Wellcome Collection: Brumwich, Anne (& others) (MS160)


Mrs Anne Brumwich her Booke of Receipts or Medicines ffor severall sores and other Infermities.

With many additions, by several later 17th cent. hands.

The original compiler, Anne Brumwich, writes in an early 17th cent. hand, but some of the additions are much later, one dated 1681 is found on p. 12.





A poultise to be applyed to the navell to stay a loosnes of one that is very weake or a woman in Child bed

Take a pinte of red wine and as much rice flowre as will thicken it with halfe an ounce of synamon finely beaten: boyle these very well together: then spread it one a linnen cloth and apply it to the parties navell: giveinge withall this caudle or drinke: a pinte of red wine toe spoonefulls synamon finely beaten the yolks of 3 new laid eggs hard rosted: blend them in your wine with a peece of hard suger boyle all these together & if the partie be feaverish put therein a little planteine Water: and soe drinke it as occasion Requireth

A glister to stay loosnesse

Take a quarte of new milke quench it with a cleane gad of steele then put it one the fire and boyle it with toe spoonfulls and halfe of the powder of red roses well dryed: boyle it till it come to a pinte quenchinge it agane after it is boyled, and soe give it to drinke bloud warme.

A Medicine to cause one to goe to stoole that hath not benne at stoole in a weeke or eight dayes

Take a peece of roach allum make it long like a violet cumfitt dipp it in oyle or salt butter put it up into the bodie and will cause the partie to have a stoole.

A Medicine to keepe the body soluble

Take razons of the sun washe them lay them in a pewter plate before the fire till they bee swoln as great as they can hold and eat every morninge 10 or 12 of them fastinge

An Electuary to help Costivenesse

Take 4 oz of the Conserve of [Succory] flowers 2 dramms of Ruberbe beaten to powder 2 oz of sirrop of Damask roses, mix these well together and when you have occasion you may take the quantity of a nutmegge in the morninge fastinge and you may go abroad safely

A Medicine to keepe ones body open

Take a quarter of an oz of Cena and a few fennill seeds and ty them in a peice of Cobweb lawne and take halfe a pound of pruans in a pipkin and putt as much water uppon them as will cover them an inch aboue the pruans and Cena and lett them stand uppon the fire till they cimber and so lett them stand cimbringe but not boyle till they the pruans bee soft and then keepe them for your use with the Cena in then and eat halfe a dozen of them before meatt and as they worke take more or lesse at your pleasure the lyinge of the Cena will make it stronger beinge covered and if you will you may putt sugar to them after they bee done

A Caudle for the bloody flicks

Take a pinte of red wine and the yolke of a new layd egg a good quantity of Synamon and a little sugar the pill of a pomgrannate dryed and beaten to fine powder a good quantity and boyle all these in a faire platter upon a Chafin dish of coals till itt bee somewhat thicke then lett the patient eat thereof morninge and eveninge or as his stomach will serve him and itt will stay the flux be itt never so greatt


For the Flicks

Take eggs and rost them hard then take the yoke of them and streyn them with red wine then putt these to synomon and seeth itt together and drinke itt as hott as you can suffer itt

for a losenesse

Take one graine of Laudanum opiatum mixe this with conserve of Clove= Gilliflowers to the quantity of a hasell nut take this goeing to bed & drinke upon it a draught of mace ale


Take halfe a drame of rubarb tosted tosted and made into powder mixe this with a littel conserve of red rosses & take it euery morning while you find your self ill

or take of diescordium the quantity of a hasellnut goeing to bed

for a lask

Barley meal boyled with wine mertles the bark of the pomgraint wild peas & the leaves of brambles stopeth it

To stope a flux

Take a quart of fair watter a pound of the best refind sugar powdred 2 ounces of synamond cut with a knif into long chipes boyle alltogether with a gentle fire till half be wasted then take it

Another approved by Mr Ayers

Take 2 quarts of Spring watter boyle a pound of muten suett in it & let the party take 4 or 5 tymes a day a quarter of a pinte of this warmed the suet & the water must both be warmed together you must strain it when it is hot at the first this hath done great cuers

To cuer a loosnesse

{Lady Husseys receipt}

Take a quantity of wheat flower & tye it in a cloth as hard as ever you can tye it & then boyle it severall howers together in a pot with beefe then turn it out & when it is cold scrape it, & thicken new milke with it & boyle your milke with it & drinke it as often as they have need of it, this hath helped severall


Last edit 7 months ago by Julia


{44} {45}

A Medicine For a sauerlin or red face or pimpled with red spotts

Take a pottle of Running water and sett it one the fire and when it seetheth put therein: as much of allum as will make it tast somewt rough and when it is well boyled put it into an earthen vessell and put therein as much mercury as shall turne a Yellow pinne white holding it in the said water: but if it make the pinne looke blacke then put more water till the pinne looke white: & when you haue put in the mercury stirr it well soe long as the steeme thereof ariseth: and when it is cold dipp a linnen cloth therein and wash the place affected therewith and when the water is dryed up then anoynt the same place with this oyntment Following viz

Take one ounce of synamon powder finely beaten and halfe an ounce of liue brimston foure dramms of Camphire: well beaten: and if it doe not punne well you may beate with it two blanched almonds: mingle all these together with may butter well washed in fayre water and make it up into an oyntment: and anoynt the face therewith: & if the patient doe not amend: because the heate may proceed from inward cause: then lett the patient with the other Receipt: drinke euery morninge fasting: for the space of a month together: in the springe and fall: a draught of distilled planterne Water:

Another medicine For the same

Take a Quarte of springe Water: put therein as much of the best Roach allum as a doues egge and of the best white copperas as an hasele nutt with a little handfull of Rue. and when it is a little sodden put therein as much life hony as will make it sweete boyle all these together & then streyne it into an earthen panne and when it is cold: put it into a glasse for your use: and when you doe use it poure out some of it into a porringer dish and dip a soft linnen cloth therein & bathe your face therewith and when this water hath Itch then use this Water Followinge~

Take a Quarte of new milke and make a possett therewith with a pinte of butter milke: take offe the Curde and then take as much brimstone as an hasell nutt: as much allum as a Wallnutt: as much copperas as brimstone: punne them all small & putt them into the possett drinke then streyne it into an earthen panne: and when it is cold putt it into a glasse for your use: and use it after the same manner as the former Water is prescribed

Another For the same

Take Castle soape boyle it fayre Running water uery stronge then bathe the place affected therewith; with a linnen scarlet cloth beinge dipped therein as hott as the patient can endure it

Another For the same

Take a pinte of creame and put therein an ounce of salt peter with the Juice of 2 or 3 Lemonds: mingle them well together then take an ounce of brimstone punned put into a little linnen cloth and lett it lye continewally in the creame and when you would use it bathe or wett the face with the cloth morninge & eueninge /A

against the inflemation of the liuer that causeth pimpells

Take Endiue dryed to powder & the meale of lupine seeds & mixeing it with honey & the iuce of wormwood make a Cake thereof & eat it & it will aswage the inflamartion of the liver & take away the pimpells & reednes of the face which procedeth from the same


Last edit 7 months ago by Julia



A Medicine to cure the Itch although it be never soe greate in any parte of thethe bodie

Take a good quantitie of the flowre of brimstone and as much burnt Roach allum beaten to fine powder put theth powder into as much of theth best sallet oyle as will make it thinne & soe anoynt theth partie greiued therewith every morninge & eveninge as long as you shall see occasion

A nother ffor theth same Mr Dingley

Take mallowes and wormewood and boyle them in water and wash theth scab and itch therewith, Take currants wash them very cleane then steepe them in theth distilled waters of borrage englishe succory rosewater or springe water all night and in the morninge eate toe or three spoonefulls with theth water fasting it openeth the liver:

For theth itch thoygh never soe bade

Take a quarter of a pinte of plantine watter & halfe as much rose watter halfe a wine glase of lemon or orange flower watter & an ounce of sublimatum beaten into fine powder put all thes in a clean skillet let them boyle a quarter of an hower then take it of & let it colle & then put it up in a close vioall you must wash theth place greiued at night when you goe to bed & let it dry in of it selfe doe this 3 nights together ththe first of 2 tyme it will bring them all out & theth 3 tyme it will dry & take them quite away

A medecine for any teter or itch

Take reed docke roots & scrape them cleane & stame them in a morter very small then take theth quantety of halfe a pound of sweet buter & boyle it all together upon a ChafenDish of coalles & strayne it through a linen cloth into a porenger & then take an ounce of ginger & mingell it well together with theth pointe of a knife untill it be like a saule & soe apply it to theth teter or itch

A present remedey for theth itch

Take lavender & theth topes of rosemarey of each on handfull an ounce of tobackea befor it is dryed or cutte & a prettey quantety of rock allom as much as you thinck will make your allom ros liqor rofe putt all this into a quart of watter & boyle it untill it comes to a pinte then straine it & let theth paitent be bathed euery night when they goe to bed very warme by theth fyer

before you wash or bath it give theth paitent this purge

An easey purge for theth itch for a yong child

Take halfe an ounce of senea at twise you must steepe it one halfe one day & theth other parte theth next day in 2 sponfulls of iuce of oranges & as much white wine you must steepe theth quarter of theth ounce in a close cupe & soe let it stand by theth fyer all night & in theth morning fasting give it theth child to drinke it must be strayned through a cloth if it be for one that is elder dubell theth quantety {47}

A medicine to cure a worme

Take the house snayle that beareth the shell on his backe out of the shell and pricke itt with a pin as longe as any liquor will come out take the said liquor and rub the when all ouer and round a bout twice a day and itt will weare clear off

To kill a ring worme or teter in Children or old folkes

Take tar wash it 3 tymes in rain watter & mingle it wth powder of brimston & ginger & anont it twice a day

for a felon

Take Rue rusty bacon & [snailes] & spread it uery thick upon a Cloth warm it uery litle & lay it one remove it twice a day & lay some blak salve on it when it is broken

for the Itch

Take flower of brimston boyle it in milk as strong as you can take it & drinke a pint of it euery morning for 3 mornings then take a peice of fresh butter & knead it wth powder of brimston uery thick & anoynt the party befor a fire all over wth it for 9 dayes nights & mornings wthout changing the shift you may give it a child wthout any danger

An excelent & sweet oyntmt for the Itch

Take the Inner rind of goats aller of a bough as big as ones arme scraped clean from the outward rind to a good handfull thereof put a quarter of a pound of unwashen butter & boyle them together half an hower keeping it allwais stired then strain it through a course cloth & put it in a pot here wth anoynt the place euery euening & morning Probatum est

To cuer the Itch

first let the party drinke brimston & milke 3 mornings together then let them anoynt them selves wth brimston & sope very well mixt together befor a fyer & wear the same shift 4 dayes or a week anoynt it so long if you find occation every night befor a fier, & wear other clothes then what you wore before till you have some way washed or cleaned them


Last edit 7 months ago by Julia


{48} {49}

A medicine For such as cannot hold theire Water

Take the pille of a boare & sett it in a stone dish in the ouen after a batch of bread and dry it to powder: and bruise it uery small: then take a spoone full of the said pouder: in a draught of posset ale or broth: morninge & eueninge first & last for fiue dayes together:

A Medicine to strenthen the Backe

Take halfe a pinte of the kernells of hesell nutts: and as much of the pith that goeth alonge the backe of an oxe stampe the nutt kernells in a morter & as you stampe them: put in your pith untill all be beaten very well together: then take two new laid eggs with shells and all beate them into your eggs nutts & pith streyne them through a resonable thicke cloth: then take 3 pintes of ale & 2 nutmeggs: one of them prickt full of holes & the other cut in small peeces: boyle them in the ale with six of the best dates & when they are well boyled. put in the nutts with the Rest: and stirre it uery well: and keepe it from curdlinge and soe drinke a pretty draught of it euery Morning

A Medicine For the Wormes in a Child

Take of Featherfew wormewood Leeke blades of each one handfull shred them small together: & Quiltte them in a linnen bagge as broad as a trencher: and then annoynt one side of the bagge with this oyntment followinge Viz:

Take as much aloes succotrina as will lye one a groate and one spoone full of wormewood seedes as much of the powder of Centery and one spoonefull of hony & as much of the gall of a beast mingle all these well together & annoynt one side of the said bagge therewith: and apply it warme to the Nauell of the Childe: somewhat Reachinge towards the stomack and soe lett it be Renewed euery day:

A medecine for wormes in young children

{Dr Langham} Take of mercuries dulces 12 graines Jalop powdered 6 graines mix these together & take it in a spoonfull of milke fasting in the morning & fast after it 2 howers

To kill maw wormes

stamp rosmary moistening it wth a little bear strain out the Juce & take of it 3 mornings fasting

A receipt for wormes

Take 11 drops of the spirit of vitterell in a draught of bear for a man or woman 3 mornings together take it fasting

for a child of 10 years old not above 6 or 7 drops

for a child of 5 years old not above 4 drops

for a child of 3 years old not above 2 drops

A Glister for a girle

you must take a boyes watter newly made sweetened wth hony & put therin 2 or 3 drops of the spirit of viterell

A Glister for a boy

you must take of a Girles watter newly made sweetened wth hony & put therin 2 or 3 drops of the spirit of vitterell

you must be carefull how its given for it will burn any thinge that its dropt on


Last edit 7 months ago by Julia



ffor the pills

Take glister only of new milk & this as often as you find occasion this helps when other meidecins faill

To prevent Pites by the small pox

Take a penith of Lethearge of gold & a pinte of good white wine vinagar put the leatherge of gold in a wooden dish, & power half the vinagar upon it & let it stand 2 dayes then power that off, & put the other vinagar to it then the next day power that off from it then take a quarter of a pinte of the best oyle olive & beat the oyle & the leatherge very well together wth a rowlling pine a quarter of an hower together, & when the small pox is come out 7 dayes aniont the face wth it 3 mornigs together, this is very safe & will not strick them in

Another to prevent piting by the small pox


When the small pox are well come out take oyle of Almonds & annoint the face wth it wth a feather & then take leafe gold & lay upon it, and as it dryes in still annoint it & lay on more this doe 2 or 3 tymes in a day for 2 or 3 dayes together, & this has prevented thir piting on some that have been very full, & is very safe, the small pox must be a little crusted & dryed on the top befor you annoint it {51}

A Medicine For the hemerods in the Fundament which will be Rawe and itch and Ragged like Wartes

Take as swines grease as an egge and put it into a brazen morter and put thereto as much vergrease as a little wall nutt and toe peniworth of Quick siluer: well killed with fastinge spittle punne them altogether and then annoynt the place greiued; (uery thinne) both morninge & eueninge

A Medicine For the piles in the Fundament being red soare akinge bleedinge especially when they goe to the stoole & that with greate paine

Take Chicken weede, mallowes: the herbe mercury: otherwise called benne[t] of each toe or three handfulls boyle all these together in a gallon of run inge water untill halfe be boyled away: then take a basin full thereof and sett it in a close stoole & lett the patient sitt ouer it and receive the steame thereof into his fundament: bathinge the place therewithall a Quarter of an houre: or soe Long as hee can endure it then lett him take a good handfull of the herbes and bind it to his fundament and soe keepe it there all the day and lett him use this morninge and Eueninge

Another For the same

Take Barrowes grease 4 ounces one handfull of white mullet leaves one handfull of red elder & a little sheepes dunge boyle these all together: upon a soft fire & your herbes being well bruised: then steepe it and soe annoynt the partie greiued morninge and eueninge uery warm

An oyntment For the piles that are up in the Reynes of theback and doe not appeare outwardly

Take a pottle of new milke with 2 good handfulls of white mullet leaves & as much of the Redest elder leaues boyle them together in the milke till it come to a Quarte then let the partie sitt ouer it one a close stoole: if hee be able to sitt: if not lett him lye one his bed & lett the steeme thereof goe up into his body bathinge the fundament uery well with the herbs and soe doe it morninge & eueninge as hot as hee can endure it untill hee find ease the which by the blessing of god will be uery suddaynely

An oyntment for all kind swellings Burnings and scaldings

Take a Quarte of sallett oyle: sett it ouer the fire then put therein 2 handfulls of Red sage & as much of pimpernell and as much of Nightshade that beares the white flowre lett it boyle so[ft]ly untill the herbs begin to be harde then take it offe the f[i]re and streyne it then put therein two ounces of yellow [W]axe: one ounce of Rosen & soe dissolue it one the fire then streyne it againe & soe put it up for your use

Another for medeceine for the pils or hemrodes

Take the beardes of unset leekes & wash them cleane & boy[l]e them in a good quantety of Runing water & when they be well boyled take them out & dry them in a lining Cloth then bruse them sm[a]lle & put them in a puter dish with a good pece of fresh butt[e]r & a pritey quantety of English safforon & when the[y] are all well boyled together then straine it through a cl[e]ane lining cloth into a glase or earthen pote


Last edit 7 months ago by Julia
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