No 13 Hume's History of England vol 4th Milton's works vol 3d Fletcher's works
No 14 Hume's History of England vol 5 Jews' Letters
No 15 Hume's History of England vol 6 Pike and Haywoods cases of conscience
No 16 Hume's History of England vol 7 Davies's Sermons vol 1st
No 17 Hume's History of England vol 8 Davies's Sermons vol 2d
No 18th Hume's History of England Vol 9th Davies's Sermons vol 3d
No 19 *Hume's History of England Vol 10 Edwards's works vol 1st
No 20 Hume's History of England vol 11 Edwards's works vol 2d
No 21 Hume's History of England Vol 12 Edward's works Vol 3d Attach. Josephus Vol. 1
No 22 Hume's History of England Vol. 13 Edwards's works vol. 4th Attachd Josephus Vol 2nd
No 23 Bissell History of England Vol 14 Edwards's works vol 5th Attached Josephus Vol 3rd
No 24 History of England vol 15 Edwards's works vol 6th
No 25 Edwards's works vol 7th Plutarchs lives vol 1st Goldsmith's works vol 1st Attached also Plutarch vol 8th
No 26 Edwards's works vol 8th Plutarch's lives vol 2d Goldsmith's works vol 2d
No 27 Newton's works vol 1st Plutarch's lives vol 3d Goldsmith's works vol 3d
No 28 Newton's works vol 2d Plutarch's lives vol 4th Goldsmith's works vol 4th
No 29 Newton's works vol 3d Plutarch's lives vol 5th Goldsmith's works vol 5th
No 30 Newton's works vol 4th Plutarch's lives vol 6th Young's works 2d
No 31 Newton's works vol 5th Plutarch's lives vol 7th
At a meeting of the members of the Union Library Society held at the house Henry Shelby in Lebanon on Thursday the 14th day of August 1817. Present
Joseph Johnson Esq Prest Pro tem. Henry Shelby Secy Pro tem. James Bone Thomas Cartwright Robert Donnell Inspectors Walter Caruth, Richard Hawkins Jesse Donnell, Martin Tally Eli Harris Abner Harris
Whereupon the president called over the lots in rotation
When it appeared that Lot No. 1 William Donnell Jr. was absent Excusd Lot No 15 William Donnell senr absent Lot found excus. Lot No. 26 William Harris absent Excusd Lot No. 31 Archibald Davis absent. attend & excusd
The exchanges throughout having been made it was ordered unanimously that the society receive three volumes of Josphus from Major Steele and that the Treasurer draw the funds remaining in Col. Douglass hands and pay six dollars and twenty five cents for the said books
Lot No 1. was this day drawn by Archibald Davis -- Jos Johnson P.P.
Test H Shelby Secy. Pro tem.
The Union Library Sooiety met according to arrangement at the house of Col Douglass in Lebanon on the 13th Novr 1817. The Revnd Samuel Donnell Pres & Thomas Brevard Secry there being a majority the exchange took place according to order. Capt Sloan Harris & William Harris failed to forward their lots — Before the society adjourn'd the absent lots were forwarded & the failure excused they then adjourned according to arrangement
Saml Donnell Prs. Thomas Brevard 3eory N. B. Walter Caruth sigr Hugh Bass & Thomas Brevard were chosen inspectors Novr 13th 1817. T. B.
The U. L. Society met according to arrangement at Col Douglass' in Lebanon on the 12 Febry 1818. Revnd Samuel Donnell Pres. & Tho. Brevard Secry the exchange took place in constitutional form — Wm Steele T. B. Reese & Walter Carruth esqrs were appointed inspectors & Capt Finley was Nominated Treasurer having purchased the Lot of books belonging to Henry Shelby Decsd. Wm Jones also bought the lot of Abner Harris moved out of the county
Tho. Brevard Secry Saml Donnell Prst