee of the old Union Bank of Tennessee the liabilities of H. Bradshaw in the bank. Also see Sam Jones know of him if Wm. J. Dale paid him $7.00 or $8.00 dollars Dales note the purchase of H. Bradshaws property & leg me know what Jones says. I got an order in Chancery that Clerk & Master Settle and close up all the funds of H. Bradshaw to the present Cort with me & to pay the same to my order.

Wed 13 ) The morning is clear calm cold & frost. I went to Town trying to investigate the H. Bradshaw Claim in Chancery. There is a heap of dog in & amongst the Clerks & Lawyers in the Chancery Clerk office

Tom McCanless Jack Patton & Rich at last came. I

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agreed to allow Tom $1.50 pr day. T is to pick out Cotton for Rich'd & Jack to pay the days work

October Thu 14th / T. L. Porter / Jack P. Hay Tom McCanless $2.25 paid $1.25 Maj. J. D. Walker / Cross tyes / Wilson / J. Patton ) The morning is mostly clear Wind South Thomas is gone over the river to see E. C. Alexander about the redemption of my land. William is gone up on Fountain Creek & I to Town

Jack & Tom McCanless is helping get hay for me today. Rich is sick I paid Tom $1.25 We got done outting hay and am to credit him $1.00

I wrote a letter to J. D. Walker Nashville about the am't of my cross tye claims Am't 21,600 ytyes at $.60 each - $12,960.

I got a letter from Wilson he says that Sam'l Jones says he will fix up the Dale debt & he will see about H. Bradshaws liabilities to the bank and. let me know in a few days.

For Jacks work yesterday and half the day today I will pay Jack upon a settlement.

Fr 15 ) The morning is cold with a heavy frost. I went to Town did not get the order to settle with Clerk & Master fixed up to please me

Sat 16 ) The morning is verry cold heavy frost Huston Thomas don't do me Justice in the decree to get my settle ment with the Clerk and Master. I went to Town to get it done, but it is not right altogether.

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Sun. 17 / Jack Patton $5.00 Akins, Lands right of redemption / Curt C. ) The morning is very cold heavy frost

I give Jack Patton an order to Jim Atkins is our. securty for $5.00 (goods [illegible]

I conveyed my right of redemption to William of all my lands the West side is out [illegible] the East side is out 28 October 1870 [illegible] W ill adjorn to day chancery [illegible] adjorned this evening.

1869 October Sun 17 (continued) Self ) The morning is clear calm & cool My General health is about like it has been the last week or two. I think I am taking cold the breaking out on my face & head is verry annoying infirmed with biles that is verry troublesome of nights so I sleep but little I can stand it through the daybetter than of nights I am taken a cold

Mon 18 / Self / Thos. L. Porter plank See 21 sept ) The morning is clear calm & cool I went to Town I went to Town & tryed to arrange my Matters got but little done I am taking a bad cold

Thos L. Porter got 26 poplar floorin plank 10 feet long & 8 Inches, and also got 110 fencing plank 6 Inch by 14 feet long

Tu 19 / Self ) The morning is clear smokey & cool I rested badly I have a verry bad cold it is hurting me verry much It turned quite cool in the evening I tryed to learn John Amens Opinions about Government Contractors

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Wed 20 / Self / Stephens ) The morning is dark. cloudy & cool. I have been quite bad of all night with cold.

A man Mr Stevens, son of David Stevens, (one leg) stayed here last night. I got some fish last night. I have injoyed it very much the Lake fish but few bones. I kept indoors all day, bad cold

Th 21 Thos. $10.00 ) The morning is dark cloudy & raining Slow

I loned Thomas L. Porter Ten dollars today I stayed at home all day in my room bad cold Cough is tolerable bad

Fri 22 ) The morning is cloudy and raining & cold, rained all night slowly. It has rained nearly all day, enough to raise the watters. It is a hard matter to keep in wood

1869 October Sat 23 / papers Ament / Charley Puss ) Still raining Windy N. W. & turning Gold. these rains will raise the watters

I got the papers on the case of J. T. Moore ag't Jno. M. Ament Gov't Agent (on the 21st Inst.) William & Looney reopet for them in the Circuit Court Clerk Office I must take care of them & return them I was anxious to see how that case agt Ament was decided I have no doubt it is in my favour

It has Rained nearly all night and is still raining this morning

I paid Charley two dollars to git a coat I paid Puss $1.00 to git Sugar

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Sun 24 ) This mornin is verry cold frost & Ice

My General health is no better sometimes

Mon 25 ) The morning is clear frosty & cold I stayed at home trying to regulate about my Government Claims Not verry well Thomas went to Bigby

Tu 26 / William / Jim's Corn I owe him one half load ) The morning is verry cloudy & cold William left thids morning on the oars for Pulaskie to the fair

Jim has finished halling his crope of Corn from his Count I have got 6 loads & him 5 loads in the 2 horse Wagon. In a Settlement of our Corn & what has been used I fall in his debt one half a load

Wed 27 / George H. $5.00 ) The morning is clear calm & cold [illegible] & spent the night I let George H. have $5.00 he is going to Lincon County

1869 Oct Th 28 George H. See 27 / Town Wm Flour Rich $1.00 Felix $1.40 Puss ) The morning is clear calm & not so cold

George H. went this morning in the cars to Lincoln County by the way of Pulaskie William did not git home last night I went to Town expecting to find William he did not come


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