Pages That Mention C H Hanford
117 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Sept1/82 From Fire and Water, on petition of W H White et al for the purchase of 20x60 feet off West End of Lot 2 Block 5 of Boren's Plat for our Engine House, recommending the purchase of 25 by 60 feet of West end of said Lot. From Fire and Water showing that $3.75 had been paid into treasury for changes on freight landed at City Inclines & recommending the regulation of rates for landing property on City Inclines. Referred to the City Attorney with instructions to recommend such action as he may be advised for the best interests of the City. From License and Revenue on application of Robert Hahn for a Grocery License, recommending the rejection of said application. Adopted & License refused. From Judiciary and Legislature of Reports of City Justices, recommending the adoption of same, Adopted From finance rejecting the claim of F W Wusthoff for sundries furnished County coroner in the sum of $10.00 Adopted & claim rejected The following claims having been duly audited by the Council and ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds & in the amount following to wit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 154 $41.64 C H Hanford Atty 155 41.65 J H Woolery Chief of Police 156 100.00 W B Thompson Police 157 80.00 D M McCowan Police 158 80.00 James Welch Police 159 80.00 Dr E L Smith Health Officer 160 50.00 T H Cann City Justice 161 21.10 F H Whitworth Locating City Engine House 162 6.00 Stewart & Ebersold Job Work 163 23.25 C Hanford & Co Job Work 164&165 10.50 M V B Stacy Ground Rent for Jails 166 10.00 O Schillestad 1 case for Clerk 167 4.50 Catherine Weritt Costs in action-vs-City 168 27.15
146 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Oct 6/82 J H Woolery Chief of Police No 187 $100.00 D L MCCowan Police 188 80.00 W B Thompson Police 189 80.00 James Welch Police 190 80.00 R H Calligan Police 191 80.00 C H Hanford Attorney 192 41.65 T H Cann J P Fees 193 23.15 J D Lowman Moneys refunded to Frank Hinckley 194 75.00 Chronicle Publishing Co Printing 195 162.80 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary 196 83.56 M V B Stacy Ground Rent of Jails 197 10.00 C Hanford & Co Job Work 198 7.00 D L MCCowan Stationary etc purchased 199 2.80 James P Ludlow Fees in city-v-McNaughr 200 5.30 J H McGraw Fees in city-v-McNaughr 201 3.50 Thomas Smith rent of dry pound 202 3.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Labor$84 use of horse$22 Prisoners Board$28.67 No 80 $134.67 M S Costello Labor 81 65.00 Luther Albee Labor 82 57.50 Stephen Berry Labor 83 50.00 Thomas Rock Labor 84 43.75 F W Wusthoff Nails & Hardware 85 9.90 Fred Bones Repair to Harness 86 4.50 James Bogart Labor 87 2.50 J L Kahaley Hauling Lumber 88 1.50 Geo Newell Mall & Handle 89 1.25 Gas Fund J L Kahaley Attending Gas Lights No 19 $34.00 Fire Fund W A Perry Steward Engine House No 74 $75.00 T D Hinckley Ground Rent 75 8.00 O C Shorey & Co Repairs to Hose Cart 76 4.00 Miller & Miller Hauling Coal 77 2.50 L Newman Key Work on Fire Engine 78 2.25 F W Wusthoff Emery cloth & Polishing material 79 2.15 ChasMcDonald to purchase Coal 80 10.00
198 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Jan 15/83 and claim rejected From Judiciary and Legislative reporting against the claim of W P Smith for services as Constable. Adopted and claim rejected From Licenses and Revenue against the petition Ed. L Lindsley for the changing of a license. Adopted petition denied From Licenses and Revenue approving Harbor Masters Report. Adopted From Streets and Street Improvement recommending the granting of the petition of M V B Stacy for the right construct a sidewalk on Marion Street from 3rd to the alley in Block 21 of boren's plat. Adopted Communications Rec'd From the Mayor returning Warrant No 166 drawn on Washington Street sidewalk fund under Ord No. 326 favor of A S Pinkham for $32.00 without his signature for the reason that said warrant is not a proper charge against said Fund. Recommendations are adopted. Said Warrant is ordered Cancelled & a Warrant ordered drawn on City Fund in lien thereof. Ordered that the City Attorney be & he is hereby instructed to report the liability of certain property owners to pay said claim of $32.00 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council are ordered to be paid by Warrants drawn on the Funds and in the amounts following to wit: City Fund James P Ludlow Clerks fees DistCourt City-v-Baker No 271 $4.45 John H McGraw Sheriffs fees DistCourt City-v-Baker 272 2.30 C H Hanford Fees in Justice's Court City-v-Baker 273 8.20 A S Pinkham Services Washtn St Sidewalk 275 32.00 E W Rea Contract New City Engine House 269 1000.00 Gas Fund Seattle Gas Light Co gas No 33 $326.50 John Spencer Repairs to Gas Laps etc 34 31.35
206 JOURNAL OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE Feb2/883 and in the amounts following, towit: City Fund E S Osborne Clerk No 276 $ 90.00 J H Wooley Chief of Police 277 100.00 D L McCowan Police 278 80.00 W B Thompson Police 279 80.00 James Walsh Police 283 80.00 T J Small Police 284 80.00 C H Hanford Attorney 285 75.00 Frank Seidel Attorney 286 187.50 T H Cann J P Fees 287 17.45 Chronicle Painting 288 41.54 Pumphrey & Lowman Stationary etc 289 18.40 Stewart & Ebersol Job Work 290 7.00 SchwabacherBros&Co Carpet for Engine House 291 93.84 J Schram & Co Store etc for Engine House 292 26.00 Stetson & Post Lumber for Engine House 293 3.86 S P Brooks Attending Council Chamber etc 294 2.50 S E Davison Coal Hauling for Engine House 295 5.50 S C Harris Map for Council Chamber 296 500.00 Road Fund Henry Sheahan Streeet Labor $84 Use of Horse$30 No125 $114.00 Thomas Rock Street Labor 126 52.50 Luther Albee Street Labor 127 38.75 M J Costello Street Labor 128 38.75 W M Estet Street Labor 129 32.50 James Gleeson Street Labor 130 16.25 John Christopher Street Labor 131 15.00 Thos McNara Street Labor 132 12.50 P Welsh Street Labor 133 11.25 S Lyons Street Labor 134 11.25 John McClosky Street Labor 135 11.25 Robt Fitzhenry Street Labor 136 10.00 James Campbell Street Labor 137 7.50 Stetson & Post Lumber 138 38.46
217 COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEATTLE Mar 2/83 Hendrickson & Regan per M B M[thousand board feet] $15.90 D S Hill $16.50 And now it appearing to the Council that the bid of Hendrickson & Regan is thelowest and best bid; and that they are the lowest responsible bidders. Itis ordered that the contract be awarded to them upon their giving a bond with good and sufficient surities in teh sum of $500.00/ And not the Council porceeds to open & consider the bids for the sidewalk to be constructed on Battery Street under Ordinance No 362, which bids are as follows to wit: S F Hoole per M B M[thousand board feet] $18.00 S G Simpson per M B M[thousand board feet] $16.90 D S Hill per M B M[thousand board feet] $17.50 And now it appearing to the Council that the bid of S G Simpson is the lowest and best bid; and that he is the lowest responsible bidder. It is ordered that the contract be awarded him upon his giving a bond with good and sufficient surities in the sum of $150.00 Claims Paid The following claims having been duly audited by the Council as ordered paid by Warrants drawn on the funds and in the amounts following to wit: E S Osborne Clerk No 298 $ 90. J H Woolery Chief of Police 299 $100. D L McCowan Police 300 $ 80. W B Thompson Police 301 $ 80. James Welch Police 302 $ 80. A H Manning Police 303 $ 80. C H Hanford Atty 304 $ 75. T H Cann J P Fees 305 $ 16.75 Stewart & Ebersold Job Printing 306 $ 54.50 C Hanford & Co Job Printing 307 $ 31. C Hanford & Co Job Printing 308 $ 7.50 M V B Stacy Ground rent for Jails 309 $ 10. M V B Stacy Ground rent for Jails 310 $ 10.