Wellcome Collection: Brumwich, Anne (& others) (MS160)


Mrs Anne Brumwich her Booke of Receipts or Medicines ffor severall sores and other Infermities.

With many additions, by several later 17th cent. hands.

The original compiler, Anne Brumwich, writes in an early 17th cent. hand, but some of the additions are much later, one dated 1681 is found on p. 12.





ffor a Cough

Take barows grease or bears grease & 4 or 5 cloves of garlick & stampe them well together then when the paitent is goeing to bed warme his feete by the fyer & anoynt them with the afore sade Ontment then when he is in his bed let him have a trencher made as hote as he cane induer it & warme clothes & this will helpe him- probatum est

Another for the cough, & to dry upe the rume & fleame

Take 2 peneyworth of Cloves & mace & a handfull of bay salt dryed att the fyer of Cummine & sage a handfull beat thes all uery well & mingell them together then put them into a lining bage about the length & breath of a mans hand & let it be Cuillted & put to the molde of the head of the paitent agine untill he find ease warme it morning & evening & lay it on

for a Cough

Take Turnops & bake them in a pot & boyle in the surop of them a handfull of bluw figes & some dates slised & take it as oft as you please

A Receit for the purginge of moist humors

that doth certainly cure & very much aprooved a Doctor offerd 100£i for itt & could not obtaine itt

{It will not keepe aboue a fortnight good}

Take 4 ounces of Sasaparilla the whitest & flowrest that you can gett it must be sliced in the middle & cutt in small short peices Two ounces of the best english Liquorish cutt in the same manner One ounce of China cutt in like manner One ounce of Sasa phrix cutt in like manner these 4 things must bee layed in soke in 2 wine quarts of Conduit water the night before the boylings next morninge add 8 quarts more of the same water in a pott very close covered sett itt on att 6 a clock in the morninge & lett itt infuse 6 howers over a slow fire and then lett itt continue boylinge in a slow manner till halfe the quantity bee consumed about 2 of the clocke putt in all together Halfe an oz of Ruberb Halfe an oz of Agrige One oz of Harmadactulus Two ounces of sweet fennill seeds Two ounces of Aniseeds Halfe an oz of Stikudas Half an oz of Epiphanium the seeds must bee cleane & so putt in to gether & when halfe is boyled away then putt in 4 oz of Cena & lett the fire be taken away & lett itt continue all night infusinge beinge very close covered then lett itt bee streyned through a haire siue in the in the morninge & then add a quarter of an oz or a dramme of saffrowne well dryed & ground to powder & lett the party drinke halfe a pinte in the morninge att 6 a clocke & so fast 3 howers lett them take the same quantity att 4 a clocke in the afternoone without intermission Duringe the time if the patient bee very weake then halfe the quantitye att the same hower this quantity will serue for the patient unlesse the be very weake this allso may bee taken in the fall they must drinke no broth in the morninge & must have a very dry dyett they may sleepe after this though itt purge yett itt doth not weaken 33 A Medicine ffor the Dropsie

Take a quart of fayre Runninge water and to spoonfulls of oatemeal boyle them uery well together then putt therein a handfull of smallage small shred and lett it boyle a little while: then season it with a little salt & pepper: and lett the patient drinke thereof euery morninge fasting: somthinge more then bloud warme: without any butter or bred with it: and lett the patient drinke noe other drinke then this Diet Drinke followinge

To make the said diet Drinke:

Take halfe a pecke of scuruie grasse a Quarter of a pecke of brookelyme; and as much watercresses foure handfulles of wormewood and as much sage: toe handfulls of unsett Isop: to handfulls of Rosemary: and as much of mother of time Annys Rootes: six ounces Restharrowe: and polipodium of each four ounces: saxafrage with the Rootes six handfulls: Germander to handfull speedewell Scabwins fumie tory: nettles of each one handfull: Cardus Benedictus Tammarisk of each one handfull: the wood of Tammarisk: five ounces: orring pills one ounce: Anniseedes: ffenellseeds: synamon of each one ounce: & an halfe: nutmeggs six dramms Reubarke: foure ounces: scena leaues eight ounces: bay berries foure ounces: cutt and bruise them alltogether and put them in a Linnen bagge: & hang it in a kelderkin and tunne thereto twelve barre gallons of ten shillings beere: newly brewed that it may worke together in the vessell: & lett it soe stand and worke eight dayes: before the patient Drinke thereof: and Lett the patient weare continewally one his breast next his skinne this stomacher ffollowing viz:

To make the said stomacher:

Take the powder of rosemaary wormewood Marioram mint sage of each halfe an ounce: of nutmegge cloves & mace of each an ounce: ambergree se: three graines Benianin white Calamus Galingale: frankinsence of each to Dramms muske a scruple: Saffron: to graines olibanune one dramme Red rose buds in powder halfe an ounce beate all these to powder and quilt them in sasnett & lett the patient weare it contineu ally att his breast

Another Medicine ffor the Dropsie

Take a gallon of White wine a pinte of the ashes of broome: greene or dry: well sifted halfe an ounce of synamon: grossly bruised putt all together in a close vesselle and stopp it close: yett stirre it with a stick sometimes & when it hath steeped foure and twenty houres then poure it into a Jelly bagge ashes & all untill it be very cleere by letting it Runne through seauen or eight times then Drinke of it as you please in stead of other drinke you may putt in suger if you will:

An aproved medecine for the dropse

Take a white briony rotte & boyle it in halfe a pinte of white wine till halfe the wine be boyled away then take 2 spoonfulls of the wine in all the spone meat that you eate & in all the drinke that you drinke this will nether purrge nor uomett you must keepe your selfe to eate nothing but mutton rosted dry & rasons of the sunne & drinke but very litell as you canne take 2 inches of white small brioney rotte & chope it in halfe a pinte of whit wine over night & soe drink it fasting the next morning it will purge & vomet & it either cueres or else killes this is allso for the dropse 19

Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair



A Purge for the Dropsie

Take some grains of Guttagumme in the in the pappe of an Aple & two houres after drinke a draught of possett drinke & soe doe for two or 3 dayes togeather & then cease two or three dayes togeather & thus continue ittas longe as you shall see occasion if the belly bee very bigge after the the purginge ap apply docke leaues to the Navle shiftinge of them as many times in the day as they bee wett Probatum est

ffor the Dropsie

Take the Rootes of a broade Sedgge that growes in Marshy grounds, stampe them & Streyne them take 3 spoonefulls of the Juyse putt itt into some possett drinke drinke soe much 3 mornings togeather you may forbeare 3 dayes & if occasion bee drinke more afterwards

Probatum est

An Aprooued Medicine for a dry Dropsy or for one that is swelled from head to foot with wind.

Take a quart of white wine, & a pinte of stronge ayle of red sage Peneryall unsett Hysop of each a handfull a quarter of a pound of Razons of the sonne stoned 2 oz of blew figgs boyle all these together untill itt come to a pinte strayne itt & then putt into itt 2 oz of browne sugar candy & drinke there off a little draught in the morninge fastinge & fast an howre after itt Att night when you goe to bed you may warme itt a little if you please.

ffor the Dropsie approoued

Take 3 quarts of the second Runninge of ayle worte & boyle in itt sage woorm wood the topps of greene broome & the inward Rind of ash of each a handfull you must boyle itt untill a pinte bee wasted then take 3 spoonefulls of East & Worke itt up then putt itt up in bottells you must nott stoppe your bottells butt putt paper ouer them untill itt hath done workinge

A Vomitation for the Legge that is full of the Dropsy

Take a pottle of stronge Beare, two handfulls of woormwood & two handfulls of [C]ammemile flowers two handfull of March Mallowes boyle all these together till a pinte bee wasted & then baythe the sayd Legge with the Hearbs very hott when you haue done lett the patient goe into a warme bedd & sweat a breathinge sweatt an howre or two & this doe as often as you shall finde occasion butt some itt will helpe in 2 or 3 bathings

for the dropsey

Take 2 handfulls of wood sorell & 2 of wild duble tansey to a Galond of beare & tune it up & so doe more observing the same proportion & drinke no other drink 35

To make a poultise toe Cure a soare breast though it be full of holes: without Tentinge

Take a quarte of new milke put therein one handfull of smallage shred small and as much Deere suyt as an egge: boyle them a little together then putt therein a Little oatemeale and one handfull of linseede small punned: and one spoonfull of the powder of lemmon pills: boyle all these together till it be as thick as a poultise: then spred it one a cloth: & apply it to the breast as hott as the patient may abide it: without any other medicine morninge and eueninge untill it be whole and if there be any holes put noe tents therein: but only lay this poultise ouer all.

A Soueraigne Pultise to breake a sore brest

Take a Pottle of ayle & a handfull of Smallage of mallowes Chickewood Grunsill of each a handfull shred them & beatt them in a stone morter then putt them into your ayle allso halfe a pound of the Razons of sun stoned & bruised halfe a pound of sheepe suitt halfe a pinte of Linseede boyle all these togeather untill itt come thicke as as a pultise & then apply itt to the brest as hott as the patient can suffer itt you must dresse itt twice a day till itt bee broake & then apply a plaister

A Serecloth to disolue a sore brest

Take of oyle of Linseede wax and sheepe suitt of each a like quantity melt them alltogether in a pewter dish then take your cloth & drippe itt into itt you must leaue itt pretty thicke uppon your cloth & your cloth must bee pretty stronge you must apply a payr of Selsian playsters uppon the holes you must take redd sage & putt itt into a pewter dish uppon a Chafin dish of coals & dry itt a little then sprinkle uppon itt white wine vinegar untill itt bee pretty wett & then dry itt againe & [rubb] itt to powder and quilt itt in a thinne linning cloth & lay itt all ouer the brest uppon the sercloth reachinge under the arms

An openinge drinke for a [breyst] that is nott to bee broke

Take Endiffe Succory Dandelon Sinke foale of each one handfull Polipodia 4 oz Ruberb & seny of each 1/2 oz boyle all these together in 3 quarts of whea or small ayle till one quart bee consumed you must putt in of Aniseeds sweete fennill seeds of each an oz then straine itt & drinke there off euery morninge fasting & fast 2 houres after itt


Last edit about 1 year ago by Katy Mair



A drinke to dissolve an Ingendered hardnesse in a breast that looketh white & is not to bee broken

Take a gallon of small beare one hand full of Egrimony a handfull of red sage an oz of sarsaparillo an oz of sweete fennill seeds boyle all these together untill it come to 3 pints then putt itt into a bagge of thinne Canves & putt itt into a gallon of ayle the beare & all

This drinke beinge drunke constantly wthout any other drinke will dry up the humour that feeds the hardnesse applyinge to itt a dissolvinge playster to the breast

A powder to dissolve the hardnesse in a breast that is not to bee broke

Take the warts that groweth uppon the inside of the 2 leggs of a man dry them & beatt them to fine powder then take as much as will lye upon a 4d & putt itt into a pint of 6s beare all night & drinke this beare in the morninge & fast an houre after itt then putt as much beare into the remainder of the powder & drinke that in the afternoone & when you go to bed & so every night refresh your powder

Anoint the brest every morninge wth ungunt niapolitanum

Another Powder for the same

Take the powder of snakeweed that comes from Virginia the weight of 6 oz divide itt into 3 pts & give the patient in the morninge one part & att 4 of the clocke in the afternoone a part & att night when you goe to bed another

A Poultise to breake a breast beinge very hard and bigge like a Cancer but white & loose from the Ribbs

Take a pinte of clarett wine & 2 penny worth of saffron putt into your wine upon the fire & when itt boyleth thicken itt wth very fine wheaten flower when itt is well boyled & thicke take itt off the fire & putt into it the yolke of a new layed egge & soe apply itt to the breast twice a day as hott as can bee suffered

+ For a Cancer in the breast

Take Hogge lis and putt them into a great spoonefull of white wine and soe drink itt every morninge fastinge & fast 2 howers after itt take this untill the hardnesse bee dissolved


A Medicine toe Cure the Jandise

Take a Quarte of six shillings beere & put it into a stone pott put there in one handfull of butter dock rootes cleane scraped and sliced thin one handful of the Inner Rine of Barbery Barke one rase of turmerick: Lett all these be steeped in beere & the next morninge poure forth a draught thereof into a boule or glasse: and put therein as much saffron as will lye one a three pence: stirre it well into the beere and Drinke it offe and soe continew morning and Eueninge First and last: as Long as You see cause and in Your ordinary Dyet drinke steepe toe ounces of licorish as much of Anniseeds peneroyall sage Rosemary Isop of each one handfull: butter dock rootes cleane scraped & sliced one handfull

Another For the same

Take the red dock & burre Rootes of each a like Quantitie scrape them cleane and slice them: and putt them into a pottle or 3 pints of six shillings beere or soe much as will searue to drinke the next day steepe them 16 or twentie fowre houres: as the patient can beare the tast: alsoe take a pomegranet pille Dry it and beate it into fine powder: and drinke with every draught soe much thereof as will lye one a groate: and drinke it att Your pleasure: and into euery such draught of beere or ale put as much saffron as a pease: small shred & if this will not helpe lett the patient take this Followinge

Take a Rasin of Turmerick grate it into a draught of ale and putt therein a spoonefull of greene goose Dunge Juice that is new made that morninge and give it the patient to drinke

Another For the Yellow Jandise

Take a Quarte of beere put therein a good handfull of Carduus Benedictus: as much of Yarrowe: and one handfull of new sheepes dunge steepe it all night therein: then streine it: and lett the patient Drinke a Draught thereof in the morninge Fastinge

For the yellow Jandise when the dissease hath taken the mould of the head

Take the shells of 2 new layd eggs & sett them to dry in the Oven after bread or bake meats or drawne sett up the Oven lidde & lett them stand till the next day then beat them to powder addinge thereunto an ounce of white sugar Candy finely powdered of saffrowne in powder a pennyworth halfe a Nuttmegge grated mix them well togeather & divide itt into 3 parts take one of the parts in the morninge fastinge in foure spoonefulls of white wine, fast an houre after itt & likewise the other 2 pts the next morninges followinge as afore said this is good allso for them that are weake after Agues & children that have Consumptions wth the Ricketts

For the yellow Jandise

Take 2 pennyworth of the best English Saffron dry itt and grind itt to an exceedinge fine powder then mix itt with the pap of a rosted Aple and give itt to the diseased person to swallow downe in the manner of a pill use this divers morninges together and itt will [undo a blede], /and you


Last edit about 1 year ago by JeremyBrown



For the blacke Jandise

Take the herb penny royall and boyle itt in white wine or drinke the wine thereof simply by itt selfe to the quantity of 3 or 4 spoone fulls att a time and itt will cure you

For the yellow Jandise

Take the powder of thicke yellow Amber and as much of the powder of Hartshorne mixt together and every morninge for 9 dayes take as much of itt as will lye on a sixpence in possett ayle or ayle and rest on itt a while if itt cures nott att the first d try itt 9 days longer and itt will nott faile

My Lady Temples

Mr Nixes Receit for a Consumption

Take one pint of the best [liue] hony a pint of Hyssopwater an hanfull of Coltsfoot an handfull of Egrimony a sprig of Rue 2 ounces of Hartshorn scraped 2 ounces of green licoris bruised a qtr of a pound of Raisins ston'd six Figgs sliced 2 ounces of brown sugar Candy a spoonfull of Aniseeds bruised put all these together & boile them gently to a sirrop.

Take 2 spoonfull at a time first & last viz at morning at 4 in the afternoon & at night let it go down very gently as you can, make half a dozen swallows of a sponfull the Lungs will draw the virtue of it the better. Let it Sibber very gently on the fire about 2 hours then strain it all out and put a quart of water to the strainings Boile it again & straine it & drink that water also it is almost as good as the sirrop Keep green Liquorish always in your pocket chue of it often & spit it out

Now & then Eat a mess of snaile milk (viz) Take 6 or 8 snails crack the shells but not break them & boile them in some milk as long as you would boile an Egg then throw them out & eat the milk it wilbe as thick as a Custard.

To make snailwater

Gather a gallon of shell snales wash them & give them a Crack then steep them in milk a quarter of an inch over so let them lye all night put them into a still with Coltsfoot egrimey and spearmint of each an handfull & so distill them Drink of this water a wine glass at a time anytime you please.

for a cold or cough

Take half a pound of Raisens of the sun & stone them & a litle slice them then boyle them in a quart of milk till it comes to a pint it will curdle the milk then strain it & drink half a pint of it in the morning & half at night goeing to bed


A medicine to Cure the Canker in the mouth

Take woodbine leaves Rue rosemary & tyme: of each alike quantitie dry them all in an oven and then punne them to powder: searse it fine and mingle therewith some life hony and a like Quantitie of burnt Allum: annoynt the mouth therewith to or three times a day

An approuved Medicine ffor a Younge child that hath a thrush in the mouth:

Take a new laid egge & make a hole in the narrow end of the shell and poure out both yolke and white: then put therein a good quantitie of English hony with a petty peece of Roach allum: and halfe a spoone full of the Juice of red sage: boyle these altogether in your egge shell upon a soft fire in wood embers and when it is boyled poure it out of the shell and soe annoynt the Childs mouth therewith very softly not Rubbing it: annoynting the same three tymes a day

An aproved powder for a Canker in the mouth when it eateth vollently

Take of white copperos as much as a small wallnut & of dubell refined sugar as much as 2 wallnuts beate them both together very fine then strowe a litell upon the canker for 3 dayes together ons a day or longer if it be needfull you must hold downe your head & let the watter runne out of your mouth

An aproved medeceine for a Canker in the mouth

Take 5 ropes of rosemary & of penerioyll & broad tyme & red sage & rue of each as much shread them & beat them all together in a stone morter with as much of the powder of harts horne as will lye upon a groat & as much rock allom as a great bene then take 2 sponfulls of the best honey & mix it very well to gether in the morter & apply it to the sore with a fether anoynting it very softly 3 tymes a day

A vomitation to flesh & heale a bludey Canker or cancer in a legge

Take 3 pints of watter & halfe a pinte of the ashes of vine & give it a boyle or tow upon the fyer and then let it stand all night close covered then take it & streane it put it upon the fyer againe & put therin of sind Jons sant Johns worte & peters worte & Hillyrian other wise called all heall of each a handfull boyle all this till it comes to a quarte then streain it & when you use it warme it very well & then dipe in linte & bath the legge therwith & somtymes lay the linte upon the soare

For a canker in the mouth

{Lady Husseys receipt}

Take half a gill of hony a spoonfull of burnt roach Alum a spoonfull of Bole=armenick searsed, of whit ginger sersed a Spoonfull boyle all thes together till it is a litle stife & so power it in a pot for use & rub the mouth with it


Last edit 8 months ago by Julia


{40} {41} A Medicine to Cure the Fluxe or soare laske

Take a good handfull of the inner barke of an old oake tree: and as much of a bulloes tree: two greate spoonefulls of the powder of sinamon with two good peeces of orringe pills: & some suger boyle all these together till halfe be boyled away in a good Quantitie of milke: and lett the patient drinke thereof

Another For the same:

Take a chaffing dish with hott charcoale : and sett it within a close and poure uppon it some tarre: and let the patient sitt over it that the ffume thereof may goe up into his body and lap a blanket about it that noe ayre may come forth otherwayes: & when the patient hath sate as longe as hee can well endure: then let him sitt uppon a warme cushin, and use the same toe or three tymes: a day and in the meane while hee soe sitteth: lett him drinke of a caudell made with clarrett wine synamon suger the rine of pomegranet and the yelkes of to eggs rosted as hard as may be and likewise lett him drinke thereof morning & eveninge as hott as he can Synamon Water is very good also

Another For the same

Take a pottle of new milke and toe ounces of whole pepper boyle it till it come to a Quarte: then streyne Your pepper out and lett the partie Drinke of it fastinge in the morninge: & att foure of the clocke in the afternoone: and att night when hee goeth to bed lett him drinke it as hott as hee can: the pepper will searue for any use when it is Dry

A Medicine For a Loosenesse:

Take the stones of Raisons of the sunne and Dry them in an ouen or by the fire: then beate them into a powder: and giue halfe a spoonefull of the said pouder in foure or fiue spoonefulls of allegante: in a morninge fastinge and at night goinge to bed:

Another For the same

Take a Quarte of new milke & when it boyleth put therein a good peece of Roach allum: soe lett the patient greiued eate the Curd: if his stomack will beare it & drinke the drinke bloud warme as Long as occasion serueth

Another for the same

Take a peece of old holland and scrape it into fine Lint: then lay your Linte in soke in stronge Synamon Water: and when it is well soked Rowle Your lint up into little Rowles: or pills: and dipp them into your water againe and then swallow foure or fiue att a tyme: drinkinge after them a little of Your Sinamon Water: I haue knowne that att twice taking: this hath stayed a uery greate Loosenesse:

Another for the same

Take a Quarte of new milke: and as much beane flowre as will make it thick as papp: boyle it uery well then put in a quarter of a pinte of planterne water & a spoonefull of beaten synamon with 3 or 4 spoonefulls of red rose water: with a peece of fine suger boyle them all a little: and lett the partie greiued eate thereof

/A {23}

Last edit 8 months ago by Julia
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 139 in total