Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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To heal sore nipells

Tak half a pound of dubble refined suger and half a pint of sweet creame beat the suger together & put it into the cream and boyle them tell it come to an oyl then to pouer the oyl from the drose and keep it for your use you must aply it to the nipells upon a flaxen cloth aproved

To make Snow 4

Take a quart of creame let it be thick cream fiue or six whites of egges a saucer full of suger and a saucer full of Rose water beate these all together and take the froth as it riseth with a Spoone then take a lofe of bread cutt away the crust, and set it upright in a dish stick a Rosemary bush in the modst of the bread then Lay your snow with a Spoone apon the bread and gild it and the rosemary

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for mouth watore

Take 2 quart of Spring water 1 handful of salluncine leaues 2 handful of woodbine leaues 2 handful of bramble leaues 1 handful of planton leaues 1 handful of culliring leaues 1 handful of sag leaues

boyl all thos to gether tell thay com to A quart then put in A grat lomp of allam brus it weting it with honny wash and gargell the mouth with it

{6 }for an ague or other hott or cold

Take one handfull of rosemary flower be not to be had then of topes Rurigs fenill marygould leaues Buglas Endife violats succory Billony of each a handfull steep all these in a gallandof Buttermilk 6 hours then still them all and take of the watter 8 or nine spounfulls at a time with suger in the hot fitt

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena


to make wafors

Take a pint of flouer and 3 egges whits and all then take a quantity of water half a pound of suger half an ounce of siniamn ore nutmag a litill peper beat them all to gether with a litel sack

to make suger cakes

Take a pound of suger beiten and sensed 2 pound of butter the yolks of 6 egges beat then with 12 Spunfuls creme and tow spunfuls of rosewatts take as much flower as that will moisten [steon] in your Suger stor in your eges break in your butter cold and make up in past

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena


{9 } how to make surrap of of vilites

To a pound of flower a puart of water and 5 pound of suger put in your water scolding hot and let it stand tel the nex day then straine it out and put in your suger and let it be scolding hot let it be cold when you put it up

{10} a cordial watter

Take 4 ounces of your best cinoman watter a bram confect of alkerones an ounc of sirrup of Gilliflows and mixe them you may take of this water a sponful at a time when you are faint if it be ouer hot mixe it with sum redrose water

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena


{11 } Sea Hoth

Tak a pint of sallet oyle half a pound of Red lead finely sereed the ounces of the best venes turpentone boyle these well together tak it from the fier put it in half an ounce of roson beaten small

{12} to make a cake one Pecke of flower one pound of sugar three pound of Butter, three pound of carranes Tenn eggs one pint of rosewater halfe an ounce of Ginger halfe an ounce of sinomon half an ounce of [Nuttan] eggs half an ounce of cloves and mase half an ounce of Peper one hapeni worth of safforn Ten spoonfulls of Ale yeast and a little salt and if you haue

Last edit about 1 year ago by Veena
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