Farm Journal, 1853–1866




Tuesday the 5 July 1853

Cut oats all day with the usual number of hands 3 cradles & 3 binders we are binding it as we cut it some thunder showers passing but we have no rain not quite so hot for the last five days as it has been had green corn out of the garden for dinner

Wednesday the 6 July

Cut oats with 2 cradles to day and commenced halling in oats we can hall one hundred doz at a load no rain yet

Thursday the 7 July

Cut oats all day with 3 cradles

Friday the 8 July

Cut oats all day with 3 cradles my boys get along too slow to please me

Saturday 9 July

Cut oats until noon with 3 cradles & halled oats with one waggon took hollow day after dinner verry hot to day 98 Deg & no rain our early planted corn is Tasseling and the tassels are drying I have seen but one silk yet Keiran gone to Cheraw SC to sell Bacon

Monday the 11 July

Finished cutting oats halled in some oats mowed the little meadow in the cherry orchard plowed up the lot by the Dry Kill for Turnips & Blue grass Rained a fine shower at night wet the ground 2 in deep & revived vegetation verry much it is the best rain we have had since the 10th of May but not half a season yet

Tuesday the 12th July

Rained finely this morning for half an hour the groud is not thoroughly wet but a fair season sowed in an Acre of BuckWheat near Fosters house on the hill plowed the grove at Dry Kill & finished thining corn Set out potatoe Slips it being the first season we have had that would do for it since they were large enough

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolFitz

Wednesday the 13th July 1853

Commenced plowing the corn the 4th time Plowed all day with 4 plows in every alternate row by night the ground got so dry we quite plowing for fear we wold injure the corn it it rains shortly I intend plowing out the rows we have left if it does not rain I will not plow it Sealled in the hay from the meadow in the cherry orchard had 2 small 2 horse loads The little boys hoed corn

Thursday the 14th July

Mowed along the branch in old orchard until noon then halled oats & put up hay

Friday the 15th July

Mowed & Halled oats all day no rain & very warm

Saturday 16 July 1853

Rained a light sprinkel in the morning and a light shower at 2 oclock, plowed the Grove sowed some Turnip seed sowed Timothy seed in the Little meadow at the little stable near Blk Smith Shop

Monday the 18 July 1853

Halled hay & finished halling in oats we made 1700 Doz. oats they are very short and we put them all in one mow in the new Barn and they did not fill it (no rain

Tuesday The 19 July

Mowed in the upper end of Large Meadow & finished cutting all of that meadow by noon the grass is verry good & I think we get 8 loads off of 2 Acre in the upper end of the meadow rake it up in after noon

Wednesday the 20 July

Commenced thrashing wheat John Lawn thrashing my whole crop of wheat 1300 Doz for 20 Bu Jacob Relalins & Saul Wishon hired to help us at 50 cts day

Last edit about 1 year ago by amyblue

We also got one hand from Dr. Wiseman it was cloudy all day and rained 2 small showers just enough to run in the road

Thursday the 21 July

Thrashed wheat to day until 3 oclock when it rained a good shower & with what we have hall I think it is a tolerable season we hired Free Calvin to help us thrash wehat to day my hands are Jacob Rilechin a tolerable hand Samuel Wishon desperate Lazy Henry Foster a fair hand him & Frank throws the wheat out of the mow Henderson Foster is disposed to dodge the hard [places?] too much for a good hand negro George Ada & Dan Good hands Free Calvin an excellent hand Jack is sick yesterday & today it i s a great deal of trouble to have wheat thrashed where there is a set of lozay dodging hands

Friday 22 July

Finished thrashing wehat by noon & then cleaned over 150 Bu of old wheat & put in the right hand wheat room at the barn the Black weavil has injured it considerable

Saturday the a23 July

Celaned up our Troy wheat wheat we had 55 Bu of it from Two Acres of Land (70 Doz) in the afternoon we halled 5 loads of hay that was cut Tuesday Camp meeting at Smith Grove to day I went down

Monday the 25 July

Mowed all day Tax paying here to day & compensating on hand

Tueday 26 July

Mowed today we had a fine season more rain than we have had since April at one time we are mowing n the meadow by the Shop & got about half the hay in the meadow with in [cracks?]

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Thursday the 28 July 1853

Mowed until noon & stoped we got done cutting the meadow at the shop & went into Dr Wisemans meadow to cut 5 acres for one half too cloudy in the forenoon to cut hay choped in Turnip patch south of meadow in the afternoon we raked up the hay we cut in the morning & cocked some it no rain

Friday the 29 July

It rained soon in the morning and at noon there was a good rain our ground is we enough now we worked in Turnip patch to day when it was not raining shelled corn when it was raining

Saturday the 30 July

quite cloudy & some rain to day worked in our Turnip pach to day Hay all wet in the meadow & spoiling for the want of sun shine

Monday the 1 August 1853

Mowed & Dried out wet hay and halled in Two Load to noon when there came a shower of rain & wet all the hay we had down say 8 waggon loads we then mowed until night we salt our hay as we put it in the mow 1/2 peck of sat to the 4 horse waggon Load more than half the hay we have made has been injured by rain

Thursday the 2nd August

Cloudy before noon & Rained in the Evening a good shower of rain worked in Turnip patch before noon & then raked hay in Dr Wisemans meadow halled in two loads of hay before the rain

Wednesday the 3 Aug 1853

Cloudy in the morning so we could not work at the hay but by noon the sun shined out & we halled 2 loads of hay we had 12 loads of hay in the shop meadow We commenced Breaking fallow Land for wheat this morning in cherry orchard with 2 Turn plows

Last edit about 1 year ago by amyblue

Thursday the 4th Aug. 1853

Plowed in cherry orchard with Two Turn plows turning out stubble to sow in wheat halled our hay from Dr. Wisemans meadow we had 4 small loads of Damged hay a hard bargain to cut sorry grass & give the owner of the meadow half This was our Election day for members to Congress County & Superior Court Clerk R.C. (Purger?) got 149 votes Boyd 11. Boyd & (Puryear?) being candates for Congress Harbin & Mr. B. March candidates for County Court Clerk (Harbin?) got 101 votes & March 60 Rose & Thompson candidates for S & C Clerk Rose got 97 votes Thompson (47?).

The votes in (Davie?) stood as Follows for the Election in 1853.

Perycar Bay (?) Harkin March Rose Thompson Mocksville 291 226 259 270 339 80 Farmington 149 11 101 60 95 47 Cheshires Store 32 30 38 20 55 none Fulton 79 33 32 56 80 19 554 300 450 406 589 146 300 406 146 254 may 44 May 443

Friday Mowed in cossel meadow until noon the 5 Aug then put the Hay & worked in Turpach 1853 Burning brush until night a light sprinkle of rain in the evening

Saturday commenced plowing turnip patch 6 Aug. on the Hill next Dr. Wisemans some of the Hands rakeing & burning it of & one wagon Halling the wood & rails off Put our hay in the Cassel meadow to dry & halled up 3 loads in the afternoon

Monday Yesterday was Sunday and we had an the 8 August old fashioned Big rained it raned for 30 minutes verry hard wash our Land & raised the branches & creek verry high the first full season since the 1st day of may To day we send 3 hands

Last edit over 1 year ago by CarolFitz
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