Old Tom died May 13th, 1827, being as [torn] be supposed between 90 & 100 years old.
May 14th, 1827 T.B. John Wright senr died Octr 4th, 1841
My Darling*
1 The will of the Lord be done But my burning tears will start, And, from morning's dawn to the setting sun I walk in the ways of life like one With a bruised & bleeding heart.
2 I remember as in a dream, That the sunshine once was bright; That I loved the stars & the golden gleam That bared the valley & Bound the stream On a purple summer night
3 I remember the birds & flowers That came in sweet spring time, When I threaded a path through fairy bowers, & hand in hand with the long bright hours, Went weaving some simple rhyme.
4 And then (O, the days were fleet), I remember a cottage hearth, Where I heard the patter of little feet,
And the voice of my darling, low & sweet That I hear no more on earth.
5 She staid but a little while In the garb that mortals wear, And we never knew till we missed her smile And the tender love that knew no guile, That an angel had been there.
6 She was tired and needed rest When her earthly task was done And the folded robe on her gentle breast Trembles no more with her heart's unrest Since the crown of life is won.
7 She sleeps, with the bright brown hair Shading her pale, pure brow And her face has a meek, forgetful air, Like that of a saint absorbed in prayer, From life & its interests now.
8 A cloud came over her May, With a shadow cold & black, And her beautiful spirit stole away To a fairer land, a brighter day & I would not call her back.
9 She went in the dreamy night And she seemed to go alone, For we could not see, with our human sight The angels that guided her steps aright To the feet of the Holy One.
10 She will open her weary eyes, That were closed so dim and cold, To behold, with wonder and glad surprise, The beautiful fields of Paradise And the streets of burnished gold.
11 To see by the jasper light, The throne of the great I Am; And the walls of beryl & chrisolite, And the martyred saints in robes of white, That follow the blessed Lamb.
12 And there where the ransomed dwell, And the weary find repose, I shall meet the darling I loved so well, With a love that tongue can never tell That only a husband knows.
And though my feet are slow To follow the path she trod, While I linger along this vales below, In the core of my heart of hearts I know That darling has gone to God.
Index to the poetical sketches of this Book
Xtic Page The human mind is void of skill 5 Just 20 years since I was born 6 They're only great 7 Not worth while 8
Axtic for 1841 No 1 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol. 1st Newtons works Vol. 6th
No 2 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol 2d Hervey's works Vol 1st & 2d
No 3 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol. 3d Hervey's work Vo. 3d Spectator Vol. 1st
No 4 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol. 4th Hervey's works Vol 4th Spectator Vol. 2d
No 5 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol. 6 Hervey's works Vol. 5th Spectator Vol. 3d
No 6 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol. 6th Hervey's works Vol. 6th Spectator Vol. 4th
No 7 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol 7th Spectator Vol 5th Dickenson on the five points
No 8 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol. 8 Spectator Vol. 6th Dillincourt or death
No 9 Universal History M. Anquetil Vol. 9 Spectator vol. 7th Young's works vol. 1st
No 10 * Hume's History of England Vol 1st Spectator vol. 8th Young's works vol. 2d
No 11 Hume's History of England Vol 2 Ramsey's History of A revolution V. 1st Milton's Works vol 1st
No 12 History of England Vol 3d Ramsey's History of the American Revolution Vol 2d Milton's works vol 2d