Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library: Medical recipe book (MSS 03340)

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An Excellent Strengthing Bath against {a} strainne prescribed by Doctor Watson & cured Mistress Gilbert of Lishfeild To a pinte of Springe water a penny worth of strapt harts horn & boyle them together, till halfe be roasted, then strain out the harts horn & put to the water fiue or six spoonfulls of Muscadine or Tent And then heat a litle of it at a time & bath the part greeued as hot as you can abide it with 2 peeces of fflanell as one cools put on the other And so do morning & euening or only at night. wrapping it warme in a peece of flanell

Doctor Gerards Receipt pro drynesse or Thirstynesse Crabs eys & Creame of Tartar of each 1 dram & Sal prunell 2 drams with Milke & water with before mention'd quantity is sufficient pro 4 doses Salt of amber 6 or 8 grams if the other do not made in a Bolus

ffor the stone Mistress Hartleys receipt Take of the best Honey Fiue pound Eringoe Roots 4 ounces boyle these in six Gallons of Springe water to 4 Gallons then worke it with ale yeast & botle it after 2 or 3 days standing to settle You may Some times put in a few bay Berrys with will be good for the wind

ffrom the same person Take halfe a pint of Ale warm it & take of the scum then put in a spoonfull of honey & when it is disolued beat the yolke of a new laid Egg & stir it in & giue it & ly after it

Last edit about 2 months ago by Christopher Patton
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Last edit about 1 year ago by Misha
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For the shingles Tak a cat and with a stik beat her ear a good while & when you haue so done cut that ear & saue the bloud in a sawcer & with the bloud anoint the place wher the shingles be and use this three timses [...] To ripen a boyl or [puste] & it will draw & heal wher other salue is wanting Tak a spoonfull of hony a spoonfull of wheatflower a spoonffull of turpentine the yolk of an egge mix these alltogether & apply it warme morning & euening as thick as your [littill/littil] finger it is good to ri[p]en a plague sore

Last edit 8 months ago by Richard53
Needs Review


To make Docter Knowl: his plaster Take fure fore pound of the best and greenest [sallet] oyl, with A pound of good red lead, and A pound of white lead, beat them well into dust, then then take twelve ounces of castlesope, incorporate all thes well into gether in A well glassed and great earther pot, that the sope may cume upwards set it on A small frie of coales the spease of one hour and a half allwase stirring it with an iron ball or wooden slice or round pommilthen make your fire sum times what bigger until it be the colour of oyl then drop a little on the board, and if it cleave neither to your finger nor the board, then it is enough, then take the mak it in to Roles for that is best clother and make them into what breadth or size you please in searcloth let not your cloth be course but of A reasonable now hollond and when you haue dipped them then rub them with A slick stone it will last two yeares and the older the better as loung as it it will stick it is good The vertues of this plaster

Last edit 8 months ago by Richard53


1: If it be laid to the stomach it provoketh appetite and taketh away and grief in the same. 2: If laid to the belly it is a presant remedy for this ache. 3: If laid to the veins of the back it cureth and healeth the bloody flux the running of the veins heat in the liver or weaknes of the back 4 It healeth all bruses or swellings it taketh away aches it breaketh swellings jellous pushes and other impostums & healeth them it must be spread upon leather of any ache & applyed it draweth out any running humour without breaking of the skin and being aplyed to the Fundament it health any deseas there growig 5 it being laid upon the head lunary & helpeth the head ache it is good for the eyes being laid to the Temples it is good for the tooth ache being laid behind the ears in the hollow

Last edit 3 months ago by jmdesilva
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